Chapter 565
Ye Tian next to him naturally noticed the other party's movements, and he looked like he couldn't stand still, which made people a little worried.

Of course, in addition to worry, there is more discomfort.

This person, the clothes on his body are all crooked, didn't he notice it?

Because there is an air conditioner here, Xu Chu took off her coat, and there was only a small suspender dress inside.

Now, I don't know what happened, the suspenders look baggy like they're about to fall off.

Ye Tian pursed her mouth and looked at Qi Ye. Although she didn't speak, there was something clearly speaking in her eyes, it all depends on your performance.

Qi Ye naturally sensed the look in her eyes, so he could only smile helplessly and dotingly.

He doesn't know this person at all. Every year, there are countless people in the entertainment industry. After meeting him, at least half of them will tell him that they like his works very much.The other half will say exactly which of his works they like.

It is not enough to say these things, some people will say, your acting skills are really good, how is this work, and so on.

This is understandable, or this is the reality in this circle.

Qi Ye is very popular now, and every year's dramas and movies sell very well. It can be said that he is responsible for the box office and ratings. With him, there is no need to worry about hitting the street.

If they could cooperate with Qi Ye, they wouldn't have to worry about whether the show would be popular.

Because it will definitely catch fire!
During the filming of TV dramas or movies, there are really many people who want to get together with Qi Ye with all kinds of thoughts.

However, no one has succeeded in all these years.

But, do moths fly to the flame? Some people always feel that others can’t succeed. It must be someone else’s problem. I can definitely succeed.

"Xu Chu, you drank too much!" Qi Ye didn't drink the glass of wine, but said very calmly.

Following Qi Ye's words, Yan Yan did what he originally said to laugh at Yan Yan, and fell silent for an instant.

"Director, she drank a little too much. She shouldn't be very good at drinking. Why don't you make arrangements to send her back?" It's still early in the day, and the director chose to come here at noon, just to avoid any trouble.

After all, if men and women come in and out together at night, the media will have something to say no matter what.

It's different during the day.

"That's right, Xiaotian, why don't you send her to the hotel to rest, and buy some medicine to sober up!" The director called a small stage manager next to him and made arrangements.

Standing in front of Qi Ye, Xu Chu was still on the verge of falling as if he hadn't heard it.

When Xiaotian was about to approach her, she staggered under her feet, thinking about falling forward.

Ye Tian shrank back a little, and Qi Ye was startled when she saw it, so she stood up immediately and put her hands on Xu Chu's shoulders.

"I can't stand still. I don't want to drink alcohol at the crew's dinner in the future. Otherwise, it will affect the state of filming later." If it wasn't because the person Xu Chu was facing was Ye Tian, ​​Qi Ye promised to remain motionless.

Such a big man, what should he do if he falls and smashes his baby?
After straightening the person upright, Qi Ye immediately let go of his hand, and Ye Tian patted his chest. Fortunately, the big man didn't fall off.

Otherwise, both of them may have to die today.

But Teacher Qi's reaction was too big, right?

(End of this chapter)

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