Chapter 433 How to choose

Shi Fei and his assistant watched Ye Tian's chat for a long time, and the more they looked at it, they were in a bad mood to make an appointment.

In addition to various fan works, there are more people who have set a flag to study hard and strive for good grades in the exam?
Is this what a star chaser should look like?
Do you only study in your head every day?


"Where are other people's! It can't just be on our side!" Shi Fei said, the assistant didn't say anything else, and went directly to search in other people's super chat.

At this time, Shi Fei's manager called Shi Fei: "Shi Fei, what is going on with that incident on the Internet? Hurry up and send a message to tell fans not to do that!"

Now, hot searches like Shi Fei's fans have been posted, and many people are waiting for Shi Fei's side to happen.

After all, things like eating the overlord's meal are too bad, so bad that everyone feels that those people should apologize, and there must be an explanation on Shi Fei's side.

"Isn't it like this in the circle? When there are albums and concerts, don't the fans in Chaohua clamor for everyone to buy tickets." This is indeed the case now, basically every company has such call.

But, if you buy it, you can buy it, and you are not allowed to eat the overlord's meal!

"The most important thing is that those few people spent all their money, and I learned from the police that they also borrowed loans online." The economic man did not expect such a person to exist.

No matter in life or in school, I don’t know how many times it has been publicized that borrowing money is absolutely not allowed, but I didn’t expect those few people to actually borrow money, and the amount of money they borrowed was not small.

Even so, they did not reduce their daily expenses, and pretended to be rich in front of everyone.

"How do I send a message?"

"Let all fans develop a correct view of consumption, and fans are not allowed to over-consume. If a few fans owe money to other hot pot restaurants, you are responsible for paying the money to the hot pot restaurant. I hope everyone forgives and will do better in the future." The agent said This plan is well thought out.

Now everyone is staring at Shi Fei's fans or everyone is staring at the entertainment industry. Shi Fei stands up at this time and shows her responsibility as an idol, which can actually increase her fans.

After all, Shi Fei did not instruct those people to do this matter. She didn't know about her illness at first, but now that she knows, she is willing to pay for the wrong things done by fans, which is already very good.

However, Shi Fei didn't think so.

She thought, why should she do such a thing?
"Why should I apologize? Did I do something wrong?" She felt that the agent had a bad opinion of her.

"This is not an apology. You have to think about it. It has become a hot topic in the society, and it has become a hot topic in society. Now you stand up and express your attitude, saying that you don't know about it and are willing to pay for it. Such an operation, you How many fans can you gain?"

Shi Fei calmed down all of a sudden, and she quickly thought about the pros and cons.

"But in this case, I will also lose fans. I said that what they did was wrong, and they will leave." These die-hard fans of Shi Fei were all abused again and again.

The reason why these fans can be abused is because Shi Fei has always emphasized that I am with you and she only has us.

But at this time, if Shi Fei said that you can't do this and that what you did was wrong, then those fans will definitely feel that their heart is being used on the dog.

This is a dilemma, how to choose?
(End of this chapter)

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