Chapter 397

After lunch, the Jiang family set off.

The following carriage belonged to Chi Mohan, and it was also full of people.

How could Guo Xiaobao be willing to miss out on the matter of the birthday, let Wang San support him, and he also gritted his teeth and got into the carriage.

Jiang Zhimian thought that he should also go to the fields now, so he acquiesced.

The two carriages staggered and headed towards Jiangjia Village.

At the entrance of the village, Li Zheng led the villagers along the way to welcome them, and even played the suona and played the erhu.

In this battle, there was only a banner hanging, which said that XX was welcome to the countryside to guide the work.

"Master Lizheng, what's going on?" Jiang Zhimian was dumbfounded.

Li Zheng stroked his goatee, smiled kindly and naively, "You have helped the villagers a lot these days, everyone is grateful to you, just in time for your birthday, I will give you a good one!"

"Yes, we have to pay homage to the Bodhisattvas of Heaven and Earth, and thank them for allowing you to be reincarnated here." Wang's daughter-in-law added beside her.

"Yes," Rizheng nodded.

Turning to look at Mrs. Jiang again, "Mrs. Jiang, have you bought everything?"

"I bought it, and it's all in the carriage, just move it."

Lizheng nodded, "Okay, as we agreed that day, go to the dam and build the shed. We have set up the shed and kept the weather safe tomorrow. Look at the clouds, they look like fish scales, it must be a sunny day .”

That day?

Jiang Zhimian smelled an unusual smell, and turned to look at Mrs. Jiang, "Grandma, what the hell is going on."

Mrs. Jiang couldn't hide it anymore.

She chuckled, "I didn't expect Master Lizheng to make such a fuss. I originally wanted to tell you tomorrow."

The truth is, Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Li Zheng have already discussed to hold a birthday party for Jiang Zhimian.

The last time Jiang Zhimian saw the melon seed husks in the house, she had eaten them while discussing with Li Zheng and a few other villagers.

In order not to let her find out, she lied that it was a neighbor who came to the door.

It's been a long time since I kept it a secret until today, but Master Li Zheng couldn't hold it back.

"Mianmian, I've thought about it. You've worked so hard for so long. If you can even organize a birthday party, it would be too wronged. You celebrate your birthday. Everyone should have fun, isn't it too much?"

What can Jiang Zhimian have to say?

The birthday banquet of a hundred people is the love of the big guy for her. If she refuses, it will seem a little pretentious.

After pondering for a while, he said, "It can be done, but I have to help."

Eating is not important, participation is important.

Mrs. Jiang was very reluctant.

Her baby Mianmian was supposed to celebrate her birthday, so how could she work?

But in the end, Jiang Zhimian couldn't hold back, so he had to arrange a little work.

Peel the shallots.

The shallots are freshly pulled from the ground, green and milky white, with fresh soil at the bottom, and it smells good.

Mrs. Jiang moved a small horse, and accompanied Jiang Zhimian to peel it.

A large bundle of green onions, she gave Jiang Zhimian three finger-width portions.

"Grandma, why are you giving these?" Jiang Zhimian was speechless.

With such a small amount of shallots, I'm afraid it's over before it even starts.

Mrs. Jiang felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy, "Why, is it too much? It's all because of the bad milk. I'll take half of the milk for you. Is that okay?"

Ouch, she almost forgot that her baby Mianmian is a fairy.

How can there be a fairy squatting next to a bundle of green onions and peeling them?

"We're half of us. If you finish peeling first, then you can help me." Jiang Zhimian said.

After peeling the green onions, Mrs. Jiang will not let her work even if she is killed.

In order to distract her, he arranged light work for her.

He said he was going to Dadong Village to inform the Lin family and come over for lunch at noon tomorrow.

Although we haven't become a family yet, but it's coming soon, and it's such an important day, how can we not be there?

Jiang Zhimian originally wanted to go with Chi Mohan.

But when I went to the hut next to the bamboo forest, I saw Wang San and Guo Xiaobao lying on chairs basking in the sunset, very leisurely.

"Where's Chi Mohan and the others?" Jiang Zhimian asked.

Wang San replied, "They said they went back to town to move something, and they won't be back until very late, Mr. Jiang, are you looking for them?"

"It doesn't count, okay, you guys lie down." Jiang Zhimian said.

She got on the horse, grabbed the horse's belly, and left quickly.

Looking at Jiang Zhimian's handsome back, Guo Xiaobao was very envious, "Jiang Touer is really handsome when he is riding a horse. It would be great if I could also ride a horse."

"Boss, if you ride a horse, you will suffer a lot." Wang San said very deeply.

Guo Xiaobao was so fat that he was heavier than the loads that horses usually pull.

If you really carried him on your back, let alone running, I'm afraid even walking would be very difficult.

Guo Xiaobao beat Wang San very dissatisfied, "What are you talking about, are you looking down on me?"

"Of course not," Wang San was full of desire to survive, "I mean, boss, if you have the money to buy a horse, you might as well marry a wife first, don't you think?"

"That's true," Guo Xiaobao nodded in agreement, "Riding a horse is certainly not as good as riding a daughter-in-law... Ah bah, it's important to have a daughter-in-law."

Thinking about it, he really wished that in the next moment, he could run and jump, work as a waiter in Guangjuxuan, save a lot of money, and then marry a wife.

If you have spare money in the future, it won't be too late to buy a horse...

On this side, Jiang Zhimian had already arrived at Lin's house on horseback.

It happened that Lin Miaomiao was embroidering a handkerchief.

He was so serious that he didn't even notice that she came to him.

Jiang Zhimian snatched the embroidery shed in her hand, held it up high, and looked after the fiery sunset.

"It's mandarin ducks, Sister Miao Miao, you are really good at embroidery, this pair of mandarin ducks are just like alive, swimming, swimming, are they going to swim to your heart?"

Lin Miaomiao quickly reached out to grab it, "Don't talk nonsense, pay me back quickly."

Jiang Zhimian took a step back, still giggling, "Let me see, does the mandarin duck symbolize lovesickness?"

"You're not ashamed. If you're not married, don't say that." Lin Miaomiao said softly.

"Sister Miao Miao dares to embroider, why don't I dare to say, besides, what's there to be ashamed of, this mandarin duck is so beautiful, are you planning to use it on the wedding day?" Jiang Zhimian chased after him.

Lin Miaomiao had no choice but to look at her helplessly, "No, this is for you."

"Send me? Send me a mandarin duck?!"

"Yes," Lin Miaomiao nodded, "I heard from your second brother that you are not good at women, and you probably don't know how to embroider handkerchiefs. It just so happens that your birthday is coming, and I don't have any money to give you gifts, so I might as well embroider a square handkerchief for you." , the mandarin duck above refers to you and Chi Mohan."

"Ah...why did you give me this, it's weird." Jiang Zhimian blushed suddenly.

Lin Miaomiao teased her words, "Didn't someone say it, what's there to be ashamed of, why are you still blushing?"

The two girls laughed, threw the embroidery shed away, and played around in the house.

It took a while before Lin Miaomiao restrained her smile and asked, "Mianmian, do you know a lady named Zuo?"

(End of this chapter)

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