Chapter 514 Entering the Forest
Leader Jiao and his team came to the border, but they did not immediately accept the task of patrolling the border, because the environment here is harsh, in order to avoid unnecessary casualties, all soldiers must receive training before going on duty, about virgin forests and wild survival training .

Of course Yuansi followed suit. Although she knew what the officer said before, she still listened very carefully. You must know that these primeval forests are more terrifying than you can imagine. There are many unknown poisonous insects in them, many of which did not appear in the textbooks. If you don't understand the vegetation, many naturally formed traps, and many wild beasts that even people hunt when hungry, you may die on your own territory without the enemy coming.

So it is necessary to learn these well.

The soldiers below saw that Instructor Xiao Li was studying so seriously, and some people who slipped away unconsciously started to learn seriously. They all knew that they were not as good as Instructor Xiao Li. Now that Instructor Xiao Li is studying so seriously, what reason do they have? It's not good to study hard.

After a week of training, these people are ready to go out to perform tasks. Optical theory is not enough, and practice must be assisted.

I just came to the border, and it was my first time to come into contact with this kind of virgin forest. Even if they had already received training, it was impossible for them to perform tasks independently immediately, so the military region divided the 30 of them into six teams, and each went out to perform patrols. The mission teams are all ten people, in this case, five veterans and five recruits.

Lead by veterans, go out on patrol once, and you can basically graduate.I haven't said anything yet, the duration of each patrol mission is one month, and then returning to the barracks can be repaired for half a month.

Because there is a vast virgin forest between the border and neighboring countries, and hundreds of teams are scattered at once, like mud like the sea, without any splashes.

Yuansi, Xiaochang, Xiaowang, Xiaoan and a pony were formed into the 233rd team.A day ago, I followed five veterans into the primeval forest and started their first patrol mission.

The five veterans were very surprised when they saw their new team members in the barracks. They didn't expect that a female soldier would be assigned to them this time.

A veteran soldier surnamed Liu had a bad face at the time, "Isn't this a joke? A female soldier is hired for such a dangerous patrol mission. What can a female soldier do? Cook a fire? Now we must not only pay attention to ourselves If she is safe, I still have to watch her, isn't this here to add to the chaos." When several veterans were together, he muttered.

But they are just unwilling, this is also an order from above, the duty of soldiers is to obey, they can only accept such an arrangement.

Yuansi heard what that old Liu said, but she pretended not to hear it at the time. After entering the forest, Yuansi directly knocked down the five veterans, "Although I am a female soldier, I never cook. During the month when we patrol together, these tasks are still yours, as for your safety, I will be responsible." That was quite domineering.

The five veterans were lying on the ground, unable to recover.

Where are we and what just happened?
Xiaochang and the others saw that Instructor Li had finished showing off his power, and hurried over to pull up a few veterans, and then hooked up with them to ease the relationship, and talked a lot about Instructor Li's great achievements.

Because Yuansi showed her strength in a timely manner, the team will get along fairly well in the next month. Most of the veterans put away their prejudice against Yuansi and seriously introduced the various dangers in the forest to the new recruits. Precautions.

Yuansi and the others also earnestly learned from a few veterans, and adapted well in the forest, but they couldn't bear it when eating and sleeping.

When they come out, each soldier will carry a big bag, which contains basic field equipment, such as [-] rounds of ammunition, a sleeping bag, a simple tent, a small medicine box, and one month's rations.

The rations must not allow them to carry rice and white noodles. They are all compressed food. Due to weight and other reasons, each person only carries [-] bags of compressed food each time they come out. One bag per day weighs about half a catty, which is enough for an adult’s daily energy consumption up.

Of course, it is only to maintain a minimum standard. For someone like Yuansi who eats a lot, one bag of compressed food a day is simply not enough.

Not only was Yuansi annoyed by the lack of food, she also couldn't accept the veteran's way of eating.They actually opened the plastic bag and started chewing.Yes, nibble, eat dry.When he choked, he took a few sips of cold water from the military kettle.

The veteran also introduced his experience, "It is not easy to light a fire to cook in the forest, because the fire can easily expose yourself, and hide the enemy wherever you can't tell. For safety, you should also eat like this. Persevere, and you will be able to wait until you return to the barracks." Have a hot meal."

This is not a matter of persistence. Yuansi can't take it anymore after eating dry food with them for a day. This is not a day or two. does she.

What's more, when going to sleep at night, those veterans didn't even have tents, and they didn't bring tents in their backpacks.

Veterans call it safe and easy.

It saves trouble, without carrying a tent, the weight in the backpack is reduced by half at once, and there is no need to go in and out of the tent every day, which saves some time.But just sleeping in the forest in the open air, aren't they afraid of snakes, insects, rats and ants?

Anyway, Yuansi couldn't bear it, and would put up the tent every night and put it back in the morning, which was ridiculed by several veterans as hypocritical.

However, Xiao Chang also learned from Yuan Si, and they were hypocritical together, which did not highlight Yuan Si's hypocrisy.

Moreover, Yuansi refused to eat dry food for breakfast, and asked Xiaochang and the others to take out the small pot and set the pot on fire to cook.

Xiaochang’s several backpacks have quite a lot of stuff, and they work together in a division of labor. For example, Xiaochang’s backpack is a big tent except for bullets and his own rations, which can accommodate four people. In Xiaoan’s backpack, except for bullets and rations, Carrying pots and pans, Xiao Wang is carrying sleeping bags for several people...

In short, several people recited it separately, and they brought all the tools for survival in the wild.

"Xiao Li, we can't light a fire in the forest. The light of the fire is a signal to the enemy. You can't expose so many of us to danger because of you." Veteran Liu frowned to communicate with Xiao Li, and the remaining veterans tensed up. Stretch, pay attention to the surrounding situation.

"It's okay. When I just got up, I walked around within a few hundred meters. I didn't find any enemies. It didn't take long for us to cook. Such a short time is not enough for the enemies to approach us." Yuan Si of course It is impossible to know that there is danger and still be hypocritical. She ordered Xiaochang to cook only after she was sure that there was no danger around.

"There is no absolute thing about this. You didn't know it when you first came here. It turned out that the 215th team encountered such a situation. They were caught by the enemy when they were cooking. Three people died at that time. This is a bloody lesson. We must take this as a warning." Lao Liu tried to persuade Yuansi.

If it was an ordinary recruit, he would have already passed by with one kick, and he would yell at you, don't drag everyone and you into danger because of your greed, but this is not an ordinary recruit, they can't beat them, and they don't even have the confidence to speak. It's about telling the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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