The imperial concubine was spoiled by the prince again

Chapter 583 My son will reason with you

Chapter 583 My son will reason with you

However, what he didn't know was that the reason why Huo Jinhe went so smoothly was that apart from his own prudence, it was also because the army had received a secret report in advance.

The barbarians prepared for this sneak attack for a long time, but unfortunately before they had time to show their strength, they were caught by the well-prepared Daxia soldiers in a big net like a fish, and they were all caught.

Afterwards, the generals of the Xia Dynasty wondered who was so powerful and knew the actions of the barbarians like the palm of their hands?

The barbarians suspect that there are ghosts among their own people.

Both sides are very puzzled.

Generally speaking, after the victory of the war, the soldiers will naturally relax their vigilance. Who would have thought that the barbarians would hold back such a big bad, and actually leave the killer's trump card for a sneak attack after the war?
According to the report from the frontier, the third barbarian prince brought a lot of people, more than enough compared to the regular army, obviously premeditated and with bad intentions!
You want to take advantage of the unpreparedness of the border soldiers and kill the carbine after the war, right?

No wonder they are not in a hurry to delay and talk about the barbarians here, they wish the sooner the better, right?

"Stealing chickens won't cost you money, right? You deserve it!"

The emperor is happy today, he drank a lot just now, and now he is holding a flagon, and no one persuades him to let go.

Da Xia hadn't slapped a barbarian in the face like this for many years, and everyone could understand it, so it was up to the emperor to be happy, anyway, tomorrow is not early - he gave the ministers a holiday!
At this moment the emperor talked a lot and his voice was high, he was still happy to slap Xiao Yunzhi on the back after saying a few words.

Xiao Yunzhi didn't think he was annoying, and happily continued to pour him wine.

"The Huo family raised a good son!"

"How do you think I should reward Huo Jinhe?"

Xiao Yunzhi smiled: "It just so happens that you rewarded his younger sister."

The emperor's heart skipped a beat, and he was half sober.

Xiao Yunzhi continued to laugh: "Then give his sister an imperial order, do you think it's okay?"

The emperor stared: "Nonsense! Can orders be given casually? In addition to the great achievements that should be made, there must also be seniority and seniority! A junior, if I give her an order, wouldn't I ask the elders to give her an order?" Salute? Besides, she is a good concubine, if this is ordered by imperial edict, where will the crown prince's face be placed?"

"This is not for the Zheng family..."

Xiao Yunzhi accepted the smile: "Hey, you are well-organized and logical. It seems that you are quite sober."

The emperor had a bad feeling of being tricked.

Sure enough, Xiao Yunzhi lifted the corner of his robe and sat down opposite him.

"Since you are still awake, the minister will reason with you. As the saying goes, there is no joke. Do you remember what you promised my son?"

The emperor wanted to pretend to be drunk, but Xiao Yunzhi didn't give him this chance.

"I have admired you for more than ten years for your ability to drink a thousand cups, and what you drink today must be like water to you."

"Your talent of never forgetting has also been deeply engraved in the hearts of young sons and servants by the Taifu as an example, so of course you will not forget what you said."

"And your fairness and strictness of rewards and punishments are also a model for the officials of the Manchu Dynasty to learn from, so you will never condone any villains who have made mistakes, and you are not willing to treat meritorious officials badly."

"Father, is your son right?"


He was suddenly speechless.

After thinking for a long time, he tentatively asked: "Your concubine Liang, are you short of money?"

Xiao Yunzhi snorted: "Do you still have money?"

Emperor: ...was it so difficult to chat with the prince in the past?
The emperor thought about it again, and then asked: "Your concubine Liang, do you have any hobbies?"

Xiao Yunzhi put his hands behind his back, and his tone was very serious: "Heal the wounded and save the dying, be kind and generous."

"I have nothing to do to relieve disasters, cure plagues and so on."

Emperor: ...I can't talk today! !

(End of this chapter)

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