The imperial concubine was spoiled by the prince again

Chapter 124 There Are Familiar Authors

Chapter 124 There Are Familiar Authors
Jinxiu looked cold and her tone was not flat.

"It doesn't matter. When he dies, I will find the best butler to cut him open, and then open his intestines for a slow autopsy."

"If it's true as you said, this big brother only ate our Yuanpenglou's food today."

"I really died because of this, let alone 100 taels, even 1000 taels, I will pay you."

"But what if there's something else in his stomach?"

Jinxiu's slender fingers slowly groped the rim of the teacup, looking into the woman's eyes, she said casually.

"That means you are lying. Since what you are telling is all lies, I will naturally not give you a single penny."

She blew her nails casually, and said with a cool expression, "In this case, his death will be for nothing."

The woman took a step back in horror: "It's not good to give us the money now! 100 taels is nothing to you Yuanpenglou! Are you going to kill Da Niu for this mere money?"

Jin Xiu sneered: "First of all, let's be clear—if he dies, it's not me who killed him, but you."

She rested her chin in regret and said: "And even if he can really get money with his life, only you can enjoy it alive. Thinking about it this way, it's really a big loss."

Daniu gritted his teeth and raised his head, struggling in his eyes.

Jinxiu was not in a hurry, and took the whole process leisurely.

The yamen servants looked at each other and confirmed that this was a hard stubble.

It's not good for them to procrastinate, so they bluffed——

"Yuanpeng Building kills people first, and is rude to the yamen servants second. If you still don't obediently follow us back to the yamen, don't blame us for being rude!"

Jinxiu asked: "Why are you being impolite?"

The yamen servants swished out the knives at their waists.

This matter obviously cannot be improved.

Ye Yaoyao disdained to watch these people behind the crowd.

Not to mention just seven or eight yamen servants, even seventeen or eight, the two of them can easily get down on the ground, even if they can't take action casually, those broken yamen servants are just a display for so many brothers behind Liang Di!

If Di Liang was bullied in front of them, and His Highness didn't need to speak when they turned around, they would all die of shame!

Jinxiu sighed, and started to take something out of her sleeve.

Sometimes it's useless to reason with idiots, but I like to play with power.

Who doesn't have a backstage?
Is Xiao Yunzhi's Prince's order enough to scare them?

It just so happens that Mr. Xiao dislikes him and refuses to take advantage of his power, so why not give him some presence today to satisfy his boyfriend's vanity.

However, in this tense atmosphere, Jinxiu didn't have time to pretend to be aggressive before the yamen servant made any move.

Suddenly, a few applause came from the corner behind the crowd.

"Okay, very good."

"It turns out that's how the sheriff in the capital handles cases."

The yamen servants turned their heads to look, only to see a tall man with extraordinary temperament striding towards them.

The man was dressed in simple clothes, his eyes were bright, and he was accompanied by several imposing and strong men.

The yamen servants felt that those strong men looked at them as if they were looking at little chickens.

They couldn't help raising their knives to cheer themselves up.

"Where is the troublemaker! How dare you stop the officials from doing things!"

"Take it together!"

The man laughed and winked at the strong men around him.

The latter immediately stepped forward, and the two officials fell to the ground.

The few "guests" who had never left the hilt of their swords were shocked: Why are there another group of people grabbing jobs!

How many flowers and plants has the pavilion master provoked outside these years?

Ye Yao Ye also looked at it strangely: Who is it?Let His Highness know that someone is so attentive, is something going to happen?

The yamen servants yelled and threatened: "You guys are so brave!"

"Assaulting officials, you are guilty of the same crime as Yuanpenglou! Wash your neck and wait to be punished!"

The men ignored them.

Jinxiu cupped her hands: "Cheng Jin, thank you for your help, but if you don't have an official in your family, or if your official position is not as high as that of an adult, it's better to go."

The man laughed, and walked towards her: "I have a familiar work, I can introduce this young master Cheng."

Jin Xiu frowned: "Can you remove the word 'small'?"

Just at this moment, the man also walked up to Jinxiu.

The moment he saw her appearance clearly, Huo Jin froze.

(End of this chapter)

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