Serial sin

Chapter 642 The Story of the Past

Chapter 642 The Story of the Past (2)

"Wait!" Ouyang Shuangjie interrupted Wei Yangfan suddenly.

Wei Yangfan was stunned for a moment, and Ouyang Shuangjie said softly: "There is one thing I want Dr. Wei to explain first, and that is why Wen Lan had an abortion in the first place. Since she also wanted to have a child, she should not do such a thing. After all, Wesley is not your own flesh and blood, if she had not had an abortion, then you would have a child of your own, and these messy things would not have happened."

Wei Yangfan nodded, and he said: "Well, I ignored this problem. This problem is the root of all problems. Alas, the reason why Xiaolan wanted to have an abortion was because she found out that she was pregnant when she found out that she was pregnant. There was something wrong with the child. After Down’s screening, she said that the child might be deformed. She didn’t tell me, because she was afraid that I would be worried, and even more afraid that I would be sad. She went to two big hospitals for examination and the result was still the same. In the end, she had to make a decision. such a choice.”

When Wei Yangfan said this, there were faint tears in his eyes: "Xiao Lan is not easy, originally having a child is a happy event, she was going to give me a surprise, but she herself was frightened first, In the end, I had to make such a difficult choice, and I carried all the pain and pain myself."

Wei Yangfan raised his head to look at Ouyang Shuangjie and Wang Xiaohu: "Now the two police officers know why I have loved Xiaolan so much for so many years? Because she is worthy of my love. After she knew that she could no longer have children, did she I found my parents and directed this farce of pre-existing children, who knows that I couldn't live up to it, and things ended up like this in the end."

Ouyang Shuangjie and Wang Xiaohu glanced at each other, both of them had complicated emotions, they really didn't know there was such a story between Wei Yangfan and Wen Lan.

Then Wei Yangfan returned to the narration just now.

Because of the confirmation of relatives and friends, the female corpse was really identified as Ou Yan, and the rest of the matter was much simpler. In addition, the staff who handled the case at the time were eager to close the case, and Wu Fei's case was thus settled.

Wu Fei was sentenced to death and was finally executed. This result made Wen Lan feel very uncomfortable.

Although Wen Lan didn't have a good impression of Wu Fei, she felt that she was also one of the murderers in Wu Fei's death. If she hadn't concealed the truth and made perjury, if she could have stood up and challenged the female corpse Doubt, then Wu Fei will not die.

The relationship between Wu Fei and Ouyan is not good. He is very careless and has several women outside, but Wen Lan feels that he is not guilty of death.

The torment of conscience made Wen Lan very depressed during that time. She probably guessed that Ouyan was not dead, and all of this should have been done by Ouyan. Ouyan used herself and the woman who came to find her to create such a grievance The purpose of Wu Fei's trap is to put Wu Fei to death!
Wanting to understand this point, Wen Lan felt scared for no reason. She never thought that Ou Yan, who usually looks weak, would have such a scheming plan.She thought of Yan Suyun, she knew a little about Yan Suyun, Yan Suyun is a kind woman, how could she get involved in this matter?
The reason why she believed that Yan Suyun was involved in this matter was because Yan Suyun also gave false testimony.

If she didn't believe Yan Suyun, she really didn't know that the corpse was not Ouyan at all!

Ouyang Shuangjie interjected: "Yan Suyun participated in identifying the corpse?" This issue was not mentioned in the investigation of Yan Suyun, and Deng Xinrong did not mention this matter either.

Wei Yangfan nodded: "Well, it was Xiaolan who told me, I believe Xiaolan won't talk nonsense."

Wang Xiaohu looked at Ouyang Shuangjie: "So maybe Yan Suyun left Lincheng because of the torment of conscience?" Ouyang Shuangjie said: "It is possible, but Deng Xinrong said that she did not agree to Ouyan's involvement in Wu Fei's case."

"Maybe Deng Xinrong is lying." Wang Xiaohu said.

Ouyang Shuangjie signaled Wei Yangfan to continue, and Wei Yangfan continued.

Not long after the Wu Fei case, Ou Yan reappeared, and the police were under pressure from various sources for this matter.

Wu Fei's case became an unjust case, which slapped the police in the face. The police also suspected that it was Ou Yan's work, but Ou Yan handled the case seamlessly. After returning, she still looked like a victim and took the initiative to attack the police. Ask for an explanation of Wu Fei's case.

But just before Ouyan came back, Wen Lan went to Yan Suyun. She asked Yan Suyun why she gave false testimony. Yan Suyun should be able to tell that the female corpse did not belong to Ouyan, and even if she couldn't tell, she shouldn't have told the police that way.

But Yan Suyun said that she did see that the female corpse was Ouyan. Instead, she asked Wen Lan, since Wen Lan had already seen the problem, why didn't she say it? Yan Suyun also said that if she said that to the police, she would be irresponsible It was just a mistake, but since Wen Lan saw it and was still talking nonsense with her eyes open, it was intentional.

Yan Suyun asked Wen Lan why she did this, and what shady secret she had!

This made Wen Lan very annoyed, but what Yan Suyun said was correct, she really couldn't find any reason.

Naturally, she would not tell Yan Suyun the real reason why she wanted to testify that the female corpse was Ou Yan, but the two women also turned their faces because of this, and they almost stopped communicating.

Ouyan came back for a while, and the Wu Fei case gradually subsided, but Wen Lan was suffering from conscience-blame and torment every day, but she still didn't confess everything to Wei Yangfan, but the careful Wei Yangfan But she could feel the changes in Wen Lan's body.

Although Wen Lan has been trying to cover it up very well, Wei Yangfan is a psychiatrist, and he can't cover people's psychology.If he wanted to know what secret Wen Lan was hiding, Wei Yangfan naturally had his means, but as one of the parties involved, Wen Lan didn't know that her husband would use this method to spy on her heart.

When Wei Yangfan knew what Wen Lan had done without telling him, he was also very panicked. He didn't believe that no one would pursue the woman's death anymore. Didn't the police have been investigating that female corpse?
Wei Yangfan really wanted to find a chance to have a good talk with Wen Lan about this matter, but every time he wanted to talk about it, he found that he didn't know where to start. He knew many things, but Wen Lan didn't know about it , Once he said it, Wen Lan would definitely be angry. No matter what his starting point was, it should not be used to treat his wife with hypnosis. What is more important between husband and wife is to be open and honest.

Although it was Wen Lan who concealed it first, that was definitely not the reason for Wei Yangfan to do so.

So Wei Yangfan swallowed his words again, he thought of a way, that is to investigate secretly by himself, he wants to see what Ouyan has done, he can't let Ouyan take advantage of his wife , and took his wife into the pit.

Wei Yangfan also thought about calling the police, but the thought just passed by. Wen Lan was responsible for the woman's death, even though Wen Lan didn't know that such a result would happen, but she could tell clearly what?Can't tell.

(End of this chapter)

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