Lang heart like me

Chapter 197 Three Legged Snake

Chapter 197 The Three-legged Snake

Xianwei looked at Bai Xin, and gritted her teeth, "Bai Xin, look at yourself, how you have been fooled by a human being! For a person like you, this life is over!"

"Take care of yourself, don't worry about it!"

"Hmph! If you don't listen to good people, you will suffer in front of your eyes!"

Gong Xi dragged Bai Xin away, "Arguing with this kind of person really lowers one's status."

The words were neither light nor heavy, but they were enough for Xianwei to hear, and she was so angry that Xianwei felt bad all over.

After leaving the door, Bai Xin said, "Then what should we do now?"

Gong Xi thought for a while, "Nancy is either still in Yaopu, or she flew away."

There are only two possibilities, it is hidden in Yaopu, or just like last time, it was taken away by the people of the bird family.

Bai Xin shook his head, "It's unlikely that she will fly away. Nancy is a lion. Even if she looks like a human, she can't be taken away casually."

How could such a big person fly out of Yaopu blatantly?
Gong Xi went to find Lord Tianxi, and Lord Tianxi took them to ask the medicine guard of the Yaopu.

But the medicine guards on the periphery all said that they didn't see anyone going out of Yaopu.

This is strange. Could it be that they really hid in Yaopu and waited until after dark before leaving?
Such a big incident happened in Yaopu, and Lord Tianxi also had a headache, "Gong Xi, don't worry, I will take care of this matter, and I will definitely help you find Nancy."

"Well, Lord Tianxi, Nancy is injured, and I'm really worried about him."

Gong Xi's heart is full of sadness, she shouldn't go to pick lanterns today, and she lost Nancy now.

Lord Tianxi said: "Since it may be in the Yaopu, let me check it out. The Yaopu is very big. If it is hidden, it is really hard to find."

Fortunately, there is no one in Yaopu, just some drug farmers and drug guards.

The drug guard would not arrest Nancy, and the drug farmer probably would not, so who would it be?

When Lord Tianxi went to investigate, Gong Xi returned to the room. This is the scene of the crime, so this is the most valuable place.

Gong Xi checked the room carefully, and Bai Xin also helped to check, but apart from very chaotic traces, there was basically nothing of value at the scene.

There are no items in the room, so there is no confusion.

"what is this?"

Bai Xin's eyes fell on a footprint on the ground.

Gong Xi leaned over to look, "This is indeed a very strange footprint, it definitely does not belong to Nancy."

Because those are not human footprints.

Not even the footprints of a lion.

It is a footprint similar to that of a bird, but much larger than the average bird.


But it seems that no ostrich has been seen here, it should be a giant bird similar to an ostrich.

There are also birds in Yaopu, but not many. Lord Tianxi is a bird of good news, and the bird of good news is not so big.

Bai Xin said: "If I'm not mistaken, this footprint should be the footprint of a three-legged snake."

Three-legged snake?
I've never heard of it—it seems very powerful——

Gong Xi expressed that she was at a loss, she never knew what this was.

Snakes don't have feet. Can a snake with feet be called a snake?
Bai Xin said solemnly: "This kind of thing is hard to see, and some people may not be able to meet it in their lifetime."

"Then where are we going to find it now?"

(End of this chapter)

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