Chapter 410 Dragon Girl vs. Bastard Fan 1
Chapter 410 Dragon Girl vs Bastard Fan

Cherry woke up and felt a little coolness around her. She got up, and the original owner fell asleep on the balcony after being drunk.

It's already autumn, so it's naturally a little cold.

The phone lights up frequently, and Cherry picks it up, watching the messages from the strange number keep flashing.

Baby, don't sleep on the balcony, come inside quickly.

Baby, the weather forecast says it will rain in the middle of the night, so hurry up and go back to sleep.

Baby, your cheeks are so red when you're drunk, so beautiful, I really want to be by your side right away, but obediently, I will always be by your side, obediently go back to the house and go to sleep.

There were dozens of messages from the same person.

The latter ones are even more explicit.

Cherry took the mobile phone into the house, threw the mobile phone aside and ignored it.

The phone is still flashing, obviously new information has come in.

Cherry didn't care, and after pulling all the curtains tightly, she went to the bathroom and put hot water in the bathtub to take a bath. The warm hot water made her feel soothed, and the coolness on her body disappeared.

After taking a hot bath, she put on a bathrobe and went back to the bedroom. After slowly drying her hair, Cherry took her mobile phone and lay down on the bed.

The phone is not dimmed.

Cherry clicked on the message, and it was still from the same number.

Baby, please don't draw the curtain, please, let me see you, let me see you.

Baby, what are you doing? Did you take a shower? I saw the bathroom light was on. You must smell good after taking a shower.

Baby, I miss you so much, I can even imagine what you look like at this moment.

Cherry flipped through the phone's address book, logged in to Weibo and looked at it before putting down the phone and going to sleep.

It's night now, of course you have to have a good rest in order to have the energy to work.

Director Yuan Meng is a movie star.

Known as the desperate Sanniang in the circle, this is a filming madman, because of her hard work and superb acting skills, she quickly gained a firm foothold in the circle.

Ren Meng was forced to commit suicide by a man.

The man's name is Sun Yaohui.Because a character likes Ren Meng in Ren Meng's play, he became Ren Meng's number one fan.

Sun Yaohui's family is rich and not short of money, so he began to pursue Ren Meng.

Sun Yaohui's growth is not bad, he has the feeling of a mature and stable tree.

Caring and caring everywhere, Ren Meng decided to try dating him.

But not long after the relationship, Ren Meng discovered that Sun Yaohui was not suitable for her, and Sun Yaohui asked her to take a break from acting, and Ren Meng was not allowed to wear skirts.

Started to send some explicit messages to Ren Meng.

Ren Meng broke up with him, Sun Yaohui just smiled and said: "I have been your number one fan all my life, and you belong to me, I will not force you."

Ren Meng ran away, and Sun Yaohui was simply a sick person, and started to follow and secretly take pictures.

No matter which hotel Ren Meng stayed in while filming, he would always find a suitable place to take pictures.

Send a message to Ren Meng, the dress you are wearing today is too revealing, please lift it up.

Ren Meng is like a frightened bird, Sun Yaohui will send photos to Ren Meng, saying that you look so beautiful when you are frightened.

Sun Yaohui is everywhere, and Ren Meng feels very broken.

Ask the broker for help, and the broker has no good way.

Call the police?The police had no choice but to say that Sun Yaohui was only pursuing you.

Ren Meng was getting more and more stressed, she called Sun Yaohui and begged him not to behave like this.

The two met and were quickly posted on the Internet. The misplaced photos are easily misunderstood. Sun Yaohui did not kiss Ren Meng, but the misplaced angle of the photos looks like Ren Meng was kissed.

The photo was fermented on the Internet, Ren Meng denied it, and was scolded bloody.

Later, Sun Yaohui's identity was picked up. Sun Yaohui, the president of the Sun Group, Fu Shao, he and Ren Meng had meals, dates and other information were frequently searched.

If Ren Meng didn't admit it, she couldn't argue with it.

If you don't admit it, what's going on with these photos? Who forced you to eat?
Ren Meng's spirit is unbearable, and his condition is getting worse and worse.

Sun Yaohui keeps sending messages every day, baby, Baoer, the name of the baby, put it in my arms, my canary.

The more Ren Meng denies it, the more scolding on the Internet.

Ren Meng exposed that Sun Yaohui was an illegitimate fan and pestered her.

The online trolls ridiculed, people are so rich, what do you think you are.

Sun Yaohui admitted that he pursued Ren Meng, and Ren Meng's fan group also stood up and said that Sun Yaohui had been a fan of Ren Meng for many years, and it was true love.

Why Ren Meng didn't accept it, probably because of it.

Ren Meng's reputation declined, and he couldn't get plays. Because the influence was too great, the company began to hide Ren Meng.

Sun Yaohui still took pictures in various ways.

No matter where Ren Meng went or where she lived, there would always be photos sent over. In the photos, she was in such a state of distress that Ren Meng dared not open the windows or open the curtains.

No one believed her, even the company was trying to persuade her to be with Sun Yaohui.

Ren Meng was unwilling, and could only be hidden by the infinite snow.

The mental pressure was too great and he couldn't find a way to get rid of Sun Yaohui. Ren Meng swallowed a large amount of sleeping pills and committed suicide.

The moment she saw the cherry, Ren Meng was still a little shocked: "Are there really dragons in this world?"

Cherry smiled: "Of course, I am."

The beautiful and proud Dragon Lady.

"I want to use your body, and in return, I will promise you an afterlife."

Cherry thinks that Ren Meng is really good-looking and beautiful, and she likes using this body very much.

Ren Meng looked at Cherry and smiled wryly: "I don't want an afterlife, I just want to not have any contact with Sun Yaohui in this life, I hate him."

"But you are dead."

Ren Meng's life is over, Ren Meng will no longer be Ren Meng after the cherry comes.

Ren Meng smiled: "It's okay."

Cherry sent Ren Meng reincarnation, but still gave her the blessing of dragon's breath.

As for Sun Yaohui, she will solve it without Ren Meng saying.

Because such a sick person candidly take pictures every day, no matter what the excuse is, it is very disgusting.

And Sun Yaohui's family background is not bad, so he has this capital.

Maybe Sun Yaohui didn't like Ren Meng either.

Probably because he likes to take pictures and send them to Ren Meng, imagining how Ren Meng will collapse, which will make Sun Yaohui feel very happy.

If it was really for the sake of his body, Sun Yaohui would have succeeded long ago.

But Sun Yaohui is, I don't coerce you, I want you to volunteer.

Ren Meng was disgusted to death by Sun Yaohui, how could he voluntarily.

Everyone has a bottom line in their hearts, and this bottom line cannot be touched. If Sun Yaohui uses force or something, Ren Meng may go all out and call the police. It is impossible for her to volunteer.

Cherry slept until six o'clock in the morning and began to practice the "Five Elements Cultivation Technique". With this technique, she could not consume her own strength.

The phone keeps getting messages, and Cherry doesn't even look at it. There is no good way to deal with this kind of person, and Cherry can't think of any good way that can be more effective than beating him to death!

Reasonable and legal?Forget it, he just likes you, he didn't break the law, and he didn't do anything dangerous to you. At most, he went crazy when chasing you.

(End of this chapter)

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