Chapter 167

Because no one came to give him the needle in the middle of the night, so early the next day, he went to school empty-handed after breakfast.

He came back empty-handed yesterday, and the schoolbag was still in the classroom. Didn't he have to go to school empty-handed?

Needless to say, taking classes and so on, although he was illiterate in the early days of his previous life, he has successfully got rid of the label of illiteracy through his later studies. If he is not old, it should not be difficult to take an undergraduate course at that time.

So these things taught in elementary school are not a problem to him.

At noon, he showed his shameless skills again, and took the initiative to join the small group of Li Yuansi, Li Fangping, and Li Zhaohe. In order to please someone, he also took the initiative to take out the soy sauce rice balls he made in the morning to share with everyone.

Rice is hard to come by in this area, and wheat is the main plant here, so even if he only added soy sauce to his rice, the two brothers and sisters, Li Fangping and Li Zhaohe, were full of greed.

Xiao Fuwen was also generous, and directly divided two of his four rice balls, and the remaining two were of course for the little girl, but looking at the little girl, she didn't seem very interested.

Salivating, he took the initiative to exchange a rice ball with soy sauce for a pie in Li Yuansi's lunch box, and stuffed it into his mouth without waiting for anyone to object.

After eating with a look of enjoyment, he grinned happily at the little girl who was staring at him.

This is also the reason why he gave up his face to pester the little girl. The food at the little girl's house is really delicious, even better than those in state-run restaurants.Xiao Fuwen, a foodie, hadn't eaten it yet, and he had already fallen by just hearing about the two pots of meat.

Li Yuansi endured Xiao Fuwen for a whole afternoon, and when he saw that he came out, he followed him again. This time he was not polite at all, so he gave him another injection, which made him calm down completely, and he was no longer annoying.

That's it, from the beginning of elementary school in September, Xiao Fuwen insisted on getting stabbed unconscious once a day, it can be said that he was not desperate.

He thought that he would have to persist in such drowsy days for a long time, but Li Mubao's return home temporarily relieved him of the fate of being stabbed.

On this day, the old lady was carrying a small bench and a small basket as usual, chatting and gossiping with a group of elderly sisters under the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village, when she saw a figure walking in from the entrance of the village from a distance.

"Who is this? Why do you come to our team at this point? I don't know who it is for?" Because they were a little far away, everyone only saw the figure and couldn't recognize who it was for a while.

After the figure approached, Zuo Daya suddenly stood up, and the small basket on her lap fell to the ground.

"Xiaobao, Xiaobao, that's my family's Xiaobao." The old lady murmured with blank eyes.

"Hey, isn't this your big treasure?" An old lady recognized who it was with sharp eyes, and shouted at the old lady in surprise.

"Oh, it's true. This is your big treasure. You can't recognize him in this military uniform." The old ladies next to him heard what someone said, looked carefully, and recognized who it was.They were indeed the precious sons of the Zuo Daya family, each one of them looked eager as if their own son had returned.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up to greet her. Your eldest treasure hasn't come back for several years." An old sister pushed beside her.

Only then did the old lady come to her senses, and ran towards the entrance of the village with her little feet.

The mother and son met with tears in their eyes. Zuo Daya really missed her son. She has been away for four years. Except for writing a letter in a few months, she has no news. She is a mother. Don't want a son?

She was usually stubborn, but now seeing her son right in front of her eyes, the old lady couldn't stop her sobs.

"Mother, my son is not filial, and my son is back." Li Mubao was also very excited when he saw his old mother, and wanted to kneel down for her when his knees softened.

Zuo Daya can't let her son kneel down outside. They say that men have gold under their knees, so why not kneel when it's okay.The old lady pulled her son back with quick hands.

"What are you doing, come back, just come back, just stand up straight for me."

Seeing the group of old ladies following behind, Li Mubao felt a little embarrassed, so he stopped kneeling and gritted his teeth at the old lady, "Well, mother, I listen to you."

The old lady felt relieved when she heard her son's words.

What a familiar language. She hasn't heard it for four years. When her son was at home, she was an obedient child. She said whatever she said and never refuted her. Unexpectedly, when he returned from the army, his son hadn't changed at all.

When it came to her, for some reason, hearing her son be so obedient, she felt uneasy.

A group of old ladies gathered around, you and I said one sentence to another, which made the little discomfort in the old lady's heart disappear, and she smiled and let her son greet everyone.

Li Mubao was not extroverted in the first place, and he didn't change much after being a soldier for four years. He made a few aunts tease him, and his face flushed.

"Okay, my son finally came back, you can stop asking a few questions, let my big treasure go home and have a good rest, and I will come out to chat with you when I have time." Whoever has a son feels distressed, look at his own son, old man The wife directly took her son's hand and was ready to go home.

"Oh, just after this son came back, your back is stiff, right?"

"Hurry up and go back, we'll be chatting with you tomorrow."

A group of old ladies were laughing and joking. The old lady greeted everyone, and dragged her son home with her things.

When he arrived at the door of his house, Li Mubao looked at the fence of his house and was really taken aback for a moment.

"What's wrong, my family doesn't know each other anymore?" The old lady obviously felt the person holding her back paused, and when she turned around, she saw the blank expression on her son's face.

"No mother. When I left, our house was still fenced and fenced. Now it has become an adobe wall. When did it change?" Li Mubao asked, pointing to the fence. The main reason is that the family has undergone such a big change. Let him not be able to adapt for a while.

"Oh, it's too early. Not long after you left, our house was changed." The old lady thought about it and had to change the fence back then.

"It will take a lot of work, why don't you wait for me to come back and do it." He feels sorry for his old mother, and he is the only man in the family, so it stands to reason that these things should be his job.

"The day lily will be cold when you come back." Zuo Daya recovered quickly. The excitement of seeing her son just now has dissipated a lot, and she has resumed her usual venomous tongue mode. "Besides, this is not a big deal. I and Your uncle's family made it together, and I don't need to do anything."

The old lady opened the courtyard door, but Li Mubao didn't speak, picked up his things and followed the old lady into the courtyard.

"Si'er, come out quickly and see who is back." The old lady yelled into the house as soon as she entered the yard, and the joy in her tone could be heard even in the village.

Yuan Si had exhausted her mental strength to check around when there was movement at the door, and saw that not only the old lady came back today, but also a young man with a luggage roll on his back. With that military uniform and a somewhat familiar appearance, she It was easy to tell that this was the eldest brother of the original owner.

She suddenly thought of the big disarmament that Xiao Fuwen said that day, did his crow's mouth really hit the mark, the original owner's eldest brother was laid off and went home?
(End of this chapter)

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