Chapter 521 Tempest

Xiaohu has just entered the first grade, and his knowledge level is limited. If he doesn't know two words, he has to ask his uncle for advice. The old lady is so anxious.

When she got stuck for countless times, the old lady couldn't take it anymore, she went up and snatched the letter from Xiaohu's hand, and stuffed it into Xiao Fuwen's hand.

"Xiao Hu, let your little uncle read this letter to you first. You are reading it. Your mother is impatient. If you read it any further, I will definitely have a heart attack."

Then Xiao Fuwen laughed very unkindly, while Xiaohu was so depressed that he almost cried.

Xiao Fuwen was afraid that the old lady would beat the child badly, so he quickly comforted him, "Xiaohu, you eat first, I will read this letter to you first, and then I will let you hold it. If there is any word you don't know, just ask me. You mark everything you don’t know in pinyin, and when you read the letter to your grandma in the future, if you don’t know it, just spell it in pinyin.”

Xiao Fuwen originally wanted to comfort the child with good intentions, but in the end he hit Xiaohu deeply again. He sat down with his head drooping, grabbed his chopsticks and ate in silence.

After Xiao Fuwen finished reading the letter to the old lady, he realized that something was wrong with him, "What's wrong with you?"

"Wow, I can't even pinyin, what should I do?" Xiaohu had been holding back for a long time, when the little uncle asked, he couldn't help crying anymore.

Both Xiao Fuwen and the old lady burst out laughing unkindly, this kid is so interesting.

After laughing for a long time, I had time to comfort Comrade Xiaohu who was heartbroken, "It's alright, alright, if you don't know how to learn, it's a big deal." This is the old lady.

"You don't know it, so learn pinyin first, and I will teach you a few initials and finals every day when you come home from school. After more practice, you will be able to." This is Xiao Fuwen.

"Wow, when will I be able to read sister-in-law's letter?" This is Xiaohu.

"Why are you in a hurry, your sister-in-law is heartless. After this letter comes, I don't know when I will remember to write the next one. You can learn at ease, and you will definitely be able to catch up." Get to know your daughter.

Xiao Fuwen smiled secretly, making the old lady hit the mark. Even this letter was written by him himself, just to take it home to comfort the old lady. Her daughter is really heartless. After walking for so long, she didn't make a single phone call. , I haven't written a letter yet.

Besides, the heartless Yuansi is enduring the wind and rain in the virgin forest.In the third week of entering the primeval forest, that is, on the return journey of the patrol, they encountered a storm, and the bean-sized raindrops fell from the gaps between the leaves, scrambling to return to the embrace of Mother Earth, knocking on the trees and rotten leaves. Crackling, forming a wonderful symphony in the woods.

However, the 233 team that was struggling in the heavy rain was not so wonderful.

Ten people were wearing heavy raincoats, walking among the trees with one deep foot and one shallow foot.

"Captain, shall we find a place to hide from the rain first?" Xiao Chang wiped the rain from his face and shouted to the captain who was walking in front of him.

In heavy rain, if you don't shout, the people in front can't hear you.

The captain in front stopped and looked up at the sky.At this time, the sun had long been covered by dark clouds, and the entire sky was gloomy, and it was impossible to tell what time it was.

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon. We have been walking in the heavy rain for five hours. If we don't rest, we may all get sick." Yuan Si interjected at the right time.

She has a seized pocket watch, so she knows the exact time without looking at the sky.

The captain also shook the rain off his face, looked back at his team members, thought about it and said, "Okay, let's find a place to camp ahead, and we won't leave today."

So the group walked forward for a while, and stopped at a place with a slightly higher terrain.

Everyone leaned against the big tree and sat down. The five hours of rapid marching in the rain had exhausted most of their physical strength. Now they didn't want to do anything, they just wanted to sit down and have a rest.

When everyone woke up this morning, they realized that something was wrong with the weather, it was cloudy and the wind was blowing chilly.You must know that it is already summer, and the daytime temperature here can reach about [-] degrees. Every day they wear long clothes and trousers to shuttle in the woods and feel very stuffy, but in order to prevent insects and snakes, even the stuffy heat has to be endured.

The cool breeze blew this morning, and everyone felt very comfortable, but they also noticed that something was wrong.

"Looking at the weather, it's probably going to rain today. Take out the raincoats in your backpack and put them on top." The captain said, and distributed a piece of ginger to everyone.

A few recruits took the ginger slices and didn't know what they were going to do. It turned out that a few veterans skillfully opened their own kettles and stuffed the ginger slices into it.

Oh, that's how it was used.The recruits looked like I understood, and then followed suit, stuffing ginger slices into their water bottles.

"It's the rainy season now, and it's troublesome in the forest. It rains every now and then, sometimes for several days in a row. We can't stop patrolling because of the rain, so we have to take some protective measures. Otherwise, the body will not be able to bear it." A veteran patted his water bottle and explained to the recruit.

Everyone nodded in understanding. It turns out that this piece of ginger is used to drive away the cold.

Even though he knew that it would rain today, the captain still led the whole team unswervingly and continued to patrol according to the original plan.

Their team is responsible for patrolling the border defense line with a length of about [-] kilometers, and it is a round trip, that is, it starts from the starting point, and when it reaches the end point, it has to turn back to the starting point again.So each team spends a month on patrol once they come out, and they need half a month to cover the [-] kilometers, and then half a month to walk back to the starting point.

They are on their way back now, of course it doesn't mean that they don't need to patrol when they go back, the mission is the same when they go back and when they came, the enemy doesn't care if you are going home or not, when it's time to attack, they are not relentless at all.

So there is a plan for how far they go every day. Even if they know it will rain, they must insist on completing today's patrol mission.

A group of people walked all morning, and when it was past ten o'clock, the heavy rain that had accumulated all morning finally poured down, and they put on the raincoats they had prepared.

It was okay at first, but as the rain became heavier, they walked in the rain for too long, and the thin raincoats on their bodies didn't matter at all. The rain was clutched empty and floated into their raincoats. It was a soaked chicken, drenched from the inside to the outside.

"You can't sit like this, or you will freeze in a while, get up and move quickly, put up the tent, and change into dry clothes." The captain is very experienced, even though he can't move himself, he still reminded Everyone can't sit still.

"That's right, we have to quickly put up the tent and light the fire. We haven't eaten well at noon, and we will have a big meal at night." Xiao Chang got up from the ground with a smile.

When the recruits heard that there was something to eat, they seemed to be filled with vitality again. They all got up from the ground one by one, and then yelled to take off their raincoats and put down their backpacks.Although the backpack was carried inside the raincoat, everyone was already chilled, and it was conceivable that the backpack would not be spared. Fortunately, the captain reminded that the contents inside were wrapped in waterproof tents.

 Dear friends, this is the last chapter of today. Starting tomorrow, it will be updated five times a day for three consecutive days!
(End of this chapter)

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