Chapter 248 Lu Haochen Must Be Me (5)

Fortunately, I bought rice noodles, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, but there were no vegetables
Ji Cheng was helpless, thought for a while, put down the things in his hands, and took a dollar from home.

I saw eggs selling at the entrance of the alley just now, but I don’t know if there are any.

The place where she lives happens to be in the middle of an alley, surrounded by courtyard houses.

So the doors of every house are closed.

Moreover, in the winter, it is either staying at home or going to work, so this alley is very clean.

When Ji Cheng walked to the entrance of the alley, he saw that the old man was still squatting there. In front of him were two cages, covered with straw and filled with eggs.

Seeing so many eggs, Ji Cheng thought for a while, he would live here for a long time, and the eggs could also be stored.

"Master, how do you sell the eggs?"

"Hey, eggs cost fifty cents a catty, how much do you want?"

Ji Cheng took a look and found that the eggs weighed about twenty catties.

"Master, I live in the alley. I bought all your eggs. Can you send them there for me, or I don't have anything to pack."

When the uncle heard that Ji Cheng wanted all the eggs, he became happy.

"Okay, no problem, little girl, can you finish eating so many eggs?"

These days, everyone eats very economically, but Ji Cheng doesn't.

Although my body is better now, I still need to make up for it.

Especially these eggs are native eggs.

Adequate nutrition.

"I can finish it. I have to eat an egg every day, and I add some stir-fried vegetables at ordinary times. It doesn't take long for me to finish it."

When the old man heard this, he quickly said yes, took up the burden, and followed Ji Cheng.

Seeing Ji Cheng open the door, there was no adult at home, and the uncle didn't ask or tell.

Don't look around.

He took the uncle to the kitchen and took out a basin.

The uncle first weighed the two cages with a scale, and then the two of them took out the eggs and put them in the enamel basin Ji Cheng bought.

The old man weighed the two cages again, and after removing the two catties, it turned out to be 22 catties.

"A total of 11 yuan."

"Okay, sir, wait a minute, I'll get you the money."

Ji Cheng ran to his room, took 11 yuan, and gave it to the uncle.

The uncle is about to leave with the money, Ji Cheng asks the uncle to wait for a while.

Because I have been tidying up just now, and hot water has been boiled for washing dishes, otherwise the water in this winter would freeze my hands numb.

Ji Cheng quickly took out a bowl from the side and poured a cup of hot water for the uncle.

"Master, drink a bowl of hot water before leaving, you are freezing outside.

Your body matters. "

Seeing Ji Cheng's enthusiasm, the uncle didn't shirk it.

Quickly thanked, took the water, blew it slowly, and drank it.

After sending off the uncle, Ji Cheng can finally cook.

There are no dishes, and Ji Cheng doesn't want to cook anything else. The simplest thing is pimple soup.

So Ji Cheng mixed the noodles, heated oil in the pot, and poured water directly into it. There was no way, this pimple soup would not taste good without oil.

So this method is the simplest, boil the water, pour the gnocchi into the pot while stirring.

Put salt, five-spice powder, and a little bit of monosodium glutamate.

At about the same time, two eggs were beaten, and frangipani flowers appeared in the pot.

Looks great with the white top.

Of course, some green onions would be nice, but there is nothing.

But when Ji Cheng ate it, the taste was still very good, mainly because of the food at this time, really.

Continue to clean up after eating.

(End of this chapter)

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