Lang heart like me

Chapter 889 Extraordinary episode: Beauty's Elegy, Everlasting Hate 3

Chapter 889 Extraordinary episode: Beauty's Elegy, Everlasting Hate 3
He put his father and concubine under house arrest, and beheaded some veteran officials in the court. For a while, the court that originally belonged to his father was completely in his hands.

One emperor and one courtier.

I stepped into the small house where my father and concubine were imprisoned, and saw my father's old face. He should have heard about the changes of these days.Seeing me, he grabbed my hand and said, "Clear, it's all my father's fault. My father shouldn't have promised you to that white-eyed wolf! Did he make things difficult for you?"

Before I could answer, I heard a burst of hearty laughter, and I saw him walk in from the door with a joyful smile on his handsome face.Father rushed up, pointed at him and yelled: "You white-eyed wolf, I gave you clarity and country in vain, you are so vicious, and made my Xuanliu country a mess!"

He easily pushed his father away, his face was full of arrogance, and said: "Are you still in the dark? This is all planned by your precious daughter. Today, you and I are all thanks to you." from my daughter!"

"Ah!" My father looked at me in amazement and said, "Mingxi, why is this?"

"Why?" I said with a faint smile on the corner of my mouth, "Father, my hatred has already sprouted when you executed the queen mother for this treacherous concubine! This time you used the excuse of sending troops to kill the Longshang, you thought you did everything flawlessly, but you don’t know that when Longshang was dying, he wrote a blood letter, and this blood letter happened to be handed over to me by Ji Wuyuan. So I asked Ji Wuyuan to propose marriage to you, and everything It's all in my hands!"

The father and king sat on the ground helplessly, and the concubine shouted: "My lord! Are we really wrong? Are we really wrong? Are we really wrong?"

She rushed to her father, with tears streaming down her face. Although she was no longer young, her father really loved her. The surname of Jiangshan Yi in the swirl country.

I approached her and said with a sneer: "Traitor, I want to avenge my mother, let you have a taste of it too!"

My father stood up suddenly, and slapped me hard on the face. The pain was burning, but the pain was far less than the pain in my heart.I looked up at him and said with a sneer, "Father, you are finally willing to hit me. You have never hit me for so many years. Today you are finally willing."

My father's white hair was trembling, and he pointed at me and his fingers were shaking violently. He said: "Clear! Do you know who your mother is? It's her! It's the rape you kept saying. Concubine! You have been so obsessed! The person you killed was your biological mother!"

The treacherous concubine grabbed him and said, "My lord! You can't say that, it's fine if we die, but she can't die!"

The father was firmer than ever before, and he said: "No! I must make it clear today, and I can't let her misunderstand you like this again! Be clear! It is not your mother who was executed by me, but a person who betrayed her father and private interests. Before she died, she swore a blood oath that I would not have any more children in this life, even if you were already born, you would not be allowed to recognize each other, otherwise you would burn yourself to death immediately! Who told you to execute me? Is your witch your mother?"

Like a lightning strike, I stood there in a daze, my mind was filled with chaos, I swallowed and said, "It's the wet nurse."

(End of this chapter)

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