Serial sin

Chapter 373 Han Bing is Dead

Chapter 373 Han Bing is Dead
"Ouyang, come quickly!" Wang Xiaohu yelled, Ouyang Shuangjie was startled, but he ran over quickly.

No matter whether that person is Ouyang Deyuan or not, he must face it firmly, escape is not the way.

"Do you know this person?" Wang Xiaohu asked.

Ouyang Shuangjie looked at the man lying on the ground, he was relieved that it was not his father, but soon he narrowed his eyes again.This person is Han Bing!He squatted down, stretched out his hand to check Han Bing's breath, he was out of breath, and there were bruised strangulation marks on his neck, he was strangled to death.

"He is Han Bing!" Ouyang Shuangjie sighed. He was always worried about Han Bing, but he never thought that something happened to Han Bing at this moment. That call was the last call Han Bing made to himself.

At this time, several people who had finished checking around surrounded them, and Wang Xiaohu said: "Go and find the person in charge here, and the security guards to find out about the situation!" Ouyang said: "The forensic doctor will come over in a while, Ouyang, don't worry, uncle should be fine." Ouyang Shuangjie shook his head: "I think Han Bing died unjustly, if he could die earlier Tell us everything and things won't be like this."

Looking at Han Bing's body, Wang Xiaohu sighed softly, "Yeah, I don't know if he is too confident in his abilities or has doubts about our police."

Ouyang Shuangjie said lightly: "He doesn't have enough trust in me. He found out my friendship with Yan Zhou from the very beginning. At that time, he thought that I might be favoritism because of Yan Zhou, so he tried me step by step. , to build trust in me step by step. Of course, he is indeed too confident. In fact, he is not bad in terms of ability, but it is a big taboo to go deep alone. Without helpers and reinforcements, it is doomed that he will have an accident sooner or later. It's all my fault, if I had been able to persuade him and have a real heart-to-heart talk with him before, maybe he would not have such an ending."

Wang Xiaohu smiled wryly and said: "Didn't you say that every time your contact is very short, he never gave you such a chance. Well, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault."

After the preliminary investigation was over, Wang Xiaohu left two people there waiting for the forensic doctor, and he and Ouyang Shuangjie went back to the bureau first.

On the way, Wang Xiaohu said: "Ouyang, have you already determined that Yan Zhou did all of this?" Ouyang Shuangjie said: "Except for some clues that Han Bing left for us pointing to Yan Zhou, we have no idea at all. What conclusive evidence, but I know Yan Zhou's ability, he is a very talented criminal policeman, but if he really wants to commit a crime, he is also a genius criminal, even if he is not the mastermind behind the overall situation, he must be the mastermind one."

Wang Xiaohu didn't say anything more. Ouyang Shuangjie should be quite depressed after the investigation of this case. Yan Zhou is his best friend, but he is probably also his worst enemy, and his father was also arrested because of this case. The other party was kidnapped, and his life and death are still unknown.

Ouyang Shuangjie said: "Although Han Bing is dead, I believe he must have left something for us, but we don't know where he hid those things for a while." Wang Xiaohu's eyes lit up , Ouyang Shuangjie is right, Han Bing is a very scheming person, it is impossible for him to do things without leaving behind for himself.After searching for so long, he must have gained something. The reason why the other party wanted to kill him was because he knew too many secrets.

"It's a pity that this industrial park has not been officially opened yet, and many supporting facilities have not been able to keep up. It would be great if there were monitoring. Those security guards are useless at all, and they don't check the vehicles entering and leaving. The most important thing is that many nearby vehicles are He regards the park as a convenient shortcut, and likes to pass through the park in order to save a lot of walking.” Wang Xiaohu said this because they didn’t know anything when he asked the park’s person in charge and security.

Ouyang Shuangjie smiled wryly, he had already thought of this result, and it was precisely because of this that the other party chose such a place to commit crimes.

Ouyang Shuangjie said: "It took about 45 minutes from when I received Han Bing's call to when we arrived at the industrial park. Han Bing should have been caught and killed by them while talking with me. That is to say, if Han Bing Bing’s news is correct, my father was indeed locked up here by them at that time, but they moved him immediately after they caught Han Bing.” Wang Xiaohu frowned and looked at Ouyang Shuangjie, he didn’t understand what Ouyang Shuangjie said was What do you mean? He also thought of this, but 45 minutes was enough time for them to evacuate. The industrial park was originally connected in all directions. It is possible for them to evacuate to any direction. It is not easy to find out where they are going.

Ouyang Shuangjie continued: "The industrial park extends in all directions, but to the south is the Shunhai Forest Farm, which is a mountainous area, and to the west is the way we came. I paid attention at the time and did not see any suspicious vehicles. To the north is Shangqianrong High speed, go east to Dongfeng Town."

Wang Xiaohu understood a little now.

"They should not enter the forest farm. It seems safe to enter the mountain, but it is not. Now is the fire prevention season, and the defense team has stepped up patrols on the forest farm. They are likely to be exposed when they enter the forest area. If they go to the highway, it is equivalent to leaving. Lin Cheng, they probably won't leave Lin City for the time being. From a criminal point of view, they know that we will come, so naturally they don't want to meet us, so you mean they should go to Dongfeng Town gone?"

After Wang Xiaohu finished speaking, Ouyang Shuangjie nodded: "Yes, I should have gone to Dongfeng Town."

"Then what are we waiting for, hurry up and chase after him!" Wang Xiaohu was about to turn the car around.

Ouyang Shuangjie shook his head: "No, go back to the bureau first. If they are in Dongfeng Town, we will only alarm them if we go there in a police car and force them to move again, so let's leave him alone for the time being. Go back first, I’ll change the car before going, as long as they feel that we didn’t expect them to be in Dongfeng Town, they won’t run away for a while. As long as they don’t run away, we will be able to find clues about them!”

Wang Xiaohu said "Yes", he admired Ouyang Shuangjie very much, he could think about one thing so meticulously, if he was like Ouyang Shuangjie, his father was held in his hands, and he could still make a judgment so calmly what?Already in a hurry.

He could also see that Ouyang Shuangjie was very worried about his father. When he was looking at Han Bing's body just now, Ouyang Shuangjie didn't dare to move.

"Ouyang, don't worry, if uncle is really in Dongfeng Town, we will find a way to rescue him." Wang Xiaohu comforted.

Ouyang Shuangjie gave him a smile with gratitude: "Well, I believe he will be fine, but there is one more urgent thing, we have to try to find what Han Bing left behind, I believe it will be very useful for us to solve the case , and I think our opponents should also be looking for this thing, so we must be ahead of them."

Wang Xiaohu said: "It's a pity that Han Bing didn't give us any hints!"

(End of this chapter)

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