The Queen of the Return of the Tyrant Wants to Run Away from Marriage

Chapter 782 Chapter 930 angered Long Ze, Nalan Qing was punished

Chapter 782 Chapter 930 angered Long Ze, Nalan Qing was punished (2)

Chapter 930 Angry Long Ze, Nalan Qing was fined (2)

He looked around, the explosion raised thick dust, his vision was blurred, and the dust covered everything, making him unable to think.


With the disappearance of Nalan Qing...the trace of gunpowder has disappeared for half a year...and now it appears again...

It's's her!

She really came back!

Bailihan searched for Nalan Qing's figure in the chaos, and suddenly he saw a figure with white hair and black robe in the distance, his eyes narrowed into a line.

Even if she couldn't see the face clearly, who else in the world has white hair besides her?
Sure enough it was her!

"Back, back quickly..."

"Master Hou, we can't retreat, the enemy army is already chasing us... Let's fight!" The adjutant walked to Bailihan's side in a panic, his face was full of anxiety, there was a trap in front of him, and pursuers behind him, There is a gunpowder explosion belt beside them, and they have no way to retreat.

Baili Hanxin had already sunk to the bottom of the valley, he pulled out the long sword in his hand violently, knowing that he really had no way out, he yelled at the soldiers beside him:

"Stand up, hold the sword in your hand tightly, and we will fight to survive."

"Soldiers, you are all good! For our great cause, we must give our lives. This is our duty as soldiers."

"Killing one is enough money, and killing two is enough to make money. There is nothing to be afraid of."

"Soldiers, kill!"

The sick soldiers heard Bailihan's voice, they held up their long swords and shouted in unison: "Kill!"

With a swish sound, suddenly a sound of breaking through the air flashed by, Baili Han's body was just so stiff... Excited soldiers watched his body suddenly collapsed, the sound seemed to be robbed suddenly, they Watching this scene in astonishment...


A bloody hole appeared in Bailihan's chest, and blood kept gushing out... His eyes widened and he could not rest in peace. 
"Hahahahaha... Killing one is enough money? Killing two makes money? Then we have to see if you can kill. People who can't see the situation in front of them don't deserve to live." Suddenly, a crazy voice sounded, and everyone People raised their heads, and their eyes looked at the white snow on the top of the mountain in horror.

Her long snow-white hair was like the color of a demon, and her ruthless eyes were full of frost, as if she didn't care no matter how many people died in front of her.

"Prime...Prime...Prime Minister..." Someone's voice began to tremble.

They faced this terrifying nightmare more than once, and they faced it many times before the Prime Minister grew up.

Killing, bloody, ruthless, cruel...

This white-haired prime minister has no human feelings at all...

"Soldiers of Bailihan, listen up, you are not qualified to surrender. If you choose to be an enemy of me, Nalanqing, you will have the consciousness of death... If you can survive this war... then I will allow you to live!"

Nalanqing looked ruthlessly into the fearful eyes of the soldiers below, she never thought of recruiting them.

If she can survive this war, she is a talent, and she wants to recruit more.

"Your coach is dead, so run for your life. It is your ability to escape from my pursuit... Naturally, you can survive..."

Nalan raised his hand high, with a smile in his eyes: "Then I officially announce now, the game begins!"

Yes, it's a hunting game.

The soldiers in front of her are her prey, and her Raging Flame Army and Longze's Yanlongwei are hunters... whoever kills more will be rewarded.

The three-color signal flares rose in the air. Lie Yanjun and Yan Longwei saw the signal flares rising. They paused, looked at each other, and immediately understood the meaning of the signal flares!
Games start.

Next is a competition.

Pulling out the long swords around their waists one after another, they rode on the horse and rushed forward quickly. The sound of the explosion in front did not stop, so they rushed directly into the explosion area, and slashed at the enemy in front of them without mercy. reaping their heads.

The opponent has far more troops than them, but because of the death of the coach, the morale of the army is unstable.

These soldiers had no one to lead them, so they could only keep fleeing... and were ruthlessly killed in the end.

On the one hand, Long Zhen's army must not stay.

On the other side is Long Xiao's old department, so they can't stay either.

Since we can't stay, let's have a fun game, shall we?

Nalan Qing sat on the top of the mountain and watched the flames of war below, her expression was very happy.

Waking up after sleeping for half a month, her heart was at peace, and she was not moved at all when she saw the bloody scene below.

She doesn't know whether such a deep sleep is effective, because she has no feeling for war at present.

I don't have any sense of blood...

I don't think it's cruel, and I don't think life is too weak... I don't think blood is an unacceptable thing...

Lang Xue reached out to cover her eyes, signaling her not to look any further, the blood would only make her feel more numb.

The cold light that flashed in her eyes just now showed her dissatisfaction with the scene in front of her... as if she was yearning for more blood.


Langxue covered his eyes, and said calmly, "I can't...look!"

"If you can't see it, then tell me." Nalanqian was in a good mood, shaking her legs and resting her head on Langxue's body.

The sounds of war came from her ears, including screams, neighing of horses, explosions, the sound of weapons being handed over... one after another sounded in her ears.No need to look, she can also imagine a hellish picture scroll!

The people in the city didn't know what happened. They only knew that the enemy army had retreated. The army that had stood firm for several months suddenly retreated. They couldn't help cheering for victory.

Standing on the gate of the city, the common people watched quietly. They did not know how long they waited... The sound of landslides and ground cracks in the distance stopped.

In the distance, on the horizon, the army returns again...

They were very disturbed, could it be that the enemy army has returned again?
Looking at the horizon with wide eyes, an army appeared. The armors on their bodies were of different colors, which meant that they did not belong to the same force... The only thing in common was that there were strings of human heads trailing behind them... like a string of human heads. like bunches of grapes...

Slowly came to the city...

The leading white-haired man in black robe is very conspicuous... The people looked at the young white-haired man riding in front of the horse, and some people shouted in surprise: "Oh my god, it's the prime minister! It's the prime minister who brought the reinforcements." save us..."

Nalanqing's signature white hair is very eye-catching, even if she can't see her face clearly, the people in the city recognize her.

Long Ze evoked a faint smile.

Xiao Qing'er's plan succeeded.

Reinforcements were called...the town's dangerous situation was successfully resolved.

"Open the city gate!"

When Nalanqing walked into the city gate, the people cheered...

"My lord, my lord, my lord..."

(End of this chapter)

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