Serial sin

Chapter 120 Li Xiangqian's Speech

Chapter 120 Li Xiangqian's Speech
"Director Li, someone is looking for you in the office." The little nurse walked into the ward and whispered in Li Xiangqian's ear.Li Xiangqian was patrolling the room, she frowned: "Do you know who it is?" The little nurse shook her head: "I don't know, a man and a woman, they say they are your friends."

Li Xiangqian nodded: "Understood!"

Back in the office, Li Xiangqian saw Bai Qian and Ouyang Shuangjie. She knew Bai Qian, and she also had some impressions of Ouyang Shuangjie, but she was not familiar with them, and she didn't know what they were looking for.

"President Bai, what brought you here?" Li Xiangqian said with a smile.

Bai Qian pouted: "I'm not looking for you today, it's him, do you know him? Ouyang Shuangjie is also from our Psychological Society. He came to you to learn about the situation. He has another identity. A policeman from the Criminal Police Team of the Municipal Bureau." Li Xiangqian's face changed, and the smile on her face disappeared: "Police? I don't know what to say between me and the police. I'm sorry, I have to patrol the house."

As she said that, she walked out of the house. Ouyang Shuangjie coughed lightly: "Director Li, you should have heard about Yan Bin, right?" Li Xiangqian paused, and she turned around: "You guys You don't suspect that I have anything to do with Yan Bin's death, do you? Yan Bin committed suicide, and I can't stop him from wanting to die, and besides, I don't have that obligation, do I?"

Ouyang Shuangjie sighed: "Director Li, I think it's best for us to sit down and have a good talk. Of course, if you don't want me to talk here as a friend, I can only invite you to the bureau for a while." trip."

There was a hint of threat in Ouyang Shuangjie's words, and Bai Qian glared at him. When she came here before, Bai Qian had agreed to let Ouyang Shuangjie talk well, and don't make the relationship stiff.

Ouyang Shuangjie smiled helplessly. Li Xiangqian's appearance made it clear that he would not cooperate. He could only deal with her in this way. He knew that Li Xiangqian was a famous person in the hospital, and he could also see that Li Xiangqian It's a good face, if you really want to invite her to the police station for questioning, she will definitely be embarrassed.

Sure enough, Li Xiangqian came back and sat down on the chair: "What do you want to know?" Ouyang Shuangjie looked at Bai Qian, who raised her hand and said with a smile, "I understand, avoid, avoid!" Bai Qian left Li Xiangqian's office and closed the door behind her.

Ouyang Shuangjie said sincerely: "Director Li, don't get me wrong. In fact, I just want to know more about the situation. I have no other intentions. Moreover, I am here to talk to you in a private capacity. I hope we can Chat like a friend, and I hope you don't have any worries."

Li Xiangqian nodded, and Ouyang Shuangjie felt better when she said this.

"Director Li, I heard that you had an argument with Yan Bin on the last day of the meeting in Xiamen. Is there such a thing?" Li Xiangqian said that there was indeed such a thing. Ouyang Shuangjie laughed. The well-known good old man, who is smiling all day long, is not a person who is easily angry. What is the matter that made him so anxious.

Li Xiangqian's face flushed slightly: "Actually, it's my fault. I saw him and Geng Lan staying at the pier for a long time the first night. Just kidding, I asked if there was any affair between him and Geng Lan. Both of them have families, but this is not good. Who knew that he became anxious after hearing this, and he said that he and Geng Lan were just In the exchange of some academic issues, I said that I had heard that he had pursued Geng Lan when he was a young guy in the early years."

Li Xiangqian said that it was good for her not to mention the past, but she became even more anxious when she mentioned Yan Bin, saying that there was no such thing, and that Li Xiangqian was deliberately tarnishing his and Geng Lan's reputation.

"You said this stubborn old man, Mr. Geng is not in a hurry for him. Isn't he guilty? Besides, these are things in the past. Even if there is such a thing, should he be anxious? You I didn’t see him like that at the time, scolding and stomping his feet, if I knew he was such a person who couldn’t take jokes, I wouldn’t say it! It’s like stepping on his tail.”

Ouyang Shuangjie listened quietly, but doubts arose in his heart. Is the matter as Li Xiangqian said?If this is the case, then Yan Bin's reaction is too abnormal. Geng Lan is a well-known psychological counselor in Lincheng and an old expert in psychology. She is kind and has a good reputation, but even Ouyang Shuangjie doesn't know her. There is also such a story with Yan Bin.

Ouyang Shuangjie looked at Li Xiangqian, it stands to reason that Li Xiangqian is not a gossip person, and she and Yan Bin are not very familiar, how could they make such a joke with him?Could it be that Li Xiangqian is lying?But it doesn't look like it, or is there any relationship between Li Xiangqian and Yan Bin?Ouyang Shuangjie thinks it should be the latter.

"Director Li, how is your usual relationship with Yan Bin?"

Li Xiangqian thought for a while and replied: "It's not bad, he has a good relationship with our Dean Lu, he often comes to sit with Dean Lu, and we often see each other, and we can be regarded as colleagues, and we usually chat well Come on, he is always smiling all day long, who knew it would be so unpleasant." Ouyang Shuangjie heard from Li Xiangqian that Yan Bin often came to the hospital and had contact with Li Xiangqian, so Li Xiangqian would make such a joke. It's understandable, although it's a bit too much, but it's not abrupt at all.

But is what Li Xiangqian said true?Is it really as she said?

Ouyang Shuangjie later confirmed what Li Xiangqian said to the dean. Yan Bin and Dean Li are indeed friends. Dean Li is one of the few friends of Yan Bin. Dean Li said that Yan Bin comes almost every week. He came here to sit and sit. They are not only friends, but also tea friends. Li Xiangqian is the backbone of the courtyard. She often comes to Dean Li's office. Not only the deputy director of the department, but also the assistant to the dean.

Leaving the hospital, Bai Qian asked Ouyang Shuangjie curiously what Li Xiangqian said. Ouyang Shuangjie smiled and explained the matter roughly. There is no need for him to hide this matter from Bai Qian, otherwise he would not call Bai Qian came with him. As for the fact that he asked Bai Qian to avoid him when he was in Li Xiangqian's office just now, he just didn't want to embarrass Li Xiangqian.

Bai Qian was also very surprised when she heard this: "Hey, there is such a thing. There is such a story between Geng Lan and Yan Bin?" Ouyang Shuangjie gave her a look: "Are you women all gossips?" Bai Qian lightly Snorting: "What are you talking about? Don't think that it's only women, you men sometimes gossip the same way!"

Ouyang Shuangjie didn't say anything else, just said some irrelevant things to Bai Qian and sent her back to work.

After returning to the team, Xiao Yuanshan came up together: "How about it, did you gain anything?"

(End of this chapter)

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