Chapter 370 You want to get rid of me, you think beautifully

He was both happy and sad that Ji Cheng trusted him so much.

Happily, Ji Cheng never thought of driving him away.

The sad thing is that with Ji Cheng's attitude, he knows in his heart that Ji Cheng just treats him as a friend.

"I want to go to work."

"Go to work? What class do you go to?"

Ji Cheng looked at Yu Hua with some puzzlement.

Yu Hua smiled: "I am a surgeon, and my father has not allowed me to use Chinese medicine to save people, so from now on I can only use my hands and a scalpel to practice medicine."

After hearing this, Ji Cheng raised his eyebrows.

It turned out that Yu Hua was able to become a master surgeon in her previous life, and she was also related to her family.

She just said, since Yu Hua's family practiced medicine, he was from a family of traditional Chinese medicine.

Why can't Chinese medicine be used, but in the end, the surgery industry has flourished.

"Oh, where are you going?"

"No.1 civilian hospital, the job was actually found a long time ago.

It's just that I haven't talked to my family all the time. "

Ji Cheng nodded, since she has a job, she is naturally happy.

"Congratulations, when are you going to work?"

"April [-]st."

Ji Cheng nodded, and it's not a few days until April [-]st.

Yu Hua looked at Ji Cheng, he wants to become stronger, his heart, he will always hide it in his heart.

Maybe one day in the future, he can protect her too.

"Okay, you study, I'm going to rest."

Ji Cheng nodded.

Yu Hua stood up and took a look at Ji Cheng, which was very complicated.

Ji Cheng was a little puzzled.

But Ji Cheng didn't think about the emotional level.

After Yu Hua left, she continued to study.

And Meng Han returned home with injuries all over his body. Although the injuries on his face were slightly lighter, he could still see it.

Qiu Yun almost didn't die of fright.

"Xiao Han, what's going on with you, who did you fight with?"

Although my son has always been a jerk, he has never lost in a fight.

Now he was beaten all over his body with injuries.

Meng Han sat on the chair and looked at Qiu Yun.

"Mom, don't be surprised, I'm fine."

"It's all hurt like this, and I said it's okay."

Meng Han was speechless.

"I'm really fine, Mom, you can buy me some reference books tomorrow, I want to study."

When Qiu Yun heard it, she was stunned, thinking she had heard it wrong.

"Xiao Han, what did you just say?"

Meng Han looked at Qiu Yun and was speechless.

"I said buy a reference book, I want to study."

Qiu Yun was sure that she heard correctly, and looked at Meng Han: "Son, are you okay, did you get a fever from a fight today, mom will find you a doctor?"

Meng Han: "."

Do not be so exaggerated.

"I'm serious, if I drop out of school, don't I just meet your wishes?"

Qiu Yun quickly shook her head: "No, no, Mom knows, and Mom will buy you a reference book tomorrow."

"Go out quickly, I'm fine, I'm going to read, don't disturb me."

Qiu Yun was kicked out of the room by Meng Han, she couldn't believe what she heard just now.

Her son said he wanted to study?
What kind of stimulation is this?

After Qiu Yun left, Meng Han really opened the textbook he brought back from school.

It's just that Ji Cheng's domineering look this afternoon is all in front of her eyes.

Smile coldly.

"Hmph, Ji Cheng, you want to get rid of me. You think beautifully. Not only do I make you unable to get rid of me now, but don't even think about getting rid of me in college."

(End of this chapter)

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