Chapter 557 The Land of Belonging
Fuck dirt!

Bi Sao is more shameless, no matter how many times Jinxiu tries, she can only bow down in front of Xiao Yunzhi, there is no lower limit for this person.

"Don't! I won't talk about this anymore!"

Jinxiu covered her face and shrank into the quilt: "We are not separated!"

She pretended to sigh with emotion: "Thinking about it this way, it's a good thing for us to burp together. If we die one after the other, it's fine if we transmigrated in different timelines. It's hard to say whether we can transmigrated in together."

She yawned after she finished speaking, but Xiao Yunzhi froze.

But they... didn't die together...

To be precise, he didn't die.

In the dead of night, Xiao Yunzhi gently patted the sleeping Jinxiu to make her sleep more peacefully, while recalling what happened before he crossed over.

After the museum exploded, he fell into a coma. When he woke up, he was told that several days had passed. He insisted on seeing Jinxiu like crazy, but what he got was the ridiculous answer "Cheng Jinxiu is gone."

They told him that after the explosion they only found him with glass on his back in the ruins. At that time, his life was hanging by a thread, and he entered the emergency room as soon as he got off the ambulance.

At that time, the notice of critical illness was issued three times, and everyone thought he was going to die, but on the day when the wintersweet blossoms were blooming outside the window of the ward, Xiao Yunzhi felt that he heard Jinxiu's voice, so he opened his eyes just like that.

It was as if Jinxiu had evaporated from his world. Even the surveillance cameras near the museum hadn't captured her traces, ID card usage records, bank cards, online banking accounts, phone cards, entry and exit records...

No, nothing, there is no sign that she is still alive.

She seemed to just disappear out of thin air, or rather, die.

But he didn't believe it, he wanted to see people when he was alive, and he wanted to see corpses when he died. He didn't think that the power of the explosion could penetrate him, leaving no bone or scum in the person in his arms.

Later, Xiao Yunzhi met the owner of the jade seal that caused the explosion.

It was said that the jade seal was so valuable that it attracted the attention of international jewelry thieves, which caused a security incident. Now those culprits have all been arrested and brought to justice.

Xiao Yunzhi felt that he was annoying, so he let him go, but the man left without hesitation, but left Yuxi behind.

Everyone thought that the mysterious-looking old man was trying to make amends, but only Xiao Yunzhi knew that there was a letter left with Yuxi, a letter that looked crazier than him.

The letter said that Jinxiu didn't belong here, and she disappeared only because the time to go back has come.

She was back where she belonged.

If he wants to see the person he misses, he can drop his blood on the jade seal under the wintersweet tree at midnight, and it will open the door to another world.

The person he was looking for was there.

If you want to come back, use the same method.

That is to say, when he reaches the world in the book, as long as he can find Yuxi and drip his blood on it, he can return to modern times with Jinxiu.

In the beginning, he actually listened to it as a joke.

But maybe he was drunk and unconscious, maybe he missed Jinxiu so much that he lost his mind long ago, but he really did this.

Fortunately, he, who never believed in gods and Buddhas, really cut his wrist under the wintersweet tree at midnight.

He was afraid that there would not be enough blood, and the wound was so deep that the entire jade seal was stained red.

He thought, it doesn't matter, if he doesn't succeed, he will sleep with Jinxiu forever.

(End of this chapter)

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