The imperial concubine was spoiled by the prince again

Chapter 1103 His Royal Highness Extra Story

Chapter 1103 His Royal Highness Extra Story (5)

He lost his memory, forgot everything in the past, but he still had some impression of his own name.

He began to like reading books, and after reading the books in the study room, he began to linger in the city library again, where he stayed for a whole day, and every time he had to be urged by the administrator to think of leaving.

Occasionally, he would chat with Father Xiao and Mother Xiao about the contents of the book.

Looking at her son who seemed to hate her so much not long ago, she smiled and told herself about a book she had just finished reading, and Xiao's mother couldn't control her tear glands again.

At this moment, she felt that it might be a good thing that her son had forgotten about Cheng Jinxiu.

But she still dare not propose other women in front of Xiao Yunzhi.

The Xiao family rebuilt the study room, mainly to expand the bookcase, because the books Xiao Yunzhi bought were almost out of place, and when the workers were moving the furniture, a book happened to fall into Xiao Yunzhi's arms.

The title of this book was gilded, and it was called "The Royal Concubine Was Spoiled by the Crown Prince Again". This title was too weird for Xiao Yunzhi, and he wouldn't even glance at it normally, but when he casually flipped through the After a few pages, I saw familiar names on it.

For some reason, he felt his eyes moist.

He quickly turned the book to the back, and after seeing Daxia's long-term peace and stability, he felt unprecedented peace in his heart.

He put the book back and found Xiao's mother who was studying the recipes in the living room: "Let's go for a walk."

What he said was not around the villa or the city center, he wanted to walk around.

The country of Hua is very big, and he wanted to look around.

He felt that this was what his ideal home should look like.

Of course, Mother Xiao had no objection, although she felt from the bottom of her heart that her son actually wanted to use this excuse to continue looking for Cheng Jinxiu.

She is still not sure whether her son really lost his memory or pretended it.

When boarding the plane, Xiao Yunzhi's astonishment did not seem fake. Xiao's mother was puzzled and accompanied him all over the country. She had no intention of fighting for power and profit, and the company's shares were enough for her retirement.

They have been to many places, stepping on deserts, seeing rivers and seas, smelling the fragrance of flowers, and blowing mountain winds.

The world is so vast, and life is so beautiful, the little cares that used to be seem to be no longer important.

This is the real world.

Xiao Yunzhi gradually blended in and understood, and he returned to the Xiao family again. This time, he is no longer the cold-blooded president who makes people fearful.

His pronouns began to be replaced by "gentle and elegant" and "humble and polite".

The employees couldn't believe that this was Mr. Xiao from their family.

The boss started to be approachable, and the employees' enthusiasm for work increased a lot. The Xiao family was developing in a better and better direction, and Xiao Yunzhi was also familiar with the way of life here.

He became keen on doing charity. Xiao made a lot of money, but he didn't have much desire for money. He preferred to use the money to help more people and make the world a better place.

He still has a memory loss, but that doesn't seem to matter anymore.

He felt he could let it go.

When he came to this world for the fifth year, he went to participate in a volunteer activity.

This activity is very simple, is to help clean up the orphanage.

Xiao Yunzhi never revealed his identity when he participated in these activities, he only regarded himself as an ordinary person.

He wears a mask and hat so no one can see his face.

He bumped into a girl while helping to unload the car with clothes and books for children from all over the place.

This girl should have come to teach children to draw, and there are traces of paint on her apron and hands.

Those semi-dry paints also stained his clothes, the girl felt very embarrassed, apologized all the time, and said that she would help him clean the paint.

Seeing that the girl sincerely wanted to make amends, he happily left with her.

The girl smelled very good, like some kind of flower he had smelled before.

The girl said her name was Taxue.

After the girl helped him wipe off the paint, she left a message: "Do you like this world?"

By the time Xiao Yunzhi realized the meaning of this sentence, she had already walked away.

The sun was just right this day, Xiao Yunzhi couldn't help but smile: "I like it."

I love so much.

(End of this chapter)

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