Serial sin

Chapter 673

Chapter 673
A human skeleton was found at the garbage transfer station on Feishan Street. According to the judgment of the technical department, the time of death should be about a month.Judging from the bones, at least one of the deceased can be determined to be a woman, but it is very likely that both of them are women, but both bones are incomplete, and the other cannot clearly determine the gender of the deceased.

Ouyang Shuangjie rubbed his temples, walked to the big whiteboard in the office, and wrote down the names of the seven missing women.There is a red line marked under Liao Xiaoru's name, which means that the death can be confirmed. As for the others, no one is alive or dead.

I don't know if those two bones are two of the remaining six people, and if so, which two are they?

Judging from the current situation, there is no intersection between these seven people, and the seven people don't even know each other, so the murderer is likely to commit the crime randomly.But how could the murderer clearly know the zodiac signs of the seven people?In addition, why did the murderer only target women who belonged to snakes?
It seemed that another day had passed, so judging from the time, it was less than five days before the murderer committed the next crime.Will the murderer continue to commit crimes? The police have now launched an investigation. Although the police investigation is very low-key, if the murderer pays attention, he will definitely know.So will he stop?

Ouyang Shuangjie hopes that the police's intervention in the investigation will deter the murderer, at least he will not dare to come out to harm others.

Of course, if the murderer commits another crime, it will be more beneficial to the police's investigation work, but Ouyang Shuangjie understands a truth in his heart, that is, the police should not handle the case at the cost of sacrificing innocent lives.

"Dong dong", there was a knock on the door, and Ouyang Shuangjie called out, "Come in!"

The door was pushed open, and it was Xiao Yuanshan who came.

"Why, are you in a daze?" Xiao Yuanshan smiled, and Ouyang Shuangjie put down the whiteboard marker and walked to the sofa.

After the two sat down, Xiao Yuanshan said: "I heard about the discovery of the skeleton at the garbage transfer station. Xiaohu said that it is very likely that the skeleton belonged to two of the seven missing persons. Ouyang, if this is the case, then Another serial murder case!"

Ouyang Shuangjie smiled wryly. He already had such suspicions, but judging from the current situation, the murderer was very cunning and possessed certain anti-investigation methods.Randomly select the target of the crime, kill, dismember the corpse, throw the corpse in multiple places, and the most important thing is to leave no trace at all.

"This is a veteran!" Xiao Yuanshan sighed: "Ouyang, your criminal police team is under a lot of pressure this time. Director Feng went to the city for a meeting yesterday. What did the mayor say? Dare to go out, especially single women, the social security is too bad, and there is no sense of security at all. This is a slap in the face, a slap in the face of our police station. But Lao Feng can't even say a word of excuse, the fact is like this It’s right in front of us, we can’t justify it.”

Ouyang Shuangjie lowered his head, Xiao Yuanshan was right, if citizens dare not even go to the streets because they are afraid of criminals, that would be the biggest shame for the police.

Xiao Yuanshan said: "I also know that this case is difficult, but no matter how difficult it is, you all have to chew it out for me!"

Ouyang Shuangjie asked softly: "The case is still under investigation, why did it spread outside so quickly?"

"Such a big thing happened, do you think it can be covered? Now that the Internet is so developed, someone with a heart will poke it out for even the most serious things. Then there are a bunch of idle masters, spraying around for a while, they are I'm afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

Ouyang Shuangjie didn't speak, what Xiao Yuanshan said was also the truth, there are always some good people, thinking why it is so righteous, they always talk nonsense about some phenomena, criticize this, blame that, in fact, he doesn't know the truth of the matter at all.

"Okay, now is not the time to find out who leaked the news. In short, since the incident has already happened, we can only find a way to solve it. So you must not disappoint the expectations of the bureau leaders, and try to solve this case within the deadline. It's over."

Ouyang Shuangjie sighed secretly in his heart, he could understand the difficulty of the bureau leaders, but this kind of unresolved case was only given for half a month, it was really difficult for them.

Xiao Yuanshan didn't care about Ouyang Shuangjie's suffering, he changed the subject: "How is it, do you have any clues?"

Ouyang Shuangjie expressed some of his thoughts, and Xiao Yuanshan said "hmm" after listening to it: "This is indeed a bit strange, do you think the murderer had a grudge against a woman who was a snake, or was he once raped by a woman who was a snake?" Has the woman been deeply hurt?"

This is also a way of thinking. There was once such a case where a man loved a woman so much that he gave her almost everything, but the woman ran away with someone else and abandoned him mercilessly.At that time, he had nothing left, he hated that woman, and he began to revenge wildly.He killed several women who were very similar to that woman, but he just didn't kill the woman who betrayed him, because he still had her in his heart.

The hypothesis put forward by Xiao Yuanshan is true.

It's just that this assumption alone is not very useful, and the scope of investigation is still too wide.

Ouyang Shuangjie said: "There is another point, that is, the last two missing people were on the same day. The murderer originally kidnapped one in half a month, but the last time he kidnapped two at once. Is it accidental or he Crime has escalated."

Xiao Yuanshan felt that the murderer's crimes had escalated, and perhaps one target could no longer satisfy the murderer's needs.

"General kidnapping cases have a clear purpose, either to seek revenge, or to blackmail the family members of the kidnapped, but this murderer just wants to kill! Killing, dismembering, and throwing away the corpse, from this point of view, I also Tend to the kind of situation you mentioned, Lao Xiao, seeking revenge."

Ouyang Shuangjie paused: "But I have another idea. His target is only people of the same zodiac sign. It is very likely that he is performing some kind of ritual, similar to a superstitious ritual, but what kind of ritual is specific? It’s impossible to say. If so, the murderer must have been bewitched by some kind.”

Xiao Yuanshan froze for a moment: "Huh?"

Ouyang Shuangjie said: "Of course, this is just my own conjecture. If we want to get the real answer, we still need to conduct detailed investigation."

Xiao Yuanshan didn't speak. He seemed to be thinking about the possibility proposed by Ouyang Shuangjie. He vaguely remembered some foreign cases, and similar situations did happen.

"The most difficult thing for us now is that we don't have a good entry point and we have too few clues." Ouyang Shuangjie was talking about practical difficulties. The two teams investigated the social relations of the seven missing persons. Liu Xicheng pointed out that Lin Hua's disappearance was probably related to that Ji Deping, and there was nothing suspicious about the rest.

As for the doubts raised by Liu Xicheng, there is also no evidence to support it. How to take the first step is the most critical.

(End of this chapter)

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