Chapter 321

The next morning, the family of three had dinner, and Xiao Fuwen reported the good news to his mother-in-law that he was going to take the job recruitment exam next Monday.

When the old lady heard that this was a big deal, she stopped letting her son-in-law do the dishes after dinner, and drove him into the house to rest.

Xiao Fuwen had no choice but to go into the room and lie down obediently.

As a result, when Yuansi was pushing the bike and getting ready to go to work, Xiao Fuwen sneaked out of the house again, took the bicycle handle from his wife, and carefully pushed it out of the house.

"Why did you come out again? Didn't you say you're going to rest today?" Yuansi dared not speak until she left the gate.

Xiao Fuwen stretched his legs naturally, then turned around and patted the back seat, "I'm not a little girl, I have to rest at home for two days for the exam."

"Then why did you agree when the old lady said it just now?" Yuansi lifted her butt a little and sat on the cushion of the back seat.

This car is often taken by Xiao Fuwen, so the old lady specially made a cushion out of calico and tied it to the back seat.

"Isn't that my mother-in-law? She asked me to rest. What else can I say? Of course I have to agree." Xiao Fuwen said as a matter of course.

"I'll just say you're a bad person, you're not what you look like." Yuan Si sat on the back seat dangling her calves, and she had to say a few words to the hard-working people in front.

"Ai ai ai ai, don't bring people who bury people like this. Besides, if I didn't agree at the time and started arguing with the old lady, you still have to beat me up." Xiao Fuwen is no longer the weak chicken many years ago. His physical strength has also been greatly improved. Although he is still not as perverted as the little girl, he is much stronger than a normal man, so dragging a big living person on a bicycle is like playing.

"Hmph, it's good that you understand. I don't dare to mess with the old lady. If you still want to talk back, you're going to die."

The two of them bickered without nourishment all the way to the gate of the County Public Security Bureau.

"Here, let's go to work. I'll come and pick you up for dinner at noon." Xiao Fuwen put his foot on the ground and stopped just like that.

Why don't you say that long legs are good, and it is convenient to do everything, even riding a bicycle has the capital to be handsome.

Yuansi jumped down from the back seat, waved her hand and walked to the police station without asking him what he was going to do later.

Xiao Fuwen saw her walk in, and then rode his bicycle away again.

"Your partner sent you here again." A woman in her 30s wearing a uniform poked her head to look outside.

This is Yuansi's colleague, named He Miao, who is also a civil servant in the Public Security Bureau, but she has to sit in the front every day, and she has to receive people who come to the bureau, unlike Yuansi, who works in the back every day There is a cat in the reference room, if she didn't take the initiative to come out, she might not see a person in a day.

However, Yuansi's popularity here is still good, and her straightforward tone is still very popular here.

"Yeah." Here, they refer to their other half as the object, and everyone in the bureau knows that she got married early.

"Is your partner already graduated, and you get up early in the morning to send you to work, your relationship is really good enough." There was no jealousy but envy in the words.

There is no woman in the bureau who does not envy Yuansi. They found a tall and handsome partner who is still a high school student. The most important thing is that she is very kind to Yuansi. From the day Yuansi came to work, she has been with her every morning and evening. They all ride bicycles to pick up and drop off, and sometimes if there is no class in the afternoon, they will buy some food and come to the bureau to accompany Yuansi to work.Basically, from the top to the bottom of the bureau, there is no one who has not eaten the food he brought. Even the bureau chief once patted Xiao Fuwen on the shoulder and praised him for saying it was good.

Li Yuansi has been working here for more than a year, and this situation has never stopped. Now that her boyfriend has graduated, she doesn't have to go to class early every morning, but it turns out that she still sends her boyfriend to work early in the morning.

This sweet scene of the young couple makes those housewives who have attributed their lives to daily necessities and oils and salts envious, and then want to say a few jokes every day to make fun of Yuansi, everyone talks and laughs, and they all follow the youth.

Yuansi didn't feel their malice, so they usually joked a few words, and she listened with a smile.But I'm a little puzzled by their envy, don't they just go to and from get off work together every day, why do they seem to be a great bliss?

"Sister He, you think too well of him. He has some business to go to school today, so he came here with me." They said yes, Yuan Si can't follow suit, she can only be polite That's it.

"You can pull it down. Who is this young man Xiao Xiao? Can I still see you clearly, sister He? My eyes have not been practiced in vain these years." He Miao pointed to her big eyes. Although I don't often go out to work, I see a lot of people of all kinds every day, and I am quite accurate in judging people, "Xiao Xiao is a good guy, Yuan Si, you should hurry up."

"By the way, Xiao Xiao has also graduated now, and you are about the same age, when will you have a baby?"

Yuansi secretly rolled her eyes, no matter where she went, someone gave birth.

"Who wants to have a baby?" Zhao Yangwu, who had just opened the door and came in, heard the end sound, and asked carelessly.

"I said Yuansi, I urged her to have a baby with Xiao Xiao quickly. They both look good-looking, and the child will definitely be the same in the future." He Miao took out the mop, chatted with the two of them, and started cleaning Hygiene is here.

The Public Security Bureau is short of funds, but there is no money to hire a special cleaning person, so the hygiene in the bureau is cleaned by itself, and a few female comrades in the office who do not go out to work take the initiative to take over the job.

"It's not urgent. Our Yuansi is such an excellent little girl. She is still so young. She should work hard for a few years before thinking about having a baby." They are all married women and men, and they are familiar with each other. Li is not shy about saying these things.

Yuansi ignored them and walked into her office without saying a word. She had to change her uniform and help Sister He clean up.Besides, what they said, they used to talk about it every now and then, and it's nothing new.

Besides, Xiao Fuwen actually rode his bike to school after seeing off his wife.

The Public Security Bureau is not far from the county high school, and he arrived there in less than 5 minutes by riding.

At this time, the school is on holiday, and only the principal and individual teachers will work in the school.

It stands to reason that the school should be very quiet at this time, but today is not the case. Xiao Fuwen felt something was wrong as soon as he entered the campus.

Hearing the sound of shouting and shouting from the teacher's office from afar, Xiao Fuwen thought for a moment, realized what happened, and hurriedly rode his car at a fast speed and killed him.

(End of this chapter)

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