Chapter 357
Jon looked at Su Ruyan in a daze, then smiled wryly, "Okay, I'll try my best!"

Su Ruyan looked at Jon solemnly and said, "Jon, I know he is your idol, and it is a happy event for you to receive his call. Whether you answer Jason's call or not, But I hope it will not delay your studies. If your academic performance regresses, then our previous agreement will be invalidated.

Universal is the top entertainment company in the country. Although it has just experienced a setback, its strength and reputation cannot be underestimated.I'm sorry to drag you down.But if you want to go to Universal and work with Jason in the future, then you have to show your grades, understand? "

"I understand!" Jon nodded without hesitation when he heard the words, "Su, don't worry, I won't embarrass you and make it difficult for you."

"I'm relieved when you say that." Su Ruyan secretly heaved a sigh of relief when she heard this.

Su Ruyan has witnessed how crazy the current star fans are.

And the only reason she was disfigured was because Jason's fans dissatisfied that she was Jason's female assistant.

While Jon doesn't seem like an impulsive big boy, she doesn't want to ruin him for it.

After hearing Jon's assurance, her heart relaxed a little.

After Jon said goodbye and left, Su Ruyan also turned off the computer, walked to the window sill, looked at the gray night outside, but felt extremely heavy inside.

Yuhan woke up!

This is exciting news!
But it will take ten days to see him again, Su Ruyan's heart is very heavy.

But, she can afford to wait.

No matter what tricks Murong Pianpian plays in these ten days, she firmly believes in the relationship between her and Yu Han.

The days slipped by without a sound. For five days, Su Ruyan either followed Mrs. William to buy vegetables and cleaned up, or the two of them worked out in a nearby park and chatted with neighbors.

What surprised Su Ruyan was that she was not used to this kind of life at the beginning and got used to it in the end, and she also slowly began to enjoy this peaceful and comfortable ordinary life.

Jon returned to school on Sunday, but she didn't know if Jason called.

Therefore, for the past five days, she has almost completely lived in peace and tranquility.

Except when no one is alone, she misses Zeyuan painfully, and worries about Mo Yuhan.

Thinking of Jon's coming back tomorrow, Su Ruyan still had some anticipation in her heart.

She had already thought about it, and asked Jon to take her to the city on Saturday.

Walking in the flow of people coming and going, Su Ruyan followed Jon, wandering aimlessly from shop to shop.But every time she came out, her hands were empty.

Facing the boss's disdainful gaze and the passers-by's surprised gaze, Jon's face was bleeding from embarrassment.

If there was a hole in the ground right now, he would go in without hesitation.

Contrary to Jon's embarrassment, Su Ruyan's face was calm. After seeing the sign of the shop across the street, Su Ruyan excitedly took Jon's hand and ran over there in great strides.

"Be careful—" Jon exclaimed, but before he could finish his words, a shining Rolls-Royce Phantom braked urgently.

"Don't die, right?" A super beautiful woman wearing sunglasses with an angry face poked her head out of the car window and cursed angrily.

Su Ruyan patted her still-shocked chest, and looked at the beautiful woman apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was in a hurry just now, so I didn't pay attention."

Su Ruyan apologized sincerely and lowered her head.

It is indeed my own fault first.

Hearing Su Ruyan's apology, the beauty couldn't help being stunned, stretched out her hand to take off her sunglasses, stared at Su Ruyan closely with her eyes as bright as glazed glass, and exclaimed in Chinese: "Su Ruyan! Like smoke—”

Su Ruyan raised her eyes in surprise when she heard the familiar voice, and was startled when she saw the person in front of her clearly.

It turned out to be Hu Nana who had no news.

The world is too small!
Su Ruyan's face tensed immediately, and she said in blunt English expressionlessly, "I'm sorry, ma'am, you misidentified the person."

After Su Ruyan finished speaking, she took Jon's hand and walked across the street.

"Su Ruyan, I know it's you." Hu Nana got out of the car, and quickly bent over to take out a pink and jade-carved baby boy from the passenger seat, with a happy smile on her face, "Whoever you know Don't recognize me, but I just know that you are Su Ruyan."

When Su Ruyan heard Hu Nana's determined tone, she turned her head helplessly. After seeing the baby boy in her arms, her expression changed slightly.

Jon looked at the scene in front of him with a face full of surprise, full of bewilderment.

While Su Ruyan was in a daze, Hu Nana walked slowly in front of Su Ruyan, and introduced to the baby boy in her arms: "Jack, this is your aunt. Jack, it's my husband's and I's child. "

Su Ruyan finally woke up from the shock, and said with surprise on her face, "You——are you married?"

"That's right!" Hu Nana smiled when she heard the words, "Women always want to get married. And I can't always compete with you for a man, right!"

"Nana—" Su Ruyan felt a little embarrassed when she heard this.

Fortunately, the two were talking in Chinese, and Jon couldn't understand at all, so he just looked at the two with a blank face.

"Do you admit that you are Su Ruyan? But why is your appearance different from before?" The smile on Hu Nana's face disappeared, looking at Su Ruyan and asked with some curiosity and concern.

"It's a long story, I'll talk to you slowly when I have a chance."

After all, the relationship between the two of them was not very good before, Su Ruyan evaded.

Hu Nana nodded understandingly: "Although we are not related by blood, my mommy and your daddy used to be married, and you are still my sister in name. Now that I am a mother, I have such a lovely son as Jack, so I let you I found out how absurd and ridiculous I was before.

Ruyan, I heard that Mo Yuhan and Murong Pianpian got married, if it wasn't for my intervention back then, maybe you would still be husband and wife, and you would be very happy.If you have any difficulties in London, I hope I can do a little bit to help you.Here is my phone number and address, you can come to me anytime.

Not for anything else, just to make up for that ridiculous time.What I owe you, I know I will never pay it back, and I just hope that I can feel at ease for the rest of my life. "

After Hu Nana finished speaking, she took out a note from her bag and quickly wrote down her mobile phone number and address.

Su Ruyan reached out to take it, looked at Hu Nana silently and asked, "Lin—is Aunt Lin okay?"

"Mummy is fine. She is living a comfortable and happy life now. Where's Uncle Su?" Hu Nana asked hesitantly.

"Daddy is currently in the nursing home and is still recovering." Su Ruyan replied calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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