Chapter 405 Your Future Without Me

It was completely unexpected that Tang Jiu said such a sentence in the end, which made Jun Yanzhi unable to react for a long time.

After a long while, he said: "You really surprised me."

"Looking at you like this, I can tell that your life must be boring, and I won't give you any more fun... I'm afraid you will feel even more frustrated"

Jun Yanzhi: "...It's best if you can think like this."

Tang Jiu's eyebrows twitched, feeling a vague premonition in his heart.I always feel that next, what Jun Yanzhi said must be something I don't want to know.

In fact, when she first met this person, she had a premonition in her heart.I can't talk about whether it is good or bad, I can only say that it is a very inexplicable feeling.

Now the bad feeling of hearing this person say that seems to be a reality.

In fact, when this person appeared, it was accompanied by a lot of fog. For example, since he wanted to know his identity, why did he put on a mask? .

No matter which one it is, it proves that he has something to hide from himself, and it is still related to himself.

Tang Jiu hated it to the extreme, this feeling of being concealed was terrible.

She doesn't understand why this person is like this every time. If there is something wrong, can't we talk it out and let everyone solve it together?

Every time I am self-righteous and bear everything by myself, but what about the truth?He screwed up everything badly every time.

"Is there something you're hiding from me?"

"You think I'm going to hide something from you."

Jun Yanzhi didn't answer Tang Jiu's question, but asked back.

Tang Jiu just wanted to laugh after hearing Jun Yanzhi's words. What did she think he was hiding from her? If she knew, she wouldn't need to continue asking here.

Jun Yanzhi wanted to say something, but didn't speak.

Seeing this, Tang Jiu laughed at himself: "Sometimes I really wish I could cut your head open and see what's inside."

"What happened, you didn't want to discuss it with me, but to hide everything yourself. I don't know what you think, but I think you make me helpless"

After speaking incoherently, Tang Jiu also wanted to express what he meant, but he knew that he was a little uncomfortable.

He could die for her, but he habitually concealed everything.

She really can't think of what is worth hiding from him now that the accident has happened, just as she didn't expect that he was suffering from cold poison at the beginning, let alone that he would risk his life to save herself.

He is always like this, always like this.

It's frustrating...

"Forget it, since you don't want to say it, then don't tell me, it's best never to say it."

The only answer to Tang Jiu was silence and the sound of the sea water around him.

Looking at Jun Yanzhi who was so silent, Tang Jiu suddenly felt a kind of nameless anger.

She has had enough! !
Stretching out his hand, he took off the mask on Jun Yanzhi's cheek.

The face under the mask was as handsome and eye-catching as the first time I saw it.

In the next second, Tang Jiu's whole body was on Jun Yanzhi's body, he lowered his head, and kissed the slightly thin lips viciously.

The boat rocked a few times on the sea.In the end it was calm.

It is more appropriate to say that it is venting rather than kissing.

Give me a strong kiss, how about the next chapter of the boat scene, come on, let me see your enthusiasm!Please vote quickly and leave a message!There will be a change at 800 in the evening, let's vote for my hands that are swollen into buns

(End of this chapter)

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