The spirit of war in DNF is immortal.A

Chapter 1113 Unable to mention names

Chapter 1113 Unable to mention names
What Lu Zhan guessed was right, the group of male martial arts fighters who flew over from the apartment next door were indeed the direct male children of the Sith family who lived together for thousands of years.

As an aristocratic family, many of them are indeed used to manage the rookie children of the family together.The purpose of this is to prevent one of them from gradually breaking away from the foundation due to a strong background, and put all the children together to grow and experience together, so that when cultivating their cooperation ability, family affection is also integrated into it.If the system is good, it can even be called an excellent system that can elevate a family to the top... However, if the system is not good, and there are still privileges in the place where people live together, then it is not only useless but a killer for the family!In the past, the Sith family of ten thousand years also worked together, but now, with the passage of time, it has gradually become corrupt.The current situation, only God knows.

"What happened?"

A group of males were burning with majestic hormones, roaring nervously and flying into the apartment.

Speaking of which, the men and women living in the two apartments are actually very close relatives, and the relationship between them is very close.So a group of women will naturally call for help when they feel that they have been 'bullied'.And Jer?Sith actually had a very good relationship with this group of people, but soon after she got out of the silt without staining, after walking out of this ivory tower, her relationship with a group of "luxury second generation" inside gradually became alienated. .

This point has not been clearly marked before, and it is only now clearly reflected.

The reason is very simple, that is, after getting the truth of the matter, a group of young male martial arts fighters completely stood on the side of their close sisters, and their attitude towards Jieer and Lu Zhan was completely cynical.Lu Zhan was better, he seemed to be just a passerby.Jere?The hostility suffered by Sith is even more obvious, and the reason is very clear, but it is just two words-jealousy!
Because of Jer?The rank of Sith is too high, exceeding the average level of the entire younger generation.Therefore, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, they have already developed jealousy towards her from the bottom of their hearts.Can't see Jier usually?It's okay for Sith to say, at most, he can say something weird.Now that he has found an opportunity, he naturally throws out all the obscenities.That clumsy expression made Lu Zhan feel nauseous just looking at it, he couldn't help closing his eyes subconsciously, and didn't say a word.For a moment, no family affection or blood relationship is as dazzling as the jealousy of the inferiority of human beings.

At first Jer?Sith was also almost dejected, passively withstood the dense attacks.And after a group of male martial arts fighters also surrounded her, this rational woman finally figured out something, the expression on her face returned to normal, and her strikes became more and more fierce.

"Before, I thought you caged birds and well bottom frogs could still be saved, but now it seems that there is no hope at all. This family really can't see any sunshine from you!" With one move and one serious injury, Jieer ?Sith's indifferent and ruthless state emerged on the face, uncovering the scars of all the luxurious second generations: "I thought that as long as you gather together, you can shape the soul of the clan and condense the power of everyone. Now It seems that gathering together just makes you more arrogant, more idiotic, and more stupid, and you don’t even know the slightest thing about the outside world! What’s the use of being jealous of me? I’m Jel? Do you know how many ranks Leonard, the top expert in the Arad continent, was when he was 30 years old... Epic mid-level! Jealous that I have a bird? What a short-sighted pile of useless wood! I am really Ashamed to shed the same blood as you!"

Jere, who no longer cares about family affection?Sith suddenly erupted with the killing decisiveness that he had honed for many years, and mercilessly beat a group of male young martial artists with an average rank of around 25 into a pig's head, and flew into the sky with a mouth full of blood. He groaned in pain when he hit the ground.In an instant, more than 30 male martial arts masters flew in and were sent back, each of them was seriously injured!

Such hot hands instantly shocked the whole scene, and all the chattering women were speechless.In the silence, there is a heart-shattering fear.

This may be the case in this world, only when you are fierce will people be afraid of you.Blind weakness can't solve any problems!
"This commoner was brought by me, that is, my guest! Instead of returning his own Robbit, you chirping fellows even utter insults and think you are noble? Pooh! Look at your weak strength , The rank of the defective product, do you have the qualifications to think that you are noble? Although he is a commoner now, do you know the rank of the armor he wore before? It is rank [-]! Know the use of his weapons What's the level? It's seventy! A bunch of idiots whose brains were kicked by donkeys!"

