The imperial concubine was spoiled by the prince again

Chapter 702 Kill you all, who else can report

Chapter 702 Kill you all, who else can report
"Did he suspect that Mr. Huo and His Highness lied to him?"

Xiao Yunzhi shook his teacup and narrowed his eyes: "With his arrogance, he should firmly believe that everything is already under control."

Ye Ji was puzzled: "Then why is he?"

Xiao Yunzhi leaned back: "Xiao Yunming is a very suspicious person. In his opinion, Master Huo listened to his arrangement because of Huo Jinxin. How can such a person stay in the imperial city at ease?"

Ye Yan suddenly realized: "So he deliberately dismissed Mr. Huo?"

"It's no wonder that Mr. Huo specially emphasized that Mr. Huo should bring more elites!"

Lifting the curtain of the car, Xiao Yunzhi lowered his eyes: "I'm afraid it's more than just 'opening'."

Maybe he didn't intend to give himself and Huo Zhennan a chance to go back at all.

After looking at the sky, he raised his voice and ordered: "Everyone is on alert."

The officers and soldiers who did not belong to Xiao Yunzhi looked at each other in blank dismay.

Then suddenly an arrow shot towards the carriage of His Highness the Prince!

At the same time, a large number of figures emerged from the hiding place. At first glance, there were about a thousand people.

As soon as they appeared, they rushed towards Xiao Yunzhi and Huo Zhennan with a rushing momentum.

Just before the arrow entered the car curtain, a cold light flashed and chopped it down.

Xiao Yunzhi put away his sword lazily, and a majestic voice came from the carriage: "Clear the field, don't leave anyone alive."

Ye Yan Ye Mei Ye Ling took the order: "Yes! This subordinate obeys!"

Following their voices, figures appeared continuously from the baggage wagon, the bottom of the carriage, the top of the roadside trees, and the rear of the team.

The face of the ambush man changed dramatically—what's going on!Didn't it say that it is better to set a trap here and kill the prince and Huo Shangshu?

What did Sun Shangming do?
At this moment, Lord Sun was trotting all the way to Xiao Yunzhi's side: "His Royal Highness, that's really all I know."

The ambusher was furious: "Sun Shangming! You betrayed His Royal Highness King Hui!"

Sun Shangming replied confidently: "I have been loyal to the imperial court and Your Majesty all my life, how could I join forces with rebels?"


The disparity in strength was too great, and when they felt that they were invincible, they yelled at Huo Zhennan: "Did Huo Shangshu disregard your daughter's safety?"

Huo Zhennan laughed on the horse: "Kill all of you, who else can report back?"

As expected, he did what he said, and within two hours, the place was cleaned up.

Xiao Yunzhi turned a blind eye to the blood staining that place: "Repair in place and prepare to return to Beijing."

Huo Zhennan asked Xiao Yunzhi while wiping the blood on the knife, "Aren't you going to the dam to quell public grievances?"

Xiao Yunzhi chuckled: "What's the matter?"

Huo Zhennan was a little surprised: "You really don't care about the wish of all people?"

"If the people really hate you because of the dam, even if our Huo family fully supports it, it will be difficult for you to get to that position..."

"In fact, it's not necessarily too late to rush back to the capital when we deal with the dam first."

"Or we split into two groups..."

Xiao Yunzhi shook his head: "Xiao Yunming brought out all the strength he had hidden for many years. During the period, he also recruited more than [-]% of the ministers in the DPRK and China. With Zheng Lianming's secret support, he must be fully prepared for this rebellion."

"If we don't go all out, the chances of winning are very difficult to say."

Huo Zhennan was still worried: "You mean you don't care about the dam?"

Seeing his disapproval on the face, Xiao Yunzhi finally decided not to let it go: "Father-in-law, don't worry, as long as the dam is safe and sound, then Wanmin Wish will not have any influence on me."

"It's just a jumping clown."

Huo Zhennan thought for a moment and understood: "Did Xiao Yunming spread rumors about the cracks in the dam?"

Xiao Yunzhi shook his finger: "Half and half."

(End of this chapter)

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