The spirit of war in DNF is immortal.A

Chapter 1128 The power to overwhelm the mainland

Chapter 1128 The power to overwhelm the mainland

As the Black Blade Squad gathered for the Huanglong and Qinglong Martial Arts Conferences, the situation in the three worlds deteriorated further.

I don't know what kind of ecstasy Herder of the 'Tear Eyes' gave to the local humans in the Demon Realm, and the offensive from the Demon Realm has entered a state of madness!Whether it is the level of the demigod level or the level below the level of the demigod level, the war has become more and more intense.Originally, most of the local magicians in the demon world were long-range attackers who were not good at melee combat and needed to keep a distance, but as if they had been stimulated by some kind of stimulation, these magicians actually let the summoned objects of battle mages and summoners take the lead in attacking them on a large scale. Start attacking the master camp of the Arad mainland with the advanced way of advancing!

In the beginning, the fighters from the mainland really failed to see through the opponent's routines, and they failed once or twice, losing nearly [-] demigod-level masters and nearly [-] ordinary legions, which can be called a serious injury.Fortunately, the command responded quickly enough, and found that the other party did not intend to have any conspiracy, but desperately wanted to make a quick decision.Afterwards, relying on the richness of occupations in the Arad continent and the variety of tactics, they managed to pull back on the two battlefields, defeating the magician army on the side of Terra star.In the end, the apostle finally appeared on the side of the demon world!The ninth apostle 'builder' Luke and the third apostle 'heaven' Isis?Prey appeared with endless coercion, and on the human side were 'Sword God' Soderos and 'Ghost Master' Fitoli?Qiang En came out to meet the battle!
After going back and forth, nearly 20 innocent souls dissipated in the air.Nearly a hundred demigod-level masters fell!
The situation in the foreign world is quite poor. It seems that the goblin kingdom gained some special power when it reached the foreign world, which caused the goblins in the kingdom to have a strange " "Foreign world" power, unless there is enough "magic resistance" on the weapon and armor, can it hurt the opponent very powerfully.But it is very helpless that most of the weapons and armor accessories on the continent of Arad do not have this peculiar anti-magic power.

Therefore, Lantilus, the Kaleter cadre who defected from the heavens, and the Goblin Kingdom began to counterattack to the mainland. Countless goblins mixed with the Kaleter gunmen who defected from the heavens, and flocked to the mainland.The average equipment of the different races that were in charge of the war in the direction of the other world was not very good. Facing such a weird enemy, it was almost impossible to parry in an instant!It didn't take long for a large number of goblin creatures to come to the edge of the Arad continent, mixed with the rebellious celestial gunners, and officially started the first step to capture the Arad continent.Obviously, although the Goblin Kingdom used to be a part of the Arad continent, driven by some kind of interests, they chose to betray their own world without hesitation.

The situation in the heavens is also chaotic. It seems that Antun, the 'fire eater', also got some kind of signal, swallowing one-third of the resources in the resource area of ​​Yidan industrial area, thus generating endless monstrous fire in his body, and began to burn the rest of the Yidan industrial area. Countless civilians were roasted by the flames, and more than ten million people in nearly dozens of cities were buried in the sea of ​​flames.Her Majesty Erjie, the royal princess of the heavens, was furious, and immediately summoned Marshal Katu to find a solution.

The aspect of the pretenders is not much better either. In fact, the major subduing groups in the false motherland and the Church of Light in the Dros Empire are trying to find some way to eradicate the pretenders. The Avengers organization led by Neil Bass has already I have killed an unknown number of pretenders, but this kind of 'living zombie'-like creatures are inexhaustible. No matter how many people are killed, the same number of civilians will be polluted the next day. Once again controlled by Ozma of 'Chaos' and his three dark knights.In this way, the people under the control of the Dros Empire have dropped a lot in a short period of time. Nirbas, who is bent on revenge, almost screams up to the sky, frantically looking for Ozma like crying blood A true hiding place.Perhaps it seems that normal ghosts and gods can't see this matter anymore. At the critical moment, the "Seven Ghosts and Gods" reappeared. Kazan led other well-known ghosts and gods to sit in many cities and forcibly suppressed the chaos of Ozma. Infiltrate and announce to the whole world that the "Seven Ghosts and Gods Legion" will once again join the war.

All places are in extreme chaos, and the Chaos Zone is no exception.The barrier set up by Chuangshishen was already very unstable when Lu Zhan and others went to the chaotic zone. After these years of suppression, it had stabilized a little bit, but it couldn't hold back the abyssal demon god Lucifer who wanted to rule Arad The idea of ​​the mainland, the terrifying abyssal demons finally suspended the chaos and entered the chaotic zone.But the Angels of the Bright Protoss who rushed over after hearing the news couldn't suppress the opponent's fierce attack for a while, but they fell at a disadvantage, which was extremely ironic.

Countless chaos emerged, making all creatures in the three major worlds panic.And if the above things are heavy pressure, then "Advent of the Gods" is definitely the last straw that breaks the camel's back!
Without any hesitation or exclamation, this is absolutely true.Although the Black Blade team was stunned for a few minutes when they found out about this situation, they could only accept it silently in the end.

