The spirit of war in DNF is immortal.A

Chapter 1074 Glory of the Blood God!

Chapter 1074 Glory of the Blood God! (2)
There are countless small villages in the Kuins Continent, but only a handful of them can truly be called cities.After nearly half a year of expansion, Master Leo, the "Blood God of Rescue" who managed to occupy the barren west of Kuins, can only live temporarily in the only small city "Pickup" he has infiltrated.It is said to be a city, but in fact, if you count it carefully, it is not even as good as the slum area in the central square.However, compared with those humble villages before, at least there are still city walls around, a well-established administrative system, and a lot of water and supplies. It is a qualified place to stay, and more than 90% of the officials here have become reserve. The berserkers who have mastered the power of mad blood can be regarded as absolute loyalists of Lu Zhan.

Anyway, the experience consumed by the inheritance of "baptism" is no longer worth mentioning for the current land warfare, so there is no problem even if it is used in large quantities.Now in a nearly blank market, it would be foolish not to occupy it vigorously.Fortunately, Lu Zhan first came to the Demon Realm Terra star. If in a few years, the other warlord systems in the Arad Continent also come here and start to spread the power of non-magic professions, then Lu Zhan will have no chance. Any head start to speak of.After all, special fighters such as martial arts fighters, light clerics, and even other branches of ghost swordsmen have the same advantages as berserkers, and it will be too late to regret at that time.

"Brother, we have developed very rapidly in the past six months. But I heard that the Thunder Mage Guild, the Light Mage Guild, the Dark Mage Guild, and even the other factions in the Kuins Mage Branch have all started Ince, the capital city of mainland China began to discuss how to deal with our development." The purple-haired magician Nunnally said with a heavy expression on her face, "I heard that some of them bad-mouthed us and spread the word that we are a powerful threat. There are a lot of people! According to the news sent by my mother from the central square, behind this is the shadow of the Kashu Sect and the "Destroyer" Sangkun. It has been more than half a year now, and the war between the Demon World Alliance and the dark race Most of them are already at the end. It seems that the Kaxiu Sect and Sangkun have a little spare energy, so they start to focus on the big brother again... What should we do?"

"Brother, it seems that our organization has been targeted by people recently. The special products produced in many villages want to be transported to the big cities in the east, but they are stopped by the city gate guards, but there is no explanation. The reason is that they would not stop them from selling anything in the past period of time. In my opinion, some big forces must have started to deal with us!" Ice Master Tony, with blue hair fluttering slightly, said coldly Said.

"Yes, big brother. Recently, there have been news from the east that the Dark Magic Guild has made a big move. It has transferred many elite magicians from the headquarters in the south to several big cities in the west. It just blocked the direction we wanted to move forward in the next step. Although their official meaning was that it was a normal internal transfer of the guild, the western cities of the Kuins Continent had always been controlled by the Kuins Magicians Guild. The actions of the magic guild this time are completely out of bounds. What's even more strange is that this action was actually acquiesced by the magician's union, and they didn't care about the other party's out-of-bounds behavior." The calm and calm element blaster Jack thought carefully After a long time, he opened his mouth and said.

"Well, there are so many situations. It seems that it is necessary for me to go to the capital of Kuins Continent, 'War City'. Obviously, they just want to force a person from our faction to discuss with them. Otherwise, they probably will personally take action to strangle the threat. Among them, the dark magic guild are all masters of dark magic, and they are inextricably linked with the evil and lawful guys in the central square. Obviously, they The probability of being entrusted by Sang Kun is the highest. It should be the vanguard who provokes us." Lu Zhan synthesized all the information, thought carefully for a long time and said: "You are sitting in the good home, I will go to the war City', be back soon."

"Brother, isn't that dangerous? What if they don't want you back?"

When the three of them heard this, their hearts moved in unison, and they all spoke nervously.

"Don't worry, as long as your big brother doesn't want to die, no one can make me die. Just don't worry."

Hearing this, Lu Zhan stood up from the seat of the city lord, thought for a while, and then disappeared in place.


Coins Capital, 'War City'.

As the pearl of Kuins Continent, War City is a place of glory.Here, many top masters of heterogeneous magicians have been born, and each of them is responsible for the glorious task of fighting the "Apostle" in the entire Kuins Continent!So, the city was named Zhan!The implication is that all Fremskins are extreme warriors who are not afraid of sacrifice and will always oppose the rule of the apostles!As long as the apostles are still alive, the Fremskins will never bow their heads and admit defeat.

This is the glory of the Kuins Continent, and this is the tradition of the Quins Continent.Therefore, when the Demon World Alliance was held, none of the organizations from the Kuins Continent went to the central square, because they all knew that the forces on their side would always compete with the forces in the central square.Of course, the magician branches among them are different. Although the three branches in the three continents are part of the magician association, the general association will not interfere with the political orientation of the branch.The Kuins Magician Branch may be grateful to help the Magician Branch of the other two continents, but in principle, things are absolutely incompatible.Even if there is a war between the three continents in the future, it is still unknown that the three branches will kill each other.

And now, in this well-known battle city, the great 'Warrior's Palace' has already begun to become noisy!
"Just listen to my evil words when I tell you guys! That Blood God Sect is definitely not a good thing! I have already learned from the central square that this bullshit sect is the 'Scarlet Sky Curtain Martial Arts Academy' there. This organization teaches the same martial art, inherits the same unique knowledge, and even their so-called principals are the same person as the bullshit "god" believed by the Blood God Sect! They are all that "blood magician" Leo! Is this still true? Isn’t it obvious enough? It’s obvious that he is a spy sent by the central square, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with our previous ban on him!”

Inside the grand hall, a magician in a mysterious black magic robe, with a cold purple light flashing in his eyes, spoke in a low voice.Just by looking at his eyes, one can basically tell that he belongs to the top master of dark magic. In fact, he is the branch president of Zhancheng in the dark magic guild, the dark magician Xie.Obviously, from his words, we can know his great hatred for the blood god religion.

"However, what if these two organizations were established by one person? We have no evidence to prove that he is the dog leg of the 'Apostles' in the central square? He spread a unique power different from magic in our Kuins continent. Help us Fremskins to provide combat power? If he is a dog, wouldn’t he just preach in the central square? Don’t you think he has the ability to change the thinking of those Kuins who swear to hate the apostles! Stupid dog legs would not do this. I heard that the "blood magic swordsman" he spread has a terrifying potential, and when he matures in the future, he will be a high-level combat power. How can we use trumped-up charges? What about cutting off this sect? Isn’t that the act of cutting off one’s own arm? Listen to me Cang, the matter of blocking should be slowed down.”

Wearing a five-color magician's robe, the eyes of the branch head of the Kuins Magic Guild flashed with the light of seven-colored mysterious elements, and the taste revealed in his words was completely opposite.

In fact, it is also very natural, they are all the presidents of the Magician's Guild, and Cang was the president of the Central Plaza branch Barbara before?Terry's teammate who traveled and fought side by side, and was entrusted by him to help a person, it can still be planned.

Of course, as soon as such tit-for-tat words appeared, the atmosphere between the two presidents instantly became cold.Fortunately, there are leaders of the other two major forces around, so that it will not cause violent collisions between top experts.

"Tsk tsk, I think what you two said is very reasonable, don't worry, wait for His Majesty the War Emperor to appear, and listen to His Majesty's thoughts."

"I also think so."

'Ting', the branch president of the Thunder Magic Guild, and 'Yao', the branch president of the Light Magic Guild, two top masters, stood aside and softly persuaded, wearing one blue and one white mage robes.


Hearing this, the other two presidents snorted coldly at the same time, and immediately stopped talking.

After that, four top magicians stood in the empty and luxurious hall, quietly waiting for a mysterious person to appear.

This person is the top-secret existence unique to the Continent of Quins - the soul of Quins, the 'Battle Emperor'!
(End of this chapter)

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