Chapter 486 One Day Tour in Prison
In the scorching summer of July, the guards guarding the city were literally frightened into a cold sweat.

"Then why didn't you tell Butler Kong just now?"

It's over, this is the housekeeper of the county magistrate's brother's family, if something happens, their jobs will be considered lost!

The guard who was questioned was very aggrieved, "I wanted to say it, but Butler Kong, when I mentioned the horse, he said that the horse was fine. I thought he knew."

"Who do you think has raised horses like you did when you were a child? Even if you know how big the horse is, you won't think too much about it."

The guard turned around in a hurry, "It's over, what should we do this time?"

"If something goes wrong, how about we insist on reminding Butler Kong?" the guard suddenly suggested.

That's the only way to save yourself.

Profit is the first priority, of course, is to take care of yourself first.

The two guards hit it off immediately, suppressed their nervous hearts, exchanged glances with each other, and closed the city gate.

But on the other end, Steward Kong, who was running wildly on the path, knew nothing about this matter.

Because he was worried about being overtaken by Mr. Jia, all he walked were forest trails, few people walked, and the branches on the side of the road had already crossed the middle of the road.

Butler Kong can still block it with his hands, but the horse can't.

After walking three miles forward, I don't know how many branches hit the horse's face, and I started to breathe from the nostrils, and my mood began to become agitated.

After passing a hillside called a bowl of water, the horse suddenly smelled the mare's urine and started running uncontrollably.

Finally, he ran all the way in the direction of the horse urine.

Steward Kong was jolted into the carriage, and his whole body was about to fall apart. He didn't know what happened.

When I finally grabbed the car window frame and looked out, I realized that the horse was running towards the cliff.

If you want to stop it, it's too late.

I saw that the horse seemed to be crazy, completely unable to see the cliff in front of it, and rushed over directly.

The carriage galloped in mid-air, and after a brief stop, it fell straight down.

A huge sense of weightlessness swept over Butler Kong, and before he could make any cry for help, he fell heavily to the bottom of the valley.

There was bright red blood, slowly dripping from the fragments of the carriage.

Qilin stood on the cliff and looked down, his expression indifferent.

What the fifth master told him has been done.

But, can you change the princess's mind about leaving for Pingnan County?
Thinking about it, Qilin's eyes became brighter, the hem of his black clothes fluttered in the wind, the young man was like a green pine standing between the sky and the earth.

It took a while to turn around, get on the horse, and prepare to go back to Pingnan County.

In the shop, Jiang Zhimian was explaining tasks to everyone.

In addition, all the money Bai Yule earned over the years was distributed.

She didn't forget to turn her head to comfort Bai Yule, "Don't worry, this money will only increase and never decrease, and all the money will be yours when the time comes."

Bai Yule didn't care about money, "I don't need money, so take whatever you want, Fifth Sister-in-law."

The man from Gujiao Mountain also said, "Didn't you ask you to take my money last time? Don't use Xiaobai's. He was given by his parents, ill-gotten wealth."

"Why is it ill-gotten wealth that your parents gave you? Are you jealous that Fifth Sister-in-law asks me for help instead of you?" Bai Yule was very angry.

While talking, I saw Qilin come back.

Then he grabbed Qilin and refused to let him go, "Qilin, tell me, if I take money from my parents, is it considered ill-gotten gains? The money they gave me was my lucky money from previous years. You know I have a lot of lucky money."

Qilin was upset and didn't want to answer.

He just withdrew his hand, turned and went to the backyard.

Bai Yule was stunned.

"What happened to Qilin?"

The man from Gujiao Mountain covered his mouth with a smile, "I'm sure he's bothering you to take money from your parents, so he doesn't want to talk to you, so he can get enough food and clothing by himself, do you understand?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Qilin is not such a person." Bai Yule retorted.

Still worried about Qilin, he turned around and went to the backyard.

Taking advantage of this moment, the people from Gujiao Mountain urged Jiang Zhimian again, "Mianmian, you use my money, and the master earns money to spend for the apprentice, which is only right and proper."

Jiang Zhimian looked at him helplessly, "Master, as the saying goes, being a teacher for one day and being a father for life, isn't it equivalent to using your parents' money if I use your money?"

"Hey, it's different. Xiaobai is a boy. Boys should go out and explore the world by themselves. Girls deserve to be pampered, you know?"

For a moment, Jiang Zhimian suspected that the people in Gujiao Mountain had also been brainwashed by his grandmother.

Otherwise, how come you spoil yourself.

But the money is of no use to the people of Gujiao Mountain.

Because these are enough.

She handed over all the money to Xiaodong and Xiaoxi. They were familiar with the situation in Pingnan County, and they could bargain for prices when buying things.

The rest was handed over to Jiang Shu, who is super good at settling accounts.

"Brother, come on." Jiang Zhimian made a cheering gesture to Jiang Shu.

Jiang Shu also imitated it, "Okay, I'll do my best, oh!"

Xiaodong next to him packed the money in a small suit, and asked Jiang Zhimian, "Boss Jiang, what are we doing now?"

"Wait." Jiang Zhimian lay leisurely on the chair, took a sip of chrysanthemum tea.

Drinking some chrysanthemum tea in summer is really very comfortable.

Xiaodong Xiaoxi was puzzled, "What are you waiting for?"

Just as he was thinking, a large group of yamen servants had already come outside, with very serious expressions, asking, "Which of you is Jiang Zhimian?"

Jiang Zhimian put down the tea bowl, "I am."

The yamen servants exchanged glances with each other, and they were about to come up and grab Jiang Zhimian, "Come with us to the yamen."

Jiang Shu was in a hurry, and hurried forward to protect Jiang Zhimian, "Why did you arrest my third sister, my third sister is a good person, you have made a mistake!"

"Go to the county government office and find out if you're right. Don't hinder us." The government servant said coldly.

Jiang Shu wanted to say more, but was stopped by Jiang Zhimian.

She had a bright smile on her face, "It's easy to talk, let's go."

Chi Mohan had discussed it with her a long time ago, so he wasn't worried at the moment, he just stepped forward and handed the yamen servant a big money bag, which was heavy.

"Brothers, my wife has never suffered, please bear with me, and I will thank you very much in the future."

Give some money, and the faces of the yamen servants are all smiles.

Seeing Jiang Zhimian's softness and weakness, he didn't even put on the shackles, and let her go with him to the county government office.

It was already night, and the county lord could not try the case, because the trial of the case must be watched by the people in order to demonstrate fairness and justice.

Therefore, Jiang Zhimian will be imprisoned in the prison first, and interrogated tomorrow.

Because of the money, the yamen guard locked Jiang Zhimian in a room alone, and shortly thereafter, Chi Mohan and Bai Yule came.

Still holding a big basket in his hand, he opened it and stuffed everything inside to Jiang Zhimian.

"Fifth sister-in-law, eat quickly. This glutinous rice chicken box is very fragrant. It is made by shopkeeper Meng. If you are full, go to sleep. I brought you a silk quilt and a jade pillow. By the way, it is hot in summer." , there is a change of clothes here, remember to change!"

 Jiang Zhimian: Am I going to jail or going on vacation?

(End of this chapter)

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