In the heterogeneous space, the gods of the continent of Arad, "Death" Dreyfus, "Goddess of War" Sivir, "God of Destiny" Dister, "God of Law" Farr, and "Crazy Blood God" Broud , the 'God of Truth' Tisko, the 'Sword God' Sward... and nearly a dozen other true gods, all of them are the gods of the light and neutral lineage in the current Arad continent.On the opposite side of Terra in the Demon Realm, there are gathered the 'Second God of Death' Agares, the 'Third God of the Future' Vasago, the 'Third Soul God' Samikina, and the 'Seventh Hidden God' Ah. Meng, the 'Tenth God of Wisdom' Pal, the 'No.17 Fighting God' Botis, and more than thirty demon gods!
A total of nearly fifty gods are now standing in the heterogeneous space, silently looking at each other, as if waiting for the end of something.

To be honest, when Lu Zhan knew about the appearance of these gods, even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he could still feel the aura that shook the world and oppressed the mainland. "Fire Eater" Anton pales in comparison, "Element Queen" Herder and many ghosts and gods are just childlike existences.

Just the coercion of the appearance of the gods has already thrown away all creatures by a few blocks!

Feeling the terrifying power of the gods, Lu Zhan began to think more and more about what kind of state he would be after becoming a god. The strong excitement and impulse made Lu Zhan prepare for the Yellow Dragon Martial Arts Conference and the Qinglong Martial Arts Conference. All the attention is put on the cultivation of his own original skills!


The so-called original skills, Lu Zhan has actually fantasized about acquiring them. He did not know how many times he suffered from the fact that he did not have suitable single-player combat skills during the many battles that year, so he had already imagined that he would be able to create original skills one day. Developed many single-target attack skills, thus sweeping the world with his sword!It's a pity that the painful fact tells Lu Zhan that creating original skills is really not that simple.Without the comprehension of the original power and the level of the master level, although Lu Zhan's spiritual space has already opened the function of original skills, but up to the demigod level, there are only two original skills of Lu Zhan - blood energy Blade and killing intent fluctuate, and if it is really straightforward, then it can be clearly stated that these two skills are only semi-original, and they are obtained by extracting the essence of the original skills of Lukexi and GSD.

After all, if you are not a master, you will not talk about originality.

Fortunately, after reaching the eightieth level, Lu Zhan finally accumulated enough levels to touch the core of originality, so that after possessing the "God's Blood Prison" that lasted forever, he began to target his weaknesses in martial arts and create He made thirteen sword moves that are perfectly suitable for single-person short-range combat, and is ready to shine with infinite glory in the final battle!
These thirteen moves of swordsmanship have never appeared in the continent of Arad, and they are also relics obtained by Lu Zhan by chance. After Lu Zhan, he named them "Thirteen Styles of Blood God's Cross Cutting Blade!" '

Pro, soldier, fight, person, all, formation, column, in front, blood, dodge, wisdom, absolute!

The simple thirteen words, the simple thirteen strokes of close combat swordsmanship, are the accumulated accumulation of Lu Zhan spent half of his life, and absolutely cannot be copied any more.

Speaking of it is also very fateful. When I was in the chaotic zone, the first orange equipment that broke out in the land battle was called the cross-cutting blade-Lin, a very special and strange orange-grade Taidao.At that time, although Lu Zhan felt that this thing was very strange, and it also had the style of weapons on earth, but because the level of use of the dagger was too low, he put it in his mental space and didn't use it much.Afterwards, Lu Zhan unexpectedly obtained more than a dozen other weapons with very similar names from the Black Blade Squad, which was in the chaotic zone, and put them all in the mental space to figure out.

In the end, Lu Zhan really discovered a secret beyond their appearance and purely using the blade.That is, when thirteen orange epic sword blades are combined, a set of mysterious whispers will emerge inexplicably, and the whispers will disappear immediately after they are separated.Before the demigod level, Lu Zhan couldn't understand the meaning of these whispers at all. It was only after he reached the demigod level that he studied the thirteen weapons together again and found out that it contained a set of extremely powerful weapons. Kendo true meaning!

It was a vague feeling, not a real sword move, and by feeling this peculiar sword intent, Lu Zhan comprehended thirteen moves of ultra-close combat swordsmanship!

Berserker was originally a class that was good at group attacks more than single-target attacks. Group attack skills far surpassed single-target skills. Now, land warfare has made up for the most important combat defect of this class, and is once again moving towards the perfect The warrior took a step forward.It's just a pity that when Lu Zhan realized the sword intent from the thirteen orange epic swords, the quality of these thirteen weapons suddenly changed from orange epic to the most common white grade, as if they lost their souls He lost his breath, and became a waste product as if he had completed his mission.

The only thing left for Lu Zhan is the set of thirteen cross cutting blades.Although Lu Zhan has not fully demonstrated this set of sword skills so far, the last sentence he learned from the sword intent was: "If you strike out with thirteen consecutive cuts, you can kill gods!"

Lu Zhan didn't know who the masters of these thirteen swords were, nor did he know how powerful this set of sword moves was.But he was very strange and very convinced of this sentence he learned from the whispers.

A few days of rest allowed Lu Zhan to finally relax from the tension brought about by half a year of fierce fighting, and it also allowed him to slowly combine fresh sword skills.

However, the time of rest is always short.With the passing of time, the Huanglong Martial Arts Conference finally opened with the attention of countless people!

(End of this chapter)

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