Chapter 477 Brother Bamboo Horse Is A Little Cute (14)

Don't get along for long.

However, he also knew something.

Probably because she was not doing well in her relatives' house.

The habit she developed made her not like to waste.

I was just trying it out casually, and stuffed her with a glass of water.

did not expect……

Just like a kitten being pinched by the back of the neck.

In other words, even if she is a ferocious beast, this has become her key point.

Instinctively protect the few remaining resources, so that I dare not struggle...

It seems that life in a relative's house is a bit bitter.

Just be nice to her.

of course……

Yu Bai looked at the direction she was leaving, and the corners of his lips curved slightly without even noticing it.

The medicine still cannot be stopped.



For Liming, it was simply a nightmare.

The food is not good.

Because, what awaited her after meals were bitter pills.

After finally finishing the medicine, her cold was completely cured.

Back then, the lawyer who only met once.

It seems that after dealing with the affairs in the past few days, he is finally officially preparing to meet Li Ming.

living room.

Yu Bai has already entered the room, the door is closed, and he doesn't intend to meet the guests.

On the opposite side of Liming, the lawyer handed over the documents and said:

"Last time I asked Yu Bai to convey the general idea, but this time I want to discuss it with you in detail."

"First of all, let me introduce myself. My surname is Yu. I'm like your parents..."

Lawyer Yu can be regarded as Yu Bai's elder, so Yu Bai's parents don't care about Yu Bai and entrust everything to him.

Lawyer Yu and the original owner, that is, Gu Xiaoming's parents, can be regarded as close friends.

Therefore, also entrust the child to him...

Liming's eyes were slightly subtle for a while.

This lawyer is quite difficult, so he is not a law firm, but a professional nursery school?

Lawyer Yu did not receive Liming's gaze, and continued:
"These are the legacy left to you by your parents, you can take a look."

Dawn glanced at the file.

She didn't move, and didn't intend to turn over, because there was no need for it.


Lawyer Yu nodded, understanding what she meant.

"I also know that you may not understand what's inside."

"In other words, the property left by your parents is enough for you to live comfortably in the rest of your life."

"Their hope is that you can grow up healthy, get into an ideal university, and build a happy family..."

"Oh." Li Ming propped his chin, finally managed to answer, and said lazily: "Families with left-behind children?"

Lawyer Yu: "..."

He coughed.

As a high-end lawyer, he will at least maintain a little adult's false politeness at the level he comes into contact with.

The only child he comes into contact with is Yu Bai.

On the surface, he is very worry-free and absolutely independent, but in fact he is quite abnormal and often gives him headaches.

Now, there is one more child to take care of.

On the surface, he looks obedient and clever, but in the rebellious period, he doesn't say anything, and he speaks quite directly.

Lawyer Yu feels that he has a long way to go.

"I won't mention this for now, let's talk about your current grades first..."

"I've found some friends and plan to arrange you into an international high school."

"Is Yu Bai here?"

"Yes." Lawyer Yu said, "You two also take care of each other."

simply put.

The biological parents have let go of it, and Lawyer Yu himself is busy with work.

In fact, I can't control that much.

We can only rely on the two of them to depend on each other.

(End of this chapter)

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