Chapter 573 Cai Nier Has Difficulties
"Did it!" Everyone shouted almost at the same time, and the momentum was really good.

Osmanthus nodded, and turned to Chief Mu and roughly divided these people into three groups, one for digging soil, one for assembling soil, and one for transporting soil.

Change positions every hour, so that everyone will not be too boring doing one thing all the time.

Just do what you say, and seeing these 30 people quickly get busy, Osmanthus nodded happily.

As for the specific depth, width, and general shape of the cellar, Mu Tunchang took the blueprint back to the villagers to show it to the villagers, so at this moment, everyone has a bit of a clue in their hearts.

Osmanthus fragrans stood aside and looked at it for a while, and felt that there was nothing serious, so she turned her head and walked towards the house.As for the matters on the construction site, they were naturally handed over to Chief Mu.

It hasn't really been a long time since Ling Chenyi came to his home and assigned him the work of disaster relief, but Osmanthus feels that she seems to have been busy for a long time.

I don't know if it's because of her young age and not very strong body, Osmanthus fragrans always feels tired easily these two days.

Today, taking advantage of these major events being settled for the time being, Osmanthus fragrans wants to take a good rest.

But wishes are always beautiful, but reality is always so cruel.

Osmanthus fragrans had just walked to the door of her house, and before she stepped into the yard, she heard Cai Nier's shout from afar.

"Osmanthus fragrans, osmanthus fragrans!" Cai Nier's face was flushed red, and she looked out of breath, it could be seen that she had run a lot just now.

"Run slowly." Osmanthus fragrans shook her head feebly, then turned to greet Cai Nier.

When Cai Nier finally met Osmanthus, she dressed roughly and stammered, "Osmanthus, I, I, I'm right, I'm sorry, I, I am..."

Hearing what Cai Nier said, Osmanthus smiled lightly and said, "It's all right in the morning, sister-in-law Cuihua came to see me, I have already explained to her personally."

Although Osmanthus fragrans had a faint smile on her face, and her tone was light, without the slightest intention of blaming, Cai Nier became more and more anxious, her small face turned redder than before, "Osmanthus fragrans, no, no , you, listen to me, actually this morning..."

Seeing that Cai Nier was so anxious, Osmanthus fragrans, who didn't want to study any more, became curious.

Cai Nier said that she had ruined her business more than once, but it was not intentional after all.

And after knowing her for such a long time, Osmanthus still knows what Cai Nier's temperament is.

When I found her by myself in the morning, she had made such a strong promise to bring the message to Cuihua, she didn't even care about the clothes basket, she put it on the bank, and ran towards Yangchang.

If she really wanted to spoil her own business, then she wouldn't be so sure of her answer at that time.

Coupled with Cai Nier's anxiety at this time, Gui Hua wanted to know why Cai Nier was delayed this time.

"Okay, take your time, I have nothing to do right now, let's go to my house and talk slowly!" Osmanthus fragrans said, took Cai Nier's hand and walked to her home.

Osmanthus walked slowly, and Cai Nier also had time to rest.

When they arrived at Osmanthus's house, Cai Nier's anger also eased a lot, the two held hands and greeted Mo's and Meihua, and then went back to Osmanthus's house.

(End of this chapter)

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