Wangfu little dumb wife

Chapter 177 Top 3, Last

Chapter 177 Top Three, Last (3 more)
Song Wei rested all night, got up to wash at dawn, his spirit was slightly better than last night, but his head was still a little heavy.

When her elder brother's illness became like this, Song Fang specially came back from the Hongwen Museum to take care of him. She had already helped him put pens, ink and food into the examination basket, and was afraid that he would be cold at night, so she asked him to change into thicker robes.

Before he had time to do it himself, Song Fang bought him a pair of knee pads from outside.

Song Wei didn't refuse, and opened the door after getting ready.

Xie was waiting outside, and when he saw him, he opened the corner of his mouth and smiled, "How do you feel today?"


Xie Zheng took the initiative to take his test basket and carried it in his hand, unlike others who persuaded Song Wei not to take risks, "Persist for two more rounds, after the test is over, you will be light-weight, and you can rest as much as you want at that time."

Hearing this, Song Wei raised the corners of his lips slightly, but in that smile, there was a paleness that had not recovered from a serious illness.

Xie Zheng prayed silently in his heart, hoping that he could finish the second and third exams smoothly.

Song Wei also thought the same way, the first match was so difficult, but he survived it, if God doesn't open his eyes, the second and third match should always give him preferential treatment.

However, when it came to the examination room, he realized that he thought of God too kindly.

This time it was not raining, but the location of the dormitory.

There is a toilet at the end of each row of dorms, and the closer the dormitory is to the latrine, the more stinky the smell is.

Unfortunately, Song Wei's position is exactly the base number, that is, the last room in their row.

The last match was due to rain, and he fell asleep during the day, so he basically didn't feel anything.

The second round was different. The scorching sun made people drowsy. Two candidates must have eaten their stomachs and kept running to the toilet.

Song Wei's head was empty because of his serious illness, and then affected by the smell, it was difficult to stabilize his mood, and his thoughts were interrupted all the time.

It wasn't until nightfall that he finished answering the exam papers. He couldn't eat anymore, so he took the time to remove the wooden board for answering the questions and put it together with the seat board, and he wanted to sleep on it at night.

The examiners supervised very strictly, and candidates were not allowed to walk around at night.

The eldest princess learned through Li Taiyi that there was a rain leak in Song Wei's house, and she has already tried to make a simple repair through the relationship.

It's just that she doesn't know the location of Song Wei's house, otherwise she would have given up.

Song Wei slept soundly in the first half of the night, but the rain came again in the second half of the night. After he was woken up, he sat up and didn't dare to sleep because it was too cold.

It may not be a big deal to other candidates, but he is a sick person, and even a little wind blowing outside feels like cold thorns go into the pores, and he can't stand it at all.

From the second half of the night until dawn, he handed in the papers and went out.

Seeing that his eyes were dark blue, Xie Zheng guessed that he hadn't slept well, so he showed concern, "Did something happen again last night?"

"It's just that I didn't fall asleep because of the rain. Compared with the first scene, I was much luckier." Song Wei's voice was somewhat tired.

Xie Zheng relieved his heart a little, and encouraged him, "There is one last match, hold on for another three days."

Song Wei smiled lightly, and in three more days, he just finished the exam, not passed the exam.

He could have a general idea of ​​any exams in the past, but the first two exams had already made him realize that he might miss the chance to be a Jinshi.

The first round was a question that he had to answer in one breath. Now that he was thinking about it, he couldn't even remember what he had written.

As for the second game, it can barely be regarded as returning to the normal level, but if you want to use the results of the second game to make up for the first game, it is very difficult.

If you want to pass the exam, unless you can perform exceptionally in the third game and fill in the "mistakes" in the first two games.

After arriving home, Song Fang immediately prepared warm water for the two to bathe in.

Song Wei went out to eat after taking a bath and wringing out his hair.

He wasn't ready yet, and Song Fang didn't dare to indulge in big fish and meat, so he did it lightly.

After eating, Song Wei went back to his room and took a nap.

Unfamiliar with the place, Song Yuanbao didn't go out, didn't disturb Song Wei's rest, washed his father's clothes, and helped his little aunt with housework.

After Xu Shu finished school, he rushed to the Hutong courtyard immediately.

With the shadow of the first scene, he paid more attention to the second scene. Seeing Song Wei sleeping in the room, he didn't bother him, and asked Song Fang directly, "Is your third brother feeling better?"

Xu Shu took the initiative to care, but Song Fang had no reason to drive people out, and said truthfully, "It's much better than last time."

"No problem in the second round?" Xu Shu asked again.

Song Fang was a little hesitant. How about the second scene? Before she had time to ask, the third brother had already gone back to the house to rest.

Shaking her head, Song Fang sighed and said, "Looking at the third brother's appearance, it seems quite tiring, and it shouldn't be easy."

"What's going on?" Xu Shu wondered, "Is God deliberately against your third brother? I'll take a test soon, tossing and tossing, is there a way for people to survive?"

Song Fang thought in her heart: That was when you didn't see my third brother was really unlucky.

When he was in Ningzhou, he went to the county twice to deliver manuscripts, and when he came back, he was bloody and half-life. If it wasn't for the timely treatment, he wouldn't have the chance to go to the examination room now.

