Chapter 391
Tao Ningmeng knew that with the identities of these people, she could indeed turn the kidnapping into nothingness, but she didn't understand why they did this.

She was wrong, wasn't she?But none of these people blamed her, and all they gave her were kind smiles.

Liu Yanyu, who probably knew what happened quite well, came to this strange woman and said to her gently: "Hi, my name is Liu Yanyu, so you are Guanyu's mother, that child is very cute."

After finishing speaking, she continued to speak amidst the other party's doubts: "I am also a mother of a child. I know your feelings and understand your extremes. People will do things wrong sometimes. Don't always It's living in the past and guilt, just like what Mo Han and Si Yang said, the child has no father and can no longer have a mother, so you can't go in, if you feel guilty, treat the child well."

Finally, Tao Ningmeng nodded: "I know, I will."

Tao Ningmeng left, everything seemed to disappear, but everyone knew that there was still one person waiting to be resolved, and that was Bai Ling.

Ever since Bai Ling was seriously injured and hospitalized, no one from the Bai family came to visit, not even Bai Lu, who always loved her niece, didn't come.

Although no one wants to mention it, this is indeed an unavoidable problem.

So after Tao Ningmeng left, Qin Mohan took the initiative to ask about Bai Ling's recent situation: "How is third brother Bai Ling?"

Although the accidental sister would ask about the woman's situation at this time, he hesitated for a while, but still answered truthfully: "I lost consciousness from the neck."

As a doctor, Qin Mohan certainly knew what this meant.

Qin Han couldn't bear to see his sister like this, and continued to speak: "Xiao Wu, this has nothing to do with you, Bai Ling is just doing it for herself."

It turned out that after Bai Ling was sent to the hospital, she woke up the same day. Because she was afraid of legal punishment, she sneaked out of the hospital and was hit by a car at the door of the hospital, which directly caused her to be completely paralyzed below the neck.

Later, Qin Mohan never saw Bai Ling again, but a few years later, she heard that this woman died, in a nursing home, with no one around her.

Bai's family also broke up. Bai Xue saw that there was no hope for Mo Shaoqi, and became his mistress. In the end, she was exposed by her original partner and published in the newspaper, and then disappeared in City B. Bai Meng was struggling in the entertainment industry and was always tepid. It's not popular, but there are a lot of scandals, from the director to the producer to the male star...

As for Bai Lu, after divorcing Mo Tianhua, she fell ill and died within a few days. Her life was miserable, from being a beautiful and talented young lady in the Bai family to marrying someone else when her beloved didn't love her. Then she destroyed other people's family and became the original spouse, and when she got divorced, she was also lonely when she died. No one came to visit her, so she died in despair.

And before she died, she kept asking to see her ex-husband Mo Tianhua, but the other party had already left City B sadly, and took her favorite wife to travel around, so Bai Lu didn't see Mo Tianhua for the last time. .

In fact, it's not that she has no feelings for Mo Tianhua, it's just that she has been blinded by money and wealth. She can no longer see any love, and the only thing she can see is money or money.

(End of this chapter)

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