Chapter 493 My heart is cold
She happily followed the path pointed by Lin Xianger and found Danfeng Palace.

But to her disappointment, the guard outside the door did not let her in.

She was extremely disappointed in her heart, looking at the heavily armored guards, her heart was completely chilled.

Although she is a princess, as long as she can remember, she lived in a corner, and the queen mother didn't often visit her. Although the servants around her were all loyal and caring for her, she felt very lonely. Very lonely, no one has ever played with her...

After going to the palace, she realized that the sky outside was so vast that she could ride a horse and gallop freely on the large horse farm. Every day, her sister-in-law and cousin would play with her.

Those days in the palace were the happiest and most satisfying days she could remember. Thinking of those days, she didn't want to live in that remote palace anymore. She really wanted to get out of that palace and see In the sky outside, she also wanted to play with her sister-in-law, but she heard rumors from the palace servants that her sister-in-law was deposed by the emperor and imprisoned.

She knows the meaning of confinement, and she is actually similar to her. Although she is not confinement, there is no difference between confinement and confinement, and she can't go anywhere.

Sister-in-law must be very sad, right?
Apart from her mother, her sister-in-law is her favorite person, and she is very worried about her!

She had wanted to sneak out to see her a long time ago, but those nuns watched her very closely. Today she finally got the chance to sneak out, so she must see her sister-in-law to make sure she is fine, so she can rest assured.

Looking up at the gray sky, it seems that another rain is about to fall.

She sighed maturely, and suddenly missed the time in the palace, the time when she played with her sister-in-law and cousin...

Thinking of this, she took another step and walked towards Ning Wei, thinking of the majesty of her mother when she faced the servants on weekdays, her little face became serious, "I am the ninth princess, I want to see sister-in-law Ning Se, Get out of the way!"

The guards saw that she was dressed unusually, had a rare beautiful face, and that noble temperament, so they didn't doubt her identity, but there was an order from above, no one could enter Danfeng Palace unless the above ordered.

In fact, Concubine Se is not in Danfeng Palace, and they don't know why the emperor still makes them strictly guard Danfeng Palace.

Maybe they forgot, but who cares, as long as the prohibition is not lifted on the previous day, the people inside will not be able to come out, and the people outside will not be able to enter.

Seeing Xiao Rongqi's insistence, the guard thought for a while and said, "Princess Jiu, Concubine Se is not in Danfeng Palace."

"Ah?" Xiao Rongqi was taken aback, extremely surprised, her dark and beautiful eyes widened slightly, "not in Danfeng Palace, where did she go?" Thinking of something, her eyes turned red, sister-in-law... Could it be? Was he killed by the emperor's brother?

Thinking of this possibility, she burst into tears.

The guards panicked when they saw her crying as soon as she said it.

They were on duty in the palace, so they naturally knew that there was a Ninth Princess in the palace, but they had never been lucky enough to meet them. When they met today, they saw that the Ninth Princess was born so beautiful, and her appearance was carved in pink and jade. The boy in front of the seat was even cuter. Seeing her weeping now, the tears were as crystal clear as pearls.

The guards, who had never seen such a beautiful child, were startled and panicked immediately, and hurriedly coaxed: "Princess Ninth, Concubine Se is in Yuxiu Palace, the lowly officials can guide you, please don't cry."

(End of this chapter)

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