Chapter 533
The next day, Yuansi took some camellia noodles and jerky to Jiao TuanZhang.

People help me with a lot of work, and I can't let them work in vain. In the letter, Xiao Fuwen reminded her to make her a good relationship with her superiors here, so I sent her extra mail for everything, just let her share it with everyone. food.

He also emphasized that she should not be reluctant. When she saw this letter, she estimated that the second batch of postal parcels was already on the way.

When they arrived at Head Jiao, Head Jiao looked at what she was carrying and said nothing.The soldier's hometown mailed some good things, how could he have the nerve to ask for it, and besides, he jumped up and down in the barracks every day, and didn't follow him to perform the mission, so let's give the soldiers more food to replenish their bodies.

Yuan Si didn't want to tear it up with others. After putting the things on the desk for him, he left. As soon as he got to the door of the office building, he saw a few young soldiers with live ammunition escorting a few blond and blue-eyed men. Embarrassed foreigners walked by.

Yuan Si stood still and watched the group of people walk away. Commander Jiao chased after her and saw her standing there. He followed her and looked at her with peace of mind, and then explained to her: "That is a captured prisoner. I heard yesterday that 176 The team encountered a group of enemies during their patrol this time, and after hard fighting, they were able to capture them back. Today, these captives are probably going to be interrogated.” Get some enemy intelligence from these enemy troops.

Yuansi nodded, then looked at Leader Jiao and said, "You don't have to send it off, Leader Jiao, I'll just go back by myself."

"I didn't want to see you off, I just wanted to go to the hospital to see some soldiers from 176." Leader Jiao took the lead to lead the way.

"Huh?" Yuansi followed behind.

"Two of the 176 soldiers died in the battle, and the remaining few suffered a lot in order to escort these prisoners back. After returning, four of them entered the health center." Commander Jiao, a soldier, admired each other very much, so he wanted to visit, even though they didn't know each other at first.

"Ah? They won the battle, why are they suffering?" Yuansi didn't understand.

Leader Jiao told her what happened in detail.

Yuansi was speechless after listening for a while, and blurted out: "The people in the 176th team must have something wrong with their brains. They gave the prisoners their own rations to eat, and then returned their hungry skinny bones. If anyone says they are not sick, I will I don't believe it."

The disease has taken a toll, and she thinks that going to the health center is not enough, and she has to go to a mental hospital.

"Don't talk nonsense." Leader Jiao looked around reflexively, afraid that what Yuansi said would be overheard.

Saying that the people's heroes are crazy is a proper reactionary statement, so think about it.

"I'm not talking nonsense. It's not that there's something wrong with your brain. Is he your father or your mother? It's worth making you starve and feed them yourself. They even killed two of your comrades in arms." Yuan Siyue Said the more angry.

"Shh, keep your voice down, what are you shouting for, I'm afraid others won't be able to hear you, come here." Leader Jiao almost reached out to cover her mouth, this little ancestor is only sick, how can this be so? Are you shouting?

Leader Jiao directly dragged Yuan Si to the open area of ​​the training ground, which was open on all sides, and there was no one training at this time, and someone who approached them could see them clearly, so they were not afraid of being eavesdropped.

"Let me tell you, I can't say this even if I think about it in my heart. The 176th team brought the captives back safely for the sake of the country and the people at the cost of their lives. Why did it change the taste in your mouth?" Jiao Jiao The head of the regiment tried his best to do work for her, "What we advocate here is to treat prisoners preferentially."

Leader Jiao felt that he had been changed by Xiao Li. He thought he was a taciturn and tough guy at the beginning, but after meeting Xiao Li, he felt that he was becoming more and more a mother-in-law, and since then he has embarked on a path of no return. road.

"A prisoner is a prisoner. The above said preferential treatment and didn't say that our soldiers should give rations to the prisoners without eating or drinking. Then why should we arrest them? Our country has a lot of food, right? Let them come to support the uncle. Commander Jiao, just say that if you could do such a thing?" Yuansi was still very angry, and she had never seen anything like this.

Their own team members died in battle, and they didn't say they were avenging their comrades, but they even treated the enemy as their ancestors. They were really angry when they heard it.

"This..." Commander Jiao thought about it seriously. He really couldn't do it, but he couldn't say anything against his will. "There is a more important meaning for them to bring the prisoners back. You may not know it. After a period of time, the country will exchange prisoners to rescue our people."

"Our people can be captured by them?" Yuansi was a little incredulous. As far as her team members were concerned, they were all people who would rather die than be destroyed. They would rather die standing than live on their knees. How could they be captured.

"Oh..." Commander Jiao felt he couldn't continue, "It's true that there are not many prisoners they can capture, but no matter how few they are, they are our brothers and sisters, and we have to find a way to rescue them."

Yuansi looked at him suspiciously, "So the exchange of captives is not equivalent. We were starved to death and captured so many captives, but in the end we will exchange a few of our brothers, right? Do you think this deal is suitable? Who made this rule, do you know, I'll ask him if he's sick, or if he's related there..."

"Oh, shut up, why do you make your heart tremble when you say this." Leader Jiao hurriedly turned his head to look around.

Yuansi shut up obediently and watched him waiting for an answer.

Commander Jiao sighed, "It's true that we are at a disadvantage in the exchange of captives, but there is nothing we can do about it. Our soldiers must be rescued. Besides, keeping these captives here requires room and board. That's not right. Consuming resources, you may not understand the situation in our military region, it is really difficult."

"Then it should be a fair trade. As many prisoners as they captured us, we will exchange them with them. The rest will be calculated on the basis of the head. If the money is given there, we will give them back. They have to be responsible for the food expenses during this period. It’s like saying, can they still care about the life and death of these prisoners, spitting stars can drown them. We can’t buy anything with the money.” Yuansi thought The opportunity to make money is right in front of you, why don't these people get the hang of it.

Leader Jiao left her speechless, and felt that what Xiao Li said was very correct. Why didn't they think of handling it like this.

"Anyway, let me say it first. I'm not sick. If we encounter the enemy while patrolling, if they hurt my people, then we will definitely die. If they are sensible, they will capture them obediently and bring them back to hand over." It’s not impossible to give it to you, but I can’t do the preferential treatment you mentioned, I’m not full myself, I’m sick so I’ll give my food to these invaders.”

(End of this chapter)

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