I have a Zanpakutō

Chapter 288, Quicksilver

Chapter 288, Quicksilver

After casually killing Strucker, Zhang Han released a burst of Amaterasu black flames, burning his body to ashes, before turning his head to look at the adjutant who was slumped on the ground.

"Take me to where the blood samples are stored."

"Yes, yes!" The adjutant wiped the sweat off his face indiscriminately, stood up, and led Zhang Han into the basement of the base.

The dim light did not affect Zhang Han's vision, so he walked around casually and looked around.

There are some strangely shaped weapons scattered around, and there is a huge steel dragon in the air.These should be the weapons of the Chitauri collected by Hydra after the New York War.

Zhang Han had no interest in this, and finally, his eyes fell on a huge safe.

Through the tempered glass, I can clearly see that the entire safe is full of copies of my own blood, with a concentration ranging from 90.00% to [-]%[-], and some medicines that match the serum, neatly placed...

Zhang Han was furious, and stared at the safe with his left eye, and the majestic hellfire mixed with Amaterasu black flames fell on it.In less than a minute, the safe was turned into molten iron by raging fire, and the serum and medicine inside were completely destroyed.


The cold and chilling sound resounded throughout the basement. To the adjutant, it was like the sound of a life-threatening demon. His body stiffened involuntarily, and his teeth chattered.

"No...not anymore! All the blood...serum samples are all here!" the adjutant stammered, "Also, the research data have... been deleted by me!"

After finishing speaking, he turned the computer screen to Zhang Han's side and signaled.

Zhang Han turned around, walked slowly in front of the adjutant, grinned and said, "Thank you!"


Seeing Zhang Han's gentle smile, the adjutant calmed down a little.Since the other party has already destroyed the serum, they should not embarrass themselves anymore...

However, this is just the adjutant's own wishful thinking!From the time he followed Baron Strucker and studied Zhang Han's blood, he was already doomed, and he would not be allowed to live again!
Before the adjutant could react, Zhang Han grabbed his shoulders and threw him into the burning molten iron...

"Ah, ah...!"

After a few short screams, there was no sound at all.

The flames of hell mixed with the black flames of Amaterasu gradually spread throughout the basement along the flow of molten iron.Not long after, the basement was completely engulfed in flames.

Zhang Han waved his hands away the flames spreading in front of him, and walked out slowly.As soon as he walked out of the basement, he stopped in his footsteps and thought,
"That's not right! That bastard Starlak is studying my blood, but he didn't use the scepter to study artificial intelligence, so how was Ultron born?"

Without Ultron's promotion, wouldn't his vision die prematurely? !

Now, the plot has already been changed beyond recognition by myself. If there is still the idea of ​​taking advantage of the plot to fish in troubled waters, the result is definitely not what I want to see!

"It seems that the spirit clone of the dead woman must be taken back. I want to know how far Tony's research on the scepter has progressed..."

Just when Zhang Han lowered his head in thought, a silver stripe flashed past his eyes, and he felt that someone punched his left chin instantly.

Zhang Han raised his head, and Sharingan emerged, looking around carefully.

Even with the dynamic vision of Sharingan, it is still difficult to capture the fast-moving silver stripe, and it can only be barely seen. The stripe is composed of countless high-speed moving afterimages, and the front end is a blurred figure.

In the Marvel world, the speed of movement is so fast that the Qigouyu Sharingan can barely capture it, and there is only that guy... Magneto's son, Kuaiyin, Peter Maximov!
In the comics, Pietro Quicksilver and Wanda the Scarlet Witch are brothers and sisters, and in the movies they are brothers and sisters.In today's world, Zhang Han doesn't know whether the two are siblings or siblings, anyway, they are twins, that's for sure!
How fast is Quicksilver?There is no specific introduction in the movie.

However, there is a scenario that can be roughly calculated.During the second when Kuaiyin saved the life, the bee's wings vibrated less than half a time (up and down of the wings is considered a complete time).

The bee's wings vibrate more than 200 times per second. However, in such a scene where the time is infinitely extended, Kuaiyin's speed is still very fast.

In other words, he ran around the room within [-]th of a second, and he still seemed to be able to do it with ease.

According to such a rough calculation, the speed of Kuaiyin is five to ten times the speed of sound, and it can run about 1700 meters to 3400 meters in one second.

Although it is not as fast as the sharp gun's extension, it is not far away. It is no wonder that even the dynamic vision of Sharingan is difficult to capture.

"The speed is very fast, but this kind of weak power is really painless!" Zhang Han said in a cold tone.

Kuaiyin's strength is several times stronger than that of ordinary people. With such strength, even Zhang Han's spiritual pressure can't be broken. A punch on the body is no different from scratching an itch.


Kuaiyin rushed over again at high speed and punched Zhang Han on the right side of the face.After he was far away, the sound came into Zhang Han's ears, which was very weird.

"Ah oh!"

Not far away, Kuaiyin stopped moving, his face was tangled, and he shook his sore left hand, feeling like his wrist was bruised.

The one who was beaten didn't respond, but the one who hit was injured. The scene at this time was full of sense of disobedience!
"You shouldn't have that much power! Tell me why!"

Just now, Kuaiyin's right cheek was attacked by Kuaiyin again. Although it was blocked by the spiritual pressure, according to the feeling, Kuaiyin's strength is definitely not inferior to that of Captain America!
It seems that the Kuaiyin in front of him is a combination of Kuaiyin and Captain America in the movie...

This is kind of incredible!

Facing Zhang Han's questioning, Kuaiyin raised his chin proudly, "I already have this kind of power, don't be so uncommon and strange!"

"Since you are here, you should have accepted Sterak's transformation..."

Having said that, Zhang Han raised his head suddenly, and stared straight at Kuaiyin with a pair of blood-colored pupils, "You have my blood in your body... No wonder you have the same power as Captain America!"

Regardless of whether Kuaiyin and Scarlet Witch are mutants, or superpowers transformed by the Mind Stone, their strengthening direction is not physical fitness, but the serum made with Zhang Han's blood is different!
"Since it was transformed by my blood, let me take it back!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Han opened his eyes wide, and under the control of Reiatsu, the majestic pupil power followed the opponent's eyes into consciousness.

Kuaiyin realized something was wrong and tried to escape, but it was too late... From the moment his eyes met Zhang Han's, he had already fallen into the illusion created by Zhang Han.

(End of this chapter)

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