Chapter 764

The attacking drums were beating loudly, and the phalanx formed by countless Darui soldiers rushed towards Ugurlie and his barbarian soldiers at the same speed without any haste.

There are many flags and spears.

The barbarian's horn and trombone was sounded again, this time, the horn and trombone seemed a little hasty.

The originally sloppy barbarians clenched their sabers again, but there were enemies in all directions. At this moment, they didn't know which direction to charge.

As a result, some of the barbarians stayed where they were, while others patted the healthy horses in the direction they wanted to charge, and charged towards Dari's phalanx with loud noises.

With one blow, there was no chaos in the Darui phalanx.However, the impact force of the cavalry had been exhausted, and they managed to rush into the formation, only to be strangled. In desperation, the barbarians could only retreat.

Another blow, the Darui phalanx remained motionless, as stable as the wall of Jialan Pass.

After three blows, the Darui phalanx was still not defeated as the barbarians had imagined, and the barbarians, who claimed to be an invincible army, panicked.

Many barbarians ignored the horn's prompt and started to ignore it. They held up their sabers and wanted to break into the phalanx forcibly, but were strangled to death by the Swiss pawns who were several times or dozens of times larger than their own.

Of course, more people followed the instructions from the horned trombone and retreated to Ugurlie's side.

Nearly [-]% of the barbarians died in the three charges, and Ugurlie was so distressed that he throbbed.

When will those Han people who are like lambs be able to cause such great harm to the barbarian warriors without relying on a solid wall?

However, no matter how distressed he felt in his heart, Ugurlie didn't show any signs of it on his face. His expression remained the same as before, with both strong confidence in the barbarian warriors and contempt for the Han people.

Ugurlie knew that only if he remained like this, the barbarian warriors under his command would remain as brave and fearless as ever.

Of course, Ugurlie knew better that he had to organize all his forces to charge and break through from one direction. The Han people were getting closer and closer, and soon they would be surrounded like iron barrels.If that was the case, no matter how brave the barbarian warriors were, it would be difficult to escape the fate of being strangled.

Ugurlie was not afraid of death, and he believed that those barbarian warriors who were loyal to him were not afraid of death either.

However, if all the warriors are folded here, it will damage the foundation of the barbarians. For a long time, the barbarians will no longer be able to pull up a strong enough army.

It will even affect the old battalion.

There are not many combatants left in the old battalion. With him and his warriors, they have enough deterrent power to make other tribes on the grassland not dare to act rashly.

But if...

Wugulie didn't dare to think about it anymore, he slowly drew out his saber, pointed at Zhengbei and swung it fiercely.

The horn was sounded again.

The barbarian wolf cavalry led the way, the golden tent guards guarded the barbarian king and the barbarian king's banner in the center, and the rest of the barbarian iron cavalry were scattered on the left and right sides. All the barbarian soldiers rushed to the north like sharp arrows.


After a fierce fight, the barbarians still failed to break through to the north as they wished.

At this time, the number of barbarians around Wu Gulie was [-]% less.

Of course, the big Swiss pawns in the north also suffered a lot, but they quickly tightened their formation and regained their foothold.

After organizing a few more rushes, Ugurlie was disappointed.

On the verge of despair, suddenly a guard of the golden tent shouted excitedly: "My lord, the east side, the east side! It's a woman!"

Hearing the shout of the guard of the golden tent, Ugurlie's heart suddenly burst into anger.

woman?What time is this?Still thinking about women?

Is your mind filled with hay?

However, the next sentence of the guard of the golden tent made Wu Gulie's anger dissipate in an instant, and immediately after that, a burst of ecstasy rose.

"That's a phalanx made up of Han women!"

"Hahahahaha, is there no one in Darui? They actually let their women go into battle? What can women do?" Wu Gulie laughed wildly, and raised his saber and shouted loudly: "Warriors, follow me , kill all those women, break through the tortoise formation of the Darui people, let's charge from the outside, and avenge the warriors who have returned to the arms of the gods!"

"Kill those women!"


"Avenge our warriors!"

The barbarians clamored and ecstatically waved their sabers, urged their sitting horses, and charged towards the female soldiers of the Red Makeup Camp wearing red tassels and red cloaks.

"Sisters, those savages are rushing over, rush up, block them, and let them know how powerful our Red Makeup Camp is!"

Yang Le'er, who was dressed in red armor, was riding on the horse, with excited eagerness flashing on his face.

Eager to make contributions, she even forgot Pei Zimo's order, and also forgot that those barbarians were more ferocious than wild wolves, so she commanded the female soldiers of the Red Makeup Battalion like that, abandoned the original phalanx, and quickly walked towards Wu Gulie barbarians.


Da Rui's side ushered in the first failure in this siege.

Numerous female soldiers from the Red Makeup Battalion were picked up, chopped down, and torn to pieces by wolf riders.

Yang Le'er couldn't believe that the female soldiers of the Red Makeup Battalion she was so proud of were so... so... vulnerable.

After only one round, it was washed away.

One after another, the sisters died tragically under the sabers of the barbarians, and one after another the sisters were torn to pieces by the barbarian war wolves.

This is not the most serious thing, the most serious thing is that because of her rushing forward, it is very likely that the siege will fail.

In this way, she, Yang Le'er, is the sinner of Da Ruichao...

Yang Le'er's eyes were so red that they almost bleed!
A mouthful of silver teeth had already bitten his lip, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.


Yang Le'er yelled crazily, urging the mount to squeeze away the guards around her, and suddenly appeared the barbarian cavalry that was getting closer and closer to her.

She can't take it.

She couldn't stand those female soldiers who were like sisters dying tragically in front of her one by one, and she couldn't bear