Chapter 315 Dragon Girl vs Secretly Growing Up 4
Chapter 315

Mother Zhang was a little worried.

When my husband doesn't drink, he's still pretty good, and he will help her with some things to some extent.

Even if she didn't do anything, seeing him well at home, Zhang's mother was very happy.

She married such a man, what can she do.

Zhang's father is her God, she can only accept what it looks like, Zhang's mother got out of bed, put on her shoes, and went out lightly, Zhang's father never spent the night outside, and he hasn't come back so late, could it be problem occurs.

Mother Zhang thought about it, and hurriedly took a flashlight to look for it.

When she looked at Father Zhang who fell asleep on the side of the road, her heart almost jumped out. She rushed over and put her hand under Father Zhang's nose. She was relieved when she felt that she was still breathing.

Zhang's mother didn't dare to wake up Zhang's father. Zhang's father had a bad temper and woke him up. Maybe he would call and say that she woke up his dream.

Zhang's mother worked all year round, and she had the strength to pull Zhang's father to carry it on his back, and then went home.

After putting Father Zhang on the bed in another room, Mother Zhang let out a sigh of relief, wiped off her sweat, and went back to lie down and rest for a while.

At five o'clock, the alarm clock rang, and Zhang's mother got up.

Zhang Xuemei rubbed her eyes in a daze: "Mom, is it dawn?"

Zhang's mother smiled: "Not yet, you go to sleep again, and you get up to go to school after seven o'clock. Your father fell asleep in the next room. When you get up, just pour a glass of water and put it in the cabinet next to his bed. Now, mom has gone to the field, and after some work in the field, I will go to the restaurant to do some work, and I will leave you thirty cents to buy a big steamed bun for breakfast."

Zhang Xuemei closed her eyes and replied in a daze: "Good mother."

Zhang's mother somehow remembered that dream again.

She looked at Zhang Xuemei sleeping, her heart ached, and she stroked Zhang Xuemei's hair to comfort herself, the dreams were all reversed.

It must be the opposite, and it will definitely not happen. Maybe Zhang's father will be enlightened. From then on, he will be a good husband, love him, and be a good father, and raise his daughter with her to grow up.

Thinking of this, Mother Zhang had a yearning smile on her lips, and she went out.

For so many years, I have gotten used to getting up early at this time to work in the fields, and then to the restaurants in the town.

Zhang Xuemei woke up at around [-]:[-] a.m., woke up naturally by the physiological alarm clock, got up, brushed her teeth and washed her face, then poured a glass of water with the quilt and put it on the bedside table in Zhang's father's room.

Zhang Xuemei was afraid of Zhang's father. In his memory, this father was always very irritable, cursing and attacking at every turn. Zhang Xuemei could only stay away from him, so he put down the water and ran out immediately.

Only when walking outside and going to school, is the happiest and happiest in my heart.

Zhang Xuemei would look outside the classroom from time to time. Only she knew what she was looking for. When she couldn't find it, she felt a little disappointed.

Thinking of what Cherry said again, Zhang Xuemei became happy again.

Zhang's father was ill, and he felt weak all over, and his brain hurt like hell.

There was no one in the family, and Zhang's father didn't know how he got through this day. At night, Zhang's mother came back, made a meal, and asked Zhang's father to eat, only to find that Zhang's father was ill.

"You bastard, I'm going to die, why don't you send me to the hospital soon." Zhang's father raised his hand, subconsciously wanting to hit Zhang's mother.

But as soon as he started, he felt the pain in his head, and immediately wailed: "Oh, my mother, it hurts to death."

Zhang's mother almost subconsciously shrunk her neck and closed her eyes, but the expected pain disappeared, and instead Zhang's father cried out in pain.

Zhang's mother let out a breath, seeing Zhang's father in pain, and finally went out to call someone worried.

Zhang Xuemei was a little worried: "Mom, what's wrong?"

"Xuemei, your father is sick. You can eat and sleep by yourself first. I will ask a few people to take your father to the hospital with me." Mother Zhang explained to Zhang Xuemei and went out.

He quickly called several men from the same village, made a stretcher out of a ladder, and carried Zhang's father away.

Zhang's father kept yelling: "Oh, I'm dying, I'm dying...".

Zhang's mother grabbed Zhang's father's hand in shock and cried: "No, no, you will be fine, Lao Zhang, you will be fine."

Mother Zhang cried and wiped her tears. Men are women's sky. If the sky collapses, how should they live?

Zhang's father was famous for beating women, but Zhang's mother was so single-minded, it was embarrassing to watch.

Sometimes Zhang's mother was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and she looked very pitiful.

But who can say these things clearly, outsiders can't say what you love and what you want between husband and wife.

After finally going to the hospital, there was nothing wrong with the examination, so I said that Zhang's father was drinking too much.

He was hospitalized for injection and infusion.

After the pain stopped, Father Zhang fell into a deep sleep.

Zhang's father was hospitalized, and the family was quiet. After school, Zhang Xuemei went to the hospital to take over Zhang's mother to take care of Zhang's father, and Zhang's mother went back to cook.

Zhang Xuemei peeled the apple and gave it to Father Zhang, lowering her head: "Dad, let's eat."

Zhang's father took a look at Zhang Xuemei, took it and started to eat, thinking to himself, this dead woman always said that the family has no money and no money, and now he has money when he gets sick, it seems that he is not cruel enough!

Father Zhang looked a little annoyed at how Zhang Xuemei was afraid of him: "What are you afraid of, I'm your old man, can I still eat you?"

Of course Zhang Xuemei was scared, afraid of being beaten, so she was a little bit wronged: "Dad, you should take a good rest after eating, and get well soon."

In fact, in her heart, she hoped that Father Zhang would always be like this.

A sick father can no longer beat his mother and has no strength.

I won't drink anymore.

"Well, how many points did you get in the test?" Father Zhang looked at Zhang Xuemei and asked lightly.

This daughter will be raised by someone else, so what's the use of reading so many books, but that damn woman insists on letting her read, and she paid the tuition secretly, so if she doesn't read, it will be for nothing.

"One hundred and four in Chinese, more than 130 in mathematics..." Zhang Xuemei didn't want to be alone with Zhang's father at all. She just hoped that Zhang's mother would come soon so that she could go home.

Zhang's father curled his lips: "Your grades are terrible. If you don't get a perfect score next time, I will break your leg!"

Zhang Xuemei was very sad, her grades were not bad at all, just like Zhang's mother said, this is her father after all, being so disgusted, she felt very uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

Fortunately, at this time, Zhang's mother came with a lunch box.

His head was full of sweat, but he still opened the lunch box first and gave the food to Father Zhang.

Zhang's father enjoys being served with peace of mind. Seeing Zhang's mother's cold eyes, Zhang's mother can't help shaking her body when she meets Zhang's father's eyes.

"Xuemei, you go back to sleep, your father is here with me to watch over." Mother Zhang said with a smile to Zhang Xuemei.

(End of this chapter)

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