The beautiful and cold Martial Daoist girl looked at a group of stunned men and women in front of her, and said coldly: "Even the elders feel admiration because of his former strength, and they are cautious and did not take any action. Even I have to respect him." Once a demigod-level master, he answered all questions about his efforts for the Arad Continent... This is all due etiquette! How about you? No wonder the top genius of the collateral family, "Dazzling Golden Flash" Karna? Grandfather Si Wai chose to leave you, the useless members of the clan! Back then, I didn’t understand it, but now... my mother understands! I’m really ashamed that I’m also a member of the clan!”

A burst of cold words was spoken again, this time it can be said that it really set off a frenzy in the Sith family!

" dare to mention taboo people? Are you crazy?"

"That person's name is forbidden by the family to be mentioned, how dare you say it?"

A group of young male and female fighters were so scared that they almost peed out. Everyone looked at Jieer with a pale face?Sith, trembling with fear, said.At this moment, no one will think about the nonsense Robbit, the intruding civilian land war, etc., and all their thoughts have been locked on a name, which is a name that is strictly prohibited in the Sith family for thousands of years. , not allowed to mention.

Simple four words—Kana?Sith.

After hearing these words, a slight fluctuation flashed on Lu Zhan's face with his eyes closed, and then he remained motionless again, without any reaction or words.

But in Lu Zhan's heart, there is also one thing that is clear, and that is the name of his adoptive father, which has never been forgotten in the Sith family of ten thousand years.Thinking about it carefully, it might be justified. It seems that it was the injustice that Kanassis suffered in that place that put the Ten Thousand Years Sith Family on the cusp. Get a bad reputation!Therefore, to a certain extent, it accelerated the family's wrong side, and made it fall into a state of avoiding diseases and avoiding doctors.

"Why don't you dare to say it? What can't you say?" Jer?Sith looked at a group of fellow sisters and brothers with fearful faces, and the disdain and disgust in his eyes became more and more obvious: "It's okay to do something wrong, but the key is whether you correct it in the end. If you don't correct it, the mistake will continue to appear, and it will always be Until I completely collapsed! What I hate the most is this kind of atmosphere, and what I hate the most is this kind of decadent atmosphere. I have made mistakes and covered them up, and then I will make them again. Is this harming others? The harm can only be Myself! What happened to Kana? The bloodline did not have a great reputation in the circle of fighters in the Arad continent, but he has a terrifying adopted son. A few days ago, there have been rumors in the heavens, saying that the 'Black Blade' Leonard may have He has already become a demigod-level existence in the heavens... At the beginning, the family treated Kanna's great-grandfather so harshly, and now I guess that he will be retaliated by his great-grandfather sooner or later. The cause and effect of the world go back and forth, and the retribution is obvious. Tried and tested... No matter what I say or If you don't say this name, is there any difference in the result?"

Hear Jer?With Sith's words like this, Lu Zhan really had a flash of admiration in his heart.

As expected, he is the only genuine genius I found from the Sith family of ten thousand years. Needless to say, he is at least a clear and normal person in terms of mentality and reason.Apart from her, these clan rookies have basically been trained by the weird system to become genuine second-generation luxury, and they have no meaning other than being rice bugs.Seeing that the future of the clan has become such a virtue, Lu Zhan's desire to uproot the clan of the Sith family has become more and more intense.If a family only has problems with the older generation, there is still hope.But if there is a problem with the younger generation, it is basically hopeless.

Lu Zhan no longer has the idea of ​​completely destroying the entire Sith family of ten thousand years, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't clean up this smoky island.But now it seems that the one who needs to be washed first is this so-called clan.

Jere?Sith's sharp words shocked the scene, but he could also see a few hints of joy and smirk from the eyes of those timid people opposite.Immediately afterwards, Lu Zhan quickly felt that there were about dozens of unpredictable sound waves emerging from a group of male and female martial arts fighters, and they drifted into the distance in a blink of an eye.

"Who's talking about Karna? Sith! Do you want to be expelled from the family?"

Less than 30 seconds later, three icy roars suddenly came out from the center of the castle, shaking the whole world!

(End of this chapter)

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