But this kind of thing is probably because of the horoscope. Even if she feels angry for the third brother in her heart, Song Fang dare not scold the sky casually, except for sighing, she can only sigh.

After Xu Shu left, Song Fang went to the vegetable market and cooked vegetable porridge for Song Wei for dinner.

Song Wei didn't come to the main room, and Song Fang personally sent him to his bedroom to say hello.

Song Wei drank the medicine before going to bed, covered himself in sweat under the quilt, and the fever has subsided by now, but his lips are still chapped and peeled.

After taking two mouthfuls of porridge, the impatience in his throat finally eased.

Seeing that he could swallow, Song Fang guessed that he was getting better, so she sat down and said, "Xu Shu came during the day and asked the third brother if there were any accidents in the second round. I didn't reply to him at that time."

The porcelain spoon in Song Wei's hand stirred in the porridge bowl, not wanting to make the younger sister worry, "It didn't rain in the second scene, so it went smoothly."

These words are equivalent to giving Song Fang a reassurance. Her anxious heart has been soothed for several days, and her face is also happy, "Really? If something really happens, third brother, don't hide it from us!"

Song Wei hummed, "It's impossible to lie about this kind of thing."

Not long after, Xie Zheng came to see Song Wei, chatted casually and went back to his room to study.

Song Wei didn't touch the book. With his current state of mind, reading would only cause dizziness, so it's better to rest more to recharge your batteries.

In the early morning of March [-]th, the third session of the exam started. Today, it neither rained nor exposed to the sun, and it was neither too hot nor too cold.

Song Wei, who was already prepared for bad luck, did not encounter the expected little accident.

In this round, most of his illness was cured, his mind was clear and his thinking was clear, and he performed better than the previous two rounds.

When he left the examination room on March [-], Xie Zheng asked him if he was sure he would pass the exam.

Song Wei paused in his response, neither saying he was sure nor not sure.

His performance in these three games, the first game was the worst, the second game was the second, and the real best was the third game. However, the judges look at the overall score, and if there is only one outstanding game, it may be difficult to rank .


According to the regulations of the examination, the rankings should be released within half a month, that is, before the first day of April.

When the examiners were filling out the list, the top ten would be submitted to the emperor for review.

On March 28, Emperor Guangxi received the list of the top ten candidates and their examination papers from the Tribute Academy of the Ministry of Rites.

After a cursory glance, Emperor Guangxi didn't make any major changes, but just swapped the ranks of two of the candidates and sent them back to the Ministry of Rites.

This year's examination, based on the number of references in each province, a total of 280 candidates will be admitted.

On the day when the rankings were released, there was a lot of excitement outside the Tribute Academy of the Ministry of Rites, and it was full of fresh candidates as far as the eye could see.

Xu Shu had already arranged for someone to watch the list, and asked Song Wei and Xie Zheng to stay at home and wait.

Song Wei's face was calm, and he acted in a calm manner, as if it didn't matter much to him whether he passed the exam or not.

On the contrary, Xie Zheng, who played better than him, rushed forward first, holding tea in his hand, completely in the mood to drink, and looked up out of the window without saying a word to Song Wei, without asking, he knew that he was looking forward to Xu Shu's people bringing him back. good news.

Song Wei was seriously ill, and it was not easy to persevere until the end. Xu Shu was afraid that he would be overwhelmed if he really failed the ranking, so he persuaded him: "If you fail this year, just wait another three years. With your talent, it will be a matter of time before you pass the Jinshi exam. It's just that this year's luck is bad. As the old saying goes, gold shines everywhere, and you Song Wei is a piece of real gold, and you can't be buried in the examination room."

Song Wei slightly bent his lower lip, but didn't answer.

Xie Zheng could only sigh when he heard that, his third cousin was indeed a piece of real gold, but unfortunately, he was too tightly covered by bad luck, no matter where he went, as long as the bad luck persisted, he really couldn't shine.


When the guy who copied the list came back, Song Fang had already set the meal, Xu Shu just picked up his chopsticks, and couldn't wait for the guy to pant and report slowly, so he put down his chopsticks and grabbed the paper he copied the list to read.

Looking at it, I was a little dumbfounded.

Xie Zheng asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Shu hesitated and said, "Both of you won, this is the ranking..."

"What's wrong with the ranking?" Song Fang sat closest to Xu Shu, took the paper from him, and handed it to Song Wei without making a comment after reading it.

Song Wei glanced at it casually, then handed it to Xie Zheng.

After Xie Zheng saw it, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

There are 280 places, Xie Zheng is just in the early [-]s, and Song Wei is directly at the bottom.

Anyone who knew Song Wei had great hopes for him in his scientific examination. For example, his classmates at the Imperial College, they all believed that with Song Wei's level in the imperial examination at the Imperial College, it would definitely not be a problem to directly score in the top three in the imperial examination.

In fact, he did get the top three, but it was the last one.

Being able to pass the exam was already a surprise for Song Wei, but he didn't think the ranking was so bad.

The lower the ranking, the greater the room for improvement in the palace examination.

As long as he doesn't get unlucky on the day of the palace examination, he will have the confidence to climb up again.

(End of this chapter)

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