Chapter 552 Going to the Town

To say that this breakfast is easy to make, cook the porridge, heat up the leftover steamed buns from yesterday, and then serve them with small pickles, so it takes a short time.

Eating a hot breakfast, the three men in charge of delivering food also had smiles on their faces, saying that the hardships of the past few days were not in vain.

"How many days? Where did you come from? Isn't it Fucheng?" Osmanthus fragrans was at a loss. Although she hadn't been to Fucheng yet, she heard that Fucheng was not very far from Antao Town. It took two days , It's time to arrive.

"Oh, sweet-scented osmanthus girl, you don't know! For the sake of the food safety, we travel at night and find woods to rest during the day. No matter how fast we travel at night, it can't compare to daytime! We came out of Fucheng, It took several days to get to your door." The man named Daniel said so.

Is that so? !Osmanthus fragrans was startled, if this was the case, then after Mu Shaohua left that day, he had to rush to Fucheng, and then drove over from the other side of Fucheng immediately.

Among them, I am afraid that it is even faster than what Daniel said.

Osmanthus fragrans looked at Mu Shaohua gratefully, but Mu Shaohua just shook his head with a smile and didn't say much.

After such a commotion, everyone in the four rooms woke up. When Chu Lixin heard that the food had arrived, he was even more excited than the sweet-scented osmanthus. Auntie said last night that she would give you all the hundreds of catties of food left at home!"

"Fourth Uncle, tell Auntie that you don't need it this time." Osmanthus fragrans was naturally happy.

After eating, the three drivers and Mu Shaohua didn't stay long, and after a short rest, they drove back to the town.

Osmanthus fragrans took out the money for this batch of grain and handed it over to Mu Shaohua before sending them out of the village with Chu Yannian.

With food as a base, Osmanthus has more confidence in her heart, but thinking of the 100 taels of silver to buy new rice, she is also a little anxious, so she asked Chu Yannian to borrow it from Guan Dashan's house while she had nothing to do today. He got into the ox cart, took Mo's family who was already better, Chu Yannian, plum blossom, peach blossom, and lotus flower, and went to the town.

When I went to the town this time, Osmanthus came here because she wanted to visit Zuixian Pavilion. It was supposed that the meat floss pancakes for shopkeeper Luo last time should have been sold out, but he never brought the ingredients.

Osmanthus fragrans could hold her breath at first, but since she learned that Feng Jinpeng still had five thousand catties of grain waiting for her, she could no longer sit on the stool.

Going up the pole is not a business, and Osmanthus naturally understands this truth, so she brought so many people to the town this time, and the pretense is to go to eat, so I don't believe that shopkeeper Luo will not show up.

And Osmanthus fragrans has another plan, which is to take Mo Shi to the town to find a doctor to help her check again.

Although the family does not need Mrs. Mo to work alone now, Mrs. Mo is always restless and has said many times that he is going to work in the fields.

When they heard that they were going to the town, the children burst into laughter, especially Chu Yannian, Osmanthus fragrans told him, but went to the town to buy him pens and paper, and kept them for school.

A few children were chatting and laughing along the way, but it was lively, Mei Hua didn't speak often, but just sat beside Mo Shi, helping Mo Shi tuck the quilt on her lap from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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