Goddess, she's gone

Chapter 597 Yin Mang: I will stab again

Chapter 597 Yin Mang: I will stab again
She deliberately stretched out her right hand, using her thumb and forefinger to compare the size of a fingernail.

"How does the light of fireflies compete with the brilliance of the bright moon?"

The girl's words were light.

The clouds are calm and the wind is light, revealing a sense of aloofness.

When speaking, Yin Mang pouted casually.

In this way, the meaning of contempt becomes more obvious.

"Just like you, you still want to become a fairy?"

"I'm afraid that if you become a fairy, you will be kicked down the clouds by those guys in the fairy world who value appearance."

"At that time, you will only be worse."

The girl's extremely brief sentence made the furious Qi Ganzi even more angry.

Ying Muzhi clearly saw the old man's body trembling with the naked eye.

With that posture, he might pounce on Yin Mang and strangle Yin Mang to death at any time.

"Can't you hear what I'm saying?"

The girl showed a tense expression, smiled and continued to make up the knife: "You have to be considerate of me, the truth is usually ugly."

Bai Er deeply felt that Miss Yin's words were not just unpleasant.

as predicted.

Qi Kanzi immediately went berserk.

The old man may have been in a closed environment for too long and did not communicate with others for a long time.

In fact, when he communicated with his apprentices on weekdays, he usually just jumped out word by word.

He has not been scolded so bloody for many years.

Moreover, Yin Mang specifically picks on his painful feet, stepping on the ground is more ruthless than the other.

The old man shook his hands.Pointing at Yin Mang, he held back for a long time.

Finally choked out a word.

"Disrespecting elders is rude, so rude!"

"It's just..."

Qi Ganzi tried to search for a long time, collecting the vocabulary in his mind.

But those, seem to be frozen in general.

Finally, Qi Kanzi slowly threw out an idiom: "Extremely unreasonable!"

Lando waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for any hot tearing scene. Instead, the old man was shaking like he was sifting chaff.

He gave a deep sigh and looked up at the sky: "What a touching vocabulary."

Could the old man's language be more civilized?

"Not convinced?"

Empress Yin pinches her waist with both hands, which is called a high-spirited fighting spirit.

Imitating the attitude of Aunt Li, the head of the family, bickering with people over grabbing vegetables in the vegetable market factory, she raised her chin arrogantly: "Then come and bite me!"

"However, do you still have teeth?"

"Should be... a toothless person?"

The girl rubbed her chin lightly with her right hand, and said the final conclusion thoughtfully.

Everyone... the shameless one seems to be you, Miss Yin?
Is it really okay to bully an old man who is out of touch with the times like this?

Bai Er thought for a while, took out his notebook, and wrote a line.

After only a short time of recording, Qi Kanzi has completely fallen into the runaway mode.

"Asshole! Asshole!!"

"Bastards! I'm going to kill you all!"

"You think I'm really powerless?"


Qi Kanzi's body glowed with a bright blue light, and under the light of this light, even his eerie old man's face showed a three-point sanctity and majesty.

"I have studied this tower for more than 100 years."

"No matter how poor the brain is, more or less, you can always figure out some rules."

"Using the existing energy stored in this tower, it is more than enough to destroy the entire island!"

"I will make all of you ignorant and stupid mortals pay the price!"

"The bloody price of life!"

(End of this chapter)

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