The best village girl in the portable space

Chapter 346 You Are Really a Prodigal

Chapter 346 You Are Really a Prodigal (6)
Thinking of the feeling that those five people would want to tear her apart and swallow her every time they saw her, Xiaolian felt very happy in her heart, making these few people hate her to the heart , then it shows that the things she did before are still very successful, otherwise, how could it be possible for five people to look at her with the same expression?

"What contradiction? Why haven't I heard you say it?" After hearing Xiaolian's words, Yingzhen also looked at Xiaolian curiously, wanting to hear what kind of contradiction Xiaolian said that made Xiaolian Lian hated those five people so much.

All right!Although those five people were really top-notch and annoying, Xiaolian was famous for her temper. This was the first time I heard Xiaolian say that she hated people.

Looking at Yingzhen's expression, Xiaolian knew that if she didn't tell the matter today, then Yingzhen would definitely keep asking. He started talking about the conflicts between the five top-notch women, and then he talked about how they were punished, and Yingzhen laughed all the time.

But if it was her, she would probably do the same thing as Xiaolian. Damn, those women are really disgusting. They dared to insult Sanbo and Sanniang like that, and Brother Yicheng and the others also Being said to be worthless by those people, if she heard it, she would probably go forward and fight those people, even if she couldn't fight, she would fight.

"This is how everything happened. Do you think I should do that?" After finishing speaking, Xiaolian continued to work without looking at Yingzhen, but she still wanted to know what Yingzhen would do. .

"Haha, you've done a good job. If it was me, I might not have done as well as you, but I won't make them feel better. No wonder you have been reluctant to go to Lizhen's house. It's because of these things!" Yingzhen Now I feel that Lizhen is really pitiful. People in the village are still boasting that Lizhen is the most diligent and capable girl among all the girls in the village.

But how did those people know that Li Zhen was forced to work in the ground all day long, who would not want to have free time to go shopping and play, but Just because she has five such sister-in-laws, and the five elder brothers basically don't take care of them, and Lizhen, who is the youngest, will of course suffer a little.

Now that I think about it, she and Xiaolian are the best. Everyone in the family is very kind to them, especially Xiaolian's family. Now they respect Xiaolian's words. There are so many people who love them. It was like soaking in a honey pot, making her envious to death.

But thinking that her family treats her the same way, although they are not like Xiaolian's family treats Xiaolian, but compared to Lizhen, it is really many times better, she is full, full of happiness, Peace is a blessing, this sentence is still very reasonable.

"Yeah, if I really want to go to Lizhen's house, it's obvious that I want to scold me, so I won't let those people scold me, besides, do I look like I don't want to scold me? No way!" While Xiaolian was talking, the knife in her hand never stopped, but her eyes kept staring at the knife, after all, this is not for fun, if she accidentally cuts it, the pain will still be she.

"Of course not. By the way, Nangong Hao and the others want to go back during the Ghost Festival!" Yingzhen has met Nangong Hao's parents many times, and now she also likes those two rich masters who don't have any airs. And Madam, so I want to know if they will spend the Ghost Festival in Liangtang Town or come to Xiaolian's house.

"Nangong Hao won't go back, but his parents must go back. I heard that the Ghost Festival is very lively every year there, and there are many parties. Unfortunately, there is nothing in our village, so we just go to the river. Let go of the river lantern and everything else is the same as usual." Xiaolian still really wants to go to some big cities, but with her current status, it is really not suitable for her to go to Tianqi City with Nangong Hao, otherwise Don't know what it will be like.

So even if she thinks about going again, she still won't take the initiative to propose it. Even if Nangong Hao's parents invite her to go, she can't go. Now she just hopes to be able to enjoy the moon happily with her family up.

"Wow, there is still a party, it must be very lively, every year in our village there is nothing new for the Ghost Festival, and we do the same thing every year, it's too boring, if I have a chance to go to the big city to see it in the future It's gone." When Yingzhen said this, she looked yearning, hoping that one day she could really live in that big city.

Xiaolian said in her heart, yes, you will definitely be able to go to the big city in the future, as long as I go to the big city in the future, then I will definitely take you with me, but Xiaolian just keeps these words in her heart After all, no one can say for sure what will happen in the future.

"Hehe, then I will ask Nangong Hao to find some fireworks and let's set them off together. How about it? I heard that people in the big city will go to set off fireworks every time during the Ghost Festival. It is very beautiful." In fact, Xiaolian In modern times, I liked fireworks very much. When I overheard Nangong Hao talking about it, after knowing that there were fireworks in ancient times, I thought that I must ask Nangong Hao to bring some to her during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Yingzhen didn't know what the fireworks were to Xiaolian, but she nodded excitedly when she heard that those people in the city would set off such fireworks. If there is no chance to go to the city, then let's set off fireworks like the people in the city , it can be considered as a person in the city once again, Yingzhen comforted herself in this way.

Xiaolian looked at Yingzhen's longing look at this time, and wondered what the town would look like, whether it would be as bustling and lively as the big cities in those ancient TV dramas, with tall buildings everywhere and everywhere. It's dignitaries or something.

"Do you want to take a look in those big cities?" Xiaolian thought that there are many women who know how to travel, and they will disguise themselves as men and go out to roam around. Does it mean that she can do it too. She has been to this place for so long and has been to the most Liangtang Town is the only place far away. I really want to go to other places to see it. It would be even better if I have Yingzhen as a company, and the two of them can chat together on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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