Chapter 1472
The smile on Ran Yun's lips became even wider. She reached out to hook Su Yanjue's little finger, and chuckled softly, "The answer is correct, let's go to work."

Su Yanjue had no choice but to bow his head and kiss her on the forehead with a smile on his brows, "Go to sleep, and come to the study to find me when you wake up."


In the study, Aunt Tong was sitting opposite Su Yanjue, her face was full of exhaustion.

"Thank you, Aunt Tong. After my grandfather's accident, I wanted you to rest for a few days." Su Yanjue poured a cup of coffee and put it in front of Aunt Tong.

Aunt Tong picked up the coffee cup and took a sip.

"It's a good thing to be pregnant in the cloud. It's okay if I'm tired, but your grandpa..."

Su Yanjue sat on his seat, carrying the tabletop with one hand, and lightly knocked on the tabletop with his knuckles, "I went to see my grandpa today, and told him everything about the company and family."

Aunt Tong's eyes widened immediately, a little excited, "Tell him everything? Why did you tell him everything? How is his body now? Can he accept these things?"

Su Yanjue pursed his lips and shook his head hesitantly.

"He was taken to the hospital, and he was said to be in a coma caused by stimulation."

"Yanjue..." Aunt Tong hated iron for being weak. On the one hand, she was in awe of Su Jingtao after witnessing the rise and fall of the Su family for so many years, but on the other hand, she was also worried that Su Yanjue would stimulate Su Jingtao. In the future, he would be even more disapproving of Ran Yun's entry.

"I know what Aunt Tong is worried about. Don't worry, my grandpa has been cornered."

Aunt Tong doesn't understand the company's affairs, but after hearing this, she still has doubts in her heart.

"My grandfather cared more about the company than me all his life. The reason why he valued me so much was because he wanted me to protect the Su family and the Dibei Group for him. The shadow of my parents' affairs back then Too big, I can understand. But if he imposes his own shadow, his own burden on me, it will not be fun."

"I know." Aunt Tong sighed, "I've seen your grandfather for so many years, indeed, as you said, he takes the company too seriously, even if he has retired, but in reality I still can't rest assured."

The corner of Su Yanjue's mouth smiled lightly, "It's fine before, but I'm already with Yun Yun, and he still wants to push Qin Meidi to me. Maybe it's because he likes the power of the Qin family and wants to use my Marriage in exchange for the stability of the Dibei Group. But I just can't let him do what he wants, so I can only make a bad move, secretly transfer the company's property, and set up a new company."

Aunt Tong nodded, "If you say that your child is indeed courageous, you dare to do such a thing."

"For the sake of the cloud, I have nothing to dare, let alone now I have a child."

Hearing this, Aunt Tong seemed to think of something, "Don't you think that Yun Yun's temperament changed a lot after she became pregnant? I remember that when she lived in Su's villa, she was not like this. She was like a child."

While speaking, Aunt Tong actually laughed out loud.

Su Yanjue also had a helpless expression, "Maybe it's because of my child, I really don't know what she will be like after becoming a mother."

The two were chatting and laughing, but Su Yanjue raised his voice and said: "By the way, Aunt Tong, I'm planning to move."

(End of this chapter)

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