Serial sin

Chapter 720

Chapter 720
Han Jianshe was stunned for a moment, his eyes fixed on Ouyang Shuangjie.

Ouyang Shuangjie sighed lightly: "Han Jianshe, let Su Ying go, and then we can have a good talk, okay?"

Han Jianshe didn't speak, he led Su Ying to the window, glanced out of the window, and shrank back.

When he looked at Ouyang Shuangjie again, Ouyang Shuangjie obviously realized that he had hesitated, so he said while the iron was hot: "As long as you let Su Ying go, I will be your hostage, and then you can ask them any questions." requirements."

Han Jianshe took a deep breath: "Okay, I promise you to let him go."

Han Jianshe really let go of Su Ying, but there was a small remote control in his hand: "Tell her to go immediately, don't play tricks, or I will press it down, and she will have to be buried with us at that time."

Su Ying ran in front of Ouyang Shuangjie, and Ouyang Shuangjie said in a deep voice, "Let's go quickly."

At this time, Ouyang Shuangjie didn't want Su Ying to have any troubles again. He needed Su Ying to tell Xiao Yuanshan and the others about the bomb in the house, so that they could deal with it.

The police downstairs were very close to the Xiaoyanglou, and they didn't know how powerful Han Jianshe's bomb was. He was afraid that it would hurt innocent people.

Su Ying froze for a moment, but still followed Ouyang Shuangjie's words and ran downstairs.

There was a smile on Ouyang Shuangjie's face: "Now we can have a good talk, can you tell me why you have to meet me by name?" Ouyang Shuangjie sat down on a chair not far away, and he tried his best to let himself It seemed relaxed and calm. Only in this way could Han Jianshe relax.

"It's all about you, it's you who ruined my good deed. Originally, there were three more times, and my illness would be cured after just three times, and I could live a good life, but you made my dream shattered!" Han Jianshe hated hate to say.

Ouyang Shuangjie's heart is like a mirror, it seems that he has guessed right, this Han Jianshe is really terminally ill, so he must have listened to the so-called legend in doing so.

Ouyang Shuangjie sighed: "You have to kill so many people just for yourself to survive? Don't you think you are too selfish and cruel?"

"Don't preach to me. You are not a saint. There is no saint in this world. Yes, I killed people for myself. But in this world, there are more people who kill people to satisfy their own desires. It's just that the way is different. Those who sell Junk food sellers, fake medicine sellers, and profiteers who harm others and benefit themselves, aren’t they actually killing people? Who really cares about them? I’m just a little more straightforward than them.”

Ouyang Shuangjie frowned. He really didn't know what kind of logic Han Jianshe was talking about. Is it reasonable to kill people?

Ouyang Shuangjie said coldly: "Whoever violates the laws of the country will be punished. The phenomena you mentioned are only a small number of unscrupulous businessmen. I believe they will not be the mainstream, and I firmly believe that one day, they will also There will be a price to pay. But none of this is a reason for you to kill someone."

"Put yourself in another way, Han Jianshe, if the victim was your relative, how would you feel about your lover? Why do you have the right to disregard human life just to keep yourself alive? Besides, you really believe that you can save your life in that way." Did it take your life?"

Han Jianshe bit his lip, and Ouyang Shuangjie continued: "From ancient times to the present, there are indeed many things that people cannibalize, but are they people who do that? No, they are animals, even worse than animals. Han Jianshe, I don't Know how you feel the moment you eat human flesh? Don't you feel sick, don't you feel nauseated?"

Han Jianshe had a painful expression on his face: "Shut up!"

Ouyang Shuangjie sneered, and said disdainfully: "You dare to do it, are you still afraid of people talking about it?"

Han Jianshe became agitated, and Ouyang Shuangjie changed the subject: "Your family still doesn't know about your illness, right?"

Han Jianshe shook his head.

Ouyang Shuangjie sighed: "You love them, you are afraid that they will worry about you, and you don't want them to be sad because of you. From this point of view, you are an emotional person, but have you ever thought that the people you killed People, they also have relatives and lovers. Isn’t their death a cruel tragedy for their relatives and lovers? You are a person with knowledge and culture, and you don’t believe in science, but believe in the so-called Legend, don't you think it's ridiculous to do such absurd things? No, it's not funny at all, it's sad, pitiful."

Han Jianshe grabbed the gun that Ouyang Shuangjie put on the table, opened the safety, and pointed the gun at Ouyang Shuangjie: "Don't say it, don't say it anymore!"

At this time, a boy's voice came from downstairs: "Dad, Dad!"

Han Jianshe's body trembled slightly, but he didn't respond to his son's shout, followed by his wife's shout, with a mouthful: "Old Han, Lao Han, don't do anything stupid!"

Ouyang Shuangjie's eyes were fixed on Han Jianshe. Facing the black muzzle of the gun, he didn't want to provoke Han Jianshe any more. He hoped that the calls from his relatives downstairs could arouse his conscience.

Han Jianshe let out a long breath: "Can you promise me one thing?"

Ouyang Shuangjie asked, "What's the matter?" Han Jianshe said, "Say something to my wife and let her take care of the child. Also, ask her to take care of Peiyu. Peiyu is actually very pitiful."

"You can tell them in person." Ouyang Shuangjie said.

Han Jianshe smiled wryly and shook his head: "No, it's too late, there is no chance." After that, Han Jianshe suddenly raised his gun and pointed it at his head, and Ouyang Shuangjie shouted: "Han Jianshe, don't act recklessly, don't! impulse!"

Han Jianshe said: "I can't live long. Instead of letting you catch me, I might as well end my own life. To be honest, I really wanted to pull you back because I really hate you, but now I change I've made up my mind, I'll let you go, but don't be too happy, you didn't win!"

"Bang!" Han Jianshe really shot, and his blood splashed on Ouyang Shuangjie's body. Ouyang Shuangjie clearly saw a strange smile on his face, and the remote control in his hand fell to the ground , Ouyang Shuangjie hurriedly went forward to pick up the remote control, and was stunned for a long time, but he didn't hear any sound, so he was really relieved.

He walked to the window and gestured to Xiao Yuanshan, Xiao Yuanshan rushed in with the police.

Ouyang Shuangjie explained the situation to Xiao Yuanshan, and at this time Wang Xiaohu also came over: "It's dangerous! Guess what the bomb this kid is talking about?"

Both Xiao Yuanshan and Ouyang Shuangjie shook their heads, and Wang Xiaohu said: "In the three rooms on the first floor, each room has six liquefied gas bottles, which have been modified. Press the remote control, and these eighteen liquefied gas cylinders will explode at the same time, my dear, let alone this small western-style building, half of us outside will get on it! It's scary to be educated!"

(End of this chapter)

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