I have a Zanpakutō

Chapter 290, Interrogation

Chapter 290, Interrogation

"Death girl entered the base earlier than me, could it be..." At this point, Tony looked down at Zhang Han, unable to speak any more.

Everyone present had seen the Amaterasu Flame where Zhang Han burned people to ashes. No matter how powerful the recovery ability of the dead woman was, if her body was burned to ashes, she might not be able to revive!

"This damn bastard!"

Thinking of this terrifying possibility, even Captain America, who is known for his good temper, got angry and kicked Zhang Han in the chest.

Although Zhang Han felt the attack, his chaotic consciousness couldn't control his body at all, let alone dodging, he couldn't even do the most basic resistance!
However, with the strength of the American team, Zhang Han's spiritual pressure cannot be broken at all. Like Kuaiyin, his attack is neither painful nor itchy to Zhang Han.

At this time, the little spider and the black widow returned to the crowd together, and Peter said, "All the materials and serum in the base were destroyed, and nothing was left!"

When everyone heard the words, their hearts sank.

"This bastard, in collusion with Strucker, what is he researching? Strengthening the human army?" Captain America speculated aloud.

"It's very possible!" Tony put on the armor again, and grabbed Zhang Han roughly, "I'll take him back first, and you guys come back as soon as possible. I hope to get some useful information out of his mouth."

In a daze, Zhang Han's consciousness hid in a corner, and the powerful spiritual energy protected the soul from the impact of the avatar's consciousness.At the same time, allocate a small amount of energy to remove useless memories bit by bit.

I don't know how long it took, I finally smoothed out the chaotic memories, opened my eyes again, and murmured with a wry smile, "It's like being cut into pieces a hundred times, the pain is so painful that I'm about to collapse! , when taking back the spiritual avatar, you must pay attention..."

"Huh? Where is this?"

Zhang Han sat up and looked around.What came into view was a secret room made of steel, an empty room, not even a bed!
On the opposite wall, there is only a huge mirror.There is a monitor in the upper right corner, flashing red light from time to time...

"I am... imprisoned by who?!"

Zhang Han stood up, curious as to who was imprisoning him.

After moving his body a little, Zhang Han suddenly realized that his limbs, neck and waist were bound by thick iron chains around his wrists.

Reflected in the mirror, there is a metal instrument in the shape of a helmet on his head, which should be something like a neurosuppressor.

"Wow! What a grand reception!"

Despite being so restrained, Zhang Han is not empty at all.At critical moments, the spirit body can break away from the physical body at any time and cut off these iron chains.

Not long after, the mirror fluctuated, like a three-dimensional display device, and Tony's figure appeared in it.At this moment, a group of Avengers stood on the other side of the mirror, looking intently at Zhang Han in the one-way mirror.

Before Zhang Han could ask a question, Tony said, "Let me tell you in advance, if there is any weird behavior, if you hold the iron chain with your hand, or show those blood-red eyes, Jarvis will release [-] million volts of high voltage electricity. Believe me, that kind of taste is definitely not what you want!"

Seeing that the person imprisoning him was the Avenger, Zhang Han relaxed a little.

These self-proclaimed righteous superheroes rarely use lynching, and even if super criminals are caught, they will be punished by law.

If it falls into their hands, at least there is no need to worry about their lives.

Zhang Han leaned against the wall again, and said indifferently, "Tell me your purpose!"

Seeing that Zhang Han didn't take his threat seriously, Tony couldn't help but look stagnant, feeling weird, why does it feel like he's interrogating me?
"Why did you appear in Sokovia? In Sterak's base camp? Also, what conspiracy do you have in cooperation with Sterak?"

"Working with Strack?"

Zhang Han curled his lips and said disdainfully, "That kind of rubbish is also worthy of my cooperation? As for my appearance in Sokovia, there is no conspiracy as you imagined, just to wipe the ass of some idiots !"

"What do you mean? Make it clear!" Tony said dissatisfied.

"A few years ago, I had some conflicts with the war police and lost some blood. Fury sent people to collect the blood and gave it to Hydra. You must have seen the effect of the blood!" Zhang Han Said unhurriedly.

There's nothing to hide about such a small matter.

Tony turned his head to look at the Black Widow beside him, only to hear the other person say, "Heartbeat is stable, and brain waves have no violent fluctuations. If he doesn't have the ability to control heartbeat and brain waves, then he is not lying."

"Those enhanced fighters were made with your blood? Have they all been destroyed?" Tony asked again.

This raid on Sokovia, the fifty strengthened fighters gave everyone a great shock.If Hydra can create a thousand or even ten thousand soldiers like this with Zhang Han's blood, then the joke will be big!

"No! Originally, I planned to visit Whitehall after destroying Sterak's base, but you arrested me here."

Tony looked puzzled, "Who is Whitehall?"

"Like Anim Zola, he is under the Red Skull and one of the current leaders of Hydra." Speaking of this, Zhang Han suddenly sarcastically said, "How slow you must be to make a man who was active in World War II The leader of the hydra, has survived safely until now? And he's doing really well!"

What?Lived from World War II to the present?And still leading Hydra?
When everyone heard the words, they all showed expressions of disbelief.

At this time, Jarvis had called up Whitehall's information.The above shows that Whitehall has been imprisoned since the end of World War II, and was not released on parole until a few years ago.

Apparently, even in the prison, Whitehall is remotely controlling Hydra...

"How did you get this information?" Tony glanced at the information and asked.

"Some time ago, I visited Alexander Pierce. By the way, I also met a guy, what's his name..." Zhang Han pretended to recall, and then said, "James Barnes, it should be this name!"

"I guess, the captain should not be unfamiliar with this name!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Han stared directly at Tony's side, as if he had seen through a one-way mirror and was looking directly at Captain America.

Before Hydra launched the insight plan, Bucky was taken away by Zhang Han, so the US team never knew that the Winter Soldier was his good friend Bucky!

Hearing this name, Captain America's complexion changed, he hurriedly pushed Tony away, and asked, "What did you do to Bucky? Answer me quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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