Chapter 523 different opinions
According to the usual practice, Yuansi still got two lunch boxes of meat porridge. She ate it with a sigh of relief. Seeing that Xiao Chang's whole body was also wet, she thought of something, and turned around and got into her tent, and took the meat porridge from the enemy army. The seized backpack was taken out.

He unzipped the zipper, took out the single tent, opened it, and found the enemy's underwear and three pairs of socks inside.

Yuansi handed the underwear to Xiaochang, "Here are you, go and change the wet clothes."

Xiao Chang was a little confused, he didn't expect that he would get such preferential treatment, but he couldn't take it, "No, no, instructor Xiao Li, I'm a man, I can bear this coldness, you should change it."

"You can take it if I give it to you, so much nonsense." Yuansi threw the clothes over, of course she couldn't say that she had plenty of dry clothes, but she just didn't wear them.

"There are only a few pairs of socks left, and you just have one pair for each of you." She threw the remaining three pairs of socks to Xiao Wang and the others.

In the end, I gave the single-person tent to the team leader. They didn’t bring a tent when they came out. They were afraid of trouble. Now it’s raining. The sleeping bag is not rainproof, and I don’t know how they usually get it.

The team leader was very grateful for Xiao Li's generosity. Originally, he didn't bring a tent because it was not the rainy season. Who knew that the rain came so suddenly, and he was still worrying about what to do just now. Take the initiative to borrow the tent.

You must know that Xiao Li is carrying two backpacks by himself these days. She didn’t agree with anyone who wanted to help her share. She said that the things belonged to her, so she had to carry them. It is a great favor to lend it to them.

Seeing Xiao Li's actions, Xiao Chang and the others immediately followed up with a smile, "Captain, you guys are not enough for just one tent, and you can't squeeze in. In a while, the four of us will allocate two tents for you. Just squeeze."

Good people have done it, and this must be said.

"Thank you." The captain was very moved. Really, at first I felt that I was a little out of place with these newcomers. If you want to eat well and live well, you don't have the spirit of a soldier to endure hardships and stand hard work.

Although he didn't say it, that's what he thought in his heart. He didn't expect that today, a friend in adversity will see the truth, and the captain's sense of them will be different immediately.

"You're welcome, just say thank you and we'll see each other. It's fate that we can go on missions together." Xiao Chang said very generously.

The captain nodded, and didn't say any more, just like what Xiao Chang said, if you talk too much, you will become a stranger, and he kept this in his heart.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with her, Yuansi stood up, took a raincoat from the branch on the far side, and put it on, "I'll go for a walk, if there's nothing wrong, I can rest when I come back." Then he picked up the sniper rifle and prepared to go out.

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you." The captain immediately stood up, wanting to follow.

"No, your speed is too slow." Yuansi turned around and ran into the rain after she finished speaking.

The captain wasn't embarrassed either, and sat down again when he saw the person leaving, "Have you finished eating? After you've finished eating, pack up quickly. After a while, Xiao Wang will be on duty for the night, and then 45 minutes alone, Xiao Li will get rid of him."


After leaving the camp, Xiao Li started running in the rain. She followed her usual habit, after running 400 meters, she took the temporary camp as the center of the circle and began to survey in circles.Of course, she ate buns while walking, she didn't want to go to bed hungry, so she rushed to do this job every night, and took the opportunity to eat some.

This time she didn't need to hunt, and she turned around very quickly, taking only 10 minutes, twice as fast as usual.The main reason is this weather, not to mention the enemy, even the animals don't know where to hide from the rain. The whole forest can only hear the sound of rain falling, and nothing else can be heard.

After returning to the camp, she told the team leader that she didn't find anything around her, and then went to wash up briefly, and went to sleep in her tent.

This time she took out a bearskin mattress from the space and put it on the bottom to keep out moisture and cold. On top was a sleeping bag, and then she took out a tiger skin mattress and spread it on.This tiger skin is the tiger skin she got in Wuhu Mountain. After she got home and peeled it off, she asked Xiao Fuwen to find someone to cook it, and let the old lady do it. At that time, she said it was for her master, so the old lady The wife did it very carefully.Of course, a cloth cover was also put on the tiger skin, so that the tiger skin would continue to be dusty.

Yuansi was kind to herself, she made several layers of cushions under her body, and then she lay down with peace of mind, took out the quilt she used just now and covered herself, sighed comfortably, It is good to have space, even if it is raining heavily outside, she can still sleep comfortably.

A good night's sleep. When everyone woke up the next day, the heavy rain outside hadn't stopped. After breakfast, there were differences of opinion among the recruits and veterans.

"It's raining so much outside. If we continue to drive in the rain, some people will get sick. Why don't we just stay here for a day and continue patrolling when the rain stops." The recruits felt that marching in the heavy rain Some are unwise, so I bravely put forward my own suggestion to the captain.

But the veteran didn't think so, "How can we do that? Our mission is 30 days. We can't do one more day or one less day. Our daily itinerary is planned. If we take a day off suddenly, we will definitely not be able to complete the mission on time." , who will bear this responsibility?"

The recruit frowned, and Yuansi asked: "Who said that 30 days can't be more than one day, and one day less can't be done? Why are we different from what you heard? Our regiment leader told us that we must patrol the number of kilometers we allocated. , so far no one has gone back early, so I don’t know if it’s okay to go back early, but if something is delayed in the woods, you can go back later.”

"That is, if we encountered the enemy in the woods and started a life-and-death struggle with them, and the fight lasted for three days and three nights without ending, can we still admit defeat and run away because we are afraid that we will go back late and fail to complete the patrol mission? ?” Xiao Ma also found it inconceivable.

"That's not possible, but isn't there a special situation? Besides, there are other reasons why we can't go back late. The compressed food we brought is only 30 days old, but it's okay. If we go back a few days late, there will be nothing to eat. It is." The veteran gave another reason.

"We have a gun in our hand, our skills are good, and there are quite a few people, how can we still be hungry in this forest?" Xiao Chang felt even more incredible.

"Well, the regulations above prohibit hunting..."

"Who stipulated this? Why didn't our team leader say it?"

The two sides had a heated debate over the issue of whether to stay or not, and neither could convince the other. In the end, both sides looked at the captain and let him make a decision.

The captain looked at Xiao Li, looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, thought about it, and said: "Well, let's stay here for another day, and everyone should take good care of themselves. Everyone has worked hard these days. If it takes a long time In the rain, it is true that some people may not be able to hold on. If someone really falls, we will be in more trouble, so let's save it for one day. But if it is still raining tomorrow, we can't delay it any longer, even if it is raining. We have to continue patrolling, after all, we have a mission to come out."

(End of this chapter)

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