I have a Zanpakutō

Chapter 257, Fighting the Hulk Again

Chapter 257, Fighting the Hulk Again

If Zhang Han is really in a hurry, let alone destroying New York, even destroying Wall Street, S.H.I.E.L.D. will also be under great pressure.

The gang of capitalists who hold power will drown Fury, the little director, with saliva.

At that time, whether to compromise or not is no longer their final decision.

"In this case, we can only arrest you before you cause damage!"

Iron Man flew over tremblingly.

Just now, resisting the crescent sky rush consumes a lot of energy. At this moment, the energy of the Ark's reactor is less than 20.00%, but the enemy is now, Tony can't care about these anymore!

Before Iron Man could take any action, Hulk had already jumped into the air, his hands clenched into fists, and a cannon hammer blasted down.

Zhang Han stared at the opponent with his right eye, and the ability to control things with his mind was activated immediately.I saw Hulk holding his fists high, like a statue, stagnant in mid-air, motionless.

Hulk roared wildly, and smashed his fists hard in front of him.

The empty surroundings were like mirrors, which were shattered by the terrifying force, and then turned into a series of shocking forces, spreading in all directions.


Zhang Han's right eye hurt, and blood gushed out from the eye socket.

Sure enough, the ability to control objects with mind is still several blocks behind Hulk's power.

Fortunately, although Hulk broke the force field of controlling objects with his mind, he had nowhere to exert his strength in mid-air, and it was impossible to talk about attacking Zhang Han, so he could only fall to the ground again.

"Shooting, Spiral Shuriken!"

Zhang Han raised his right hand high, and the light blue spiral shuriken combined with Amaterasu Flame, turning into a black fan wing spinning at high speed.

Before Hulk could attack again, Zhang Han opened his single left eye, stepped on Shunbu, flickered a few times in a row, and then appeared in front of him, pressing his right hand firmly on Hulk's chest.

Suddenly, Hulk spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body slipped involuntarily.

The spiral shuriken bombarded on the chest turned into thousands of tiny wind blades cutting at high speed, enveloping Hulk's body completely inside.

Every second, there are countless small wind blades cutting the blood vessels, meridians, internal organs, and bones in Hulk's body... The pain is like being cut into pieces by thousands of knives, like the tide, wave after wave of bombardment on his nerves.

At the same time, the black flames of Amaterasu penetrated into Hulk's body along the tiny wound cut by the wind blade, burning continuously.

Hulk let out a miserable howl again, and fell to the ground, his body twitching unconsciously... only felt extremely severe pain all over his body, and he couldn't use any strength!Countless streaks of blood appeared in the pale green eyeballs.

"How could that kind of ghost come out of his body?!"

Tony screamed, looking at the black flames spreading from Hulk's body.

I remember that during the New York War, the black flame released by Zhang Han burned from the outside to the inside, which is exactly the opposite of the current situation.

Not to mention that Tony, who had seen the flames of Amaterasu, was terrified, and the others were not much better, all with expressions of seeing a ghost.

"Adjutant Hill, you can also manipulate that kind of flame, hurry up and save Hulk!" Fury shouted to Hill in a hurry.Faced with this indestructible domineering flame, everyone felt helpless and could only pin their hopes on Hill.

Hill panicked and defended, "But, I can only release Amaterasu, I can't control it!"

Hill's kaleidoscope only has the two abilities of Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, without the existence of Earth Life, and she can't even control the Amaterasu's flame she released, let alone Zhang Han's.

What?Unable to control!

Seeing that Hulk was lying on the ground, rolling and howling, black flames appeared all over his body, burning him continuously.

Everyone is anxious, but helpless!

Zhang Han glanced at the few people in the field, and said casually, "If you agree to retreat and never trouble me again, I can let him go!"

In the original book, the appearance of Vision is due to the possession of a part of Ultron's consciousness, coupled with Jarvis's incomplete consciousness, and the power of Tony, Banner, and Thor, was finally formed.

Zhang Han didn't know if he killed Banner at this time, would it affect the appearance of the illusion.If the vision can't be born normally, killing Banner will definitely be a big loss!

Zhang Han is not a scientist, let alone a biologist. He alone may not be able to create illusions in 100 years.I can only try not to interfere with the plot in this aspect, and let the illusion be born naturally.

At that time, the consciousness left in the soul gem will automatically swallow up the consciousness of the illusion, and the illusion belonging to Zhang Han will be completely formed.

Based on this consideration, Zhang Han said some compromise words, trying to resolve the conflict between himself and the Avengers.

Fury snorted coldly, and retorted, "If you promise to leave the earth immediately and leave our world, we can consider letting you go!"

"Is this your answer? It seems that we can't reach a consensus, so let him suffer and die!"

Zhang Han shrugged helplessly, cast Shunbu, and left the battlefield in an instant.

After losing the strength of Captain America and Hulk in a row, everyone had no intention of chasing Zhang Han anymore, and gathered around Hulk to discuss a solution.

In less than 2 minutes, Hulk's muscles and internal organs have been burned. If he can't think of a way, he may not be able to last for a few minutes.

"Jarvis, haven't you analyzed the structure of that flame yet?" Tony asked anxiously.

"Sorry, sir! That kind of flame doesn't belong to any kind of molecular structure on the earth. I've tried all known elements, and I can't neutralize it!"

"Are we just going to watch Dr. Banner burn to death like this?" Fury growled unwillingly, with endless resentment and sadness in his single right eye.

In the two battles with Zhang Han, the Avengers had already lost three superheroes. Now, even Hulk, who is extremely powerful, has to fall under that weird black flame!
What everyone didn't know was that at this time, the cells in Hulk's body were gradually producing antibodies under the burning of the black inflammation.

If you have a microscope, you can clearly see that countless green cells are slowly taking shape, and swallowed the Amaterasu Black Flame into it...

A few minutes later, not only did Hulk not die, but new muscles and internal organs reappeared in his shriveled body.

The blazing black flame gradually extinguished, and was finally swallowed up by the green cells.

This point, even Zhang Han who had already left did not think of it!

Hulk's real strength is not his strength, but infinite anger, and almost immortal body!
It is easy to destroy the hateful Amaterasu Flame, but it can't kill him!
(End of this chapter)

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