Chapter 489

He moved his arm with difficulty, but found that his hand was tightly clenched.

Su Yanjue lowered his head, just in time to see the top of Ran Yun's head.He raised his other hand and stroked the top of her head.

Once, twice, until the third time, Ran Yunyun finally moved his head and woke up.

"Well, you're awake?" Ran Yun raised his eyes, and saw Su Yanjue was looking at him with wide eyes, his originally dazed thoughts instantly came to his senses.She got up and leaned towards his forehead, "I don't have a fever, but fortunately I don't have a fever."

Before the doctor left, he told her that she must call Su Yanjue if he had a fever when he woke up.

Now Su Yanjue's forehead is cold, Ran Yun finally let go of his hanging heart.

"Thank goodness, you're fine." Ran Yun straightened up and let out a long sigh in relief.

Su Yanjue didn't speak the whole time, but stared at him with clearer eyes.When she stood up and sighed, Su Yanjue pulled her into his arms with all his strength.

Ran Yunyun was suddenly pulled by him, and he lost his balance and fell on his chest.

With a heavy blow, while Ran Yun exclaimed, Su Yanjue also let out a muffled snort.

"How are you? Is it the pressure on you?" Ran Yun couldn't care about himself, and quickly raised his head to check Su Yanjue.

The man smiled faintly, reached out and patted her on the head, "I'm fine, I just want to hug you."

Ran Yun was stunned for a moment, then his face changed.

She stood up in embarrassment, her eyes began to dim.He was full of concern for Su Yanjue, but at this moment his feelings changed because of his words.Some are ambiguous, and some are difficult to control.

"Rest when you're done, I'll go out first." Ran Yun pointed to the door, turned around and was about to leave.

But Su Yanjue hoped so much that he could be with her, how could he see her leave after he woke up.

The man got up quickly, but his body was too weak to make him sit up.

"Where are you going?"

With a dazed expression, Ran Yunyun looked outside the door, and said with a lot of thoughts: "I'll go, go to the guest room to sleep, I have to go to work tomorrow."

Su Yanjue's mind was spinning fast, and his arms went limp and he immediately fell on the bed, "I'm dizzy, dizzy."

Ran Yun frowned, and hurried back, "What's the matter, why are you dizzy again?" She stretched out her hand to Su Yanjue's forehead, "You don't have a fever, why are you dizzy?"

When Su Yanjue saw her come back, his worry lessened a little.

"I'm afraid I'll feel uncomfortable later. If something happens to me after you leave, won't there be no one to help me?"

Ran Yunyun's eyes were full of worry, and after thinking about it, he felt that the same thing happened.

She sighed, and sat obediently on the edge of the bed, "Then you rest, I'll stay here for you."

But Su Yanjue didn't seem to like this statement very much. He reached out and patted the empty space beside him, "Are you going to stay overnight? How do you go to work tomorrow."

Ran Yun understood what he meant, but she had no intention of going up to sleep with him.

"I will affect you, you rest and leave me alone."

After hearing this, Su Yanjue's expression darkened immediately, and he was about to get up. "Okay, if you don't lie down, I won't sleep today. Let's just stare at each other and see who can last till dawn."

Ran Yunyun didn't expect that Su Yanjue would be such a rascal one day, so he had no choice but to go around to the other side of the bed and lie down on it.

(End of this chapter)

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