Chapter 118
After the search on the mountain was over, Yuansi moved to the grassland behind the mountain.

This time, there were no herds of sika deer waiting for her at the foot of the mountain. Instead, she went deep into the grassland to track down large edible herbivores everywhere.

She went deep into the grassland for more than a day, and finally saw groups of herbivores.So she observed it, and dug a trap nearly two meters deep in the most favorable place.

And this year her mental strength is much stronger than last year, and when trapping prey, it is much easier than last year.

She stayed on the grassland for half a month, hunting four sika deer, twelve sheep, and nine species that looked like cattle.Sometimes she could see the long horns of some animals in the grass. She didn't know if it was useful or not. She collected some of the different ones and showed them to Old Man Yang when she went back.

Besides, this time she was hunting during the day and at night, she lit a fire to skin and dismantle the prey, because the smell of blood was too strong, which also attracted wolves.

However, Yuansi's field equipment had a wolf repellent, and the wolves did not dare to approach but were seduced by the smell of blood, and refused to leave easily, wandering five meters away from the camp night after night.

Yuansi was annoyed by their howling, and thought of a way to clean up the pack of wolves.There are a total of 22 pieces, and they are piled up in a large pile.

She doesn't like to eat wolf meat, it's firewood and fishy, ​​and of course she won't eat it if there is a better choice.But waste is a crime, even if she doesn't like it, she has received the space after skinning and tearing apart the bones.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that others don't like it. Maybe someone else likes the smell, and she can sell it for a few bucks.

According to last year's experience, the prey she hunted was enough for her and the old lady to eat for a year, and it would be a waste if two more people couldn't finish it. You must know how to develop sustainably, so Yuansi died after staying on the grassland for half a month. I packed my bags and changed places again.

The mountain next to the grassland is not alone, but the last one in a mountain range. Yuansi has already searched all the mountains, and there is no point in staying, so she walked along the mountain range and arrived at In another mountain.

This mountain is much richer in products than the previous one, and Yuan Si went crazy playing here. By the time she remembered what was going on, it was already the end of September, and the wheat had already ripened.

She hurried back to the Hakas Farm, wanting to see how the people of Su Guo handled the wheat after they harvested it, whether it was like the old family who directly dried the wheat and then manually threshed it.

She had no experience last year, so she directly packed the straw into the space and took it back. It was full, but she didn't bring much serious food back, because the straw took up the space.This year, she plans to learn her lesson and go straight back with grains of wheat.In this way, she needs to learn from the practices of the Su people.

She took out the bicycle from the space again, and rode it hard to the Harkas Farm camp.

When she was riding in the middle, she saw many harvesters working in the wheat field.

What is Yuansi talking about? I didn’t expect these Su people to have such advanced machinery and equipment. She counted and found that there are more than 20 harvesters working in the field. So many big guys are working together. Can't harvest all the wheat on the farm every year?
This is really confusing.

Yuan Si continued to ride to the farm from a distance, and when she arrived at the camp, she saw more than a dozen harvesters parked in the corner.

oh?Why do some people still work and some rest? Does the current technology and machinery still have to take turns to rest?
She hid and looked at it for a while before she realized the clue.

When the harvester is working in the wheat field, it is only responsible for cutting the wheat from the field, and when it is handed over, it will throw the cut straw into the following tractor.

The tractor is not very big, it takes about 15 minutes to fill a car, and then the tractor has to drive out of the wheat field.

Yuansi followed to see, and the tractor directly pulled the wheat stalks to an open space next to the camp. This round trip took about half an hour, which means that one harvester must be followed by three harvesters. The tractor is used alternately back and forth.

However, there are not so many tractors in this farm, which can only match the speed of more than 20 harvesters.Sometimes if the tractor lingers for a while, the harvester in the field has to stop and wait.

Yuansi observed for a while, and saw that six or seven harvesters had stopped to rest.

No wonder the efficiency is not improving, it turns out that the machinery is not matching.

Yuansi watched the harvester chug forward in the wheat field and began to think about it. The harvester harvested very fast. Su Guo could not keep up with the speed of wheat transportation, so the overall efficiency could not be reflected, but if he had What about such a harvester?She has space and mental power, so she doesn’t need the tractor behind her at all. She can use her mental power to control how much straw she collects in the space, and she can harvest straw non-stop when she drives this guy. Wheat, how many acres of wheat would she have to harvest in that month?

Yuan Yuan thought about it, and her heart couldn't stop, the temptation is so great, can she manipulate it at all?

But she doesn't know how to operate this big machine, she still needs to observe and learn.

Besides, Yuansi came here this time to learn from the scriptures, not just to steal the harvester.

After seeing enough harvesters on the ground, she quietly followed the tractor pulling the straw to the grain drying field in front of the camp.

This grain drying field is huge. There are several people wearing red armbands, directing the tractors to stop at the designated location to unload the wheat. Several workers are holding forks and flying up and down to flatten the piles of wheat after a tractor has finished unloading. spread out on the ground.

On the other side of the grain drying field, there are also several machines rumbling non-stop.

Yuansi turned to look, the front is for drying wheat, and the back is for threshing.

Many people use tricycles to transport the sun-dried wheat to the threshing machine at the back.

There are several heavily armed workers standing around the threshing machine, busy all the time.

There is a person standing on each side of the thresher, who is responsible for sorting the wheat bundles brought by the tricycle and putting them on the shelf.There is a man above the thresher, who is responsible for pushing the straw from the shelf into the machine.There are still two people standing in front of the threshing machine, who are responsible for picking out the wheat stalks that have escaped, and they have to find time to pick up the wheat grains that are pushed under the machine.

There are a few people on the periphery who are also busy working. They are holding sacks, one side is for wheat grains, and the other is for wheat sacks.After filling a sack, throw it behind, and a special person sews the sack with needles and threads, and then the tricycle pushes the sack away again.

Wheat stalks are crushed wheat stalks, which are also very useful resources. They are good feed for pigs and cattle.

Yuansi observed for a while, and memorized all the procedures of the threshing machine.

That's what she's here for.

(End of this chapter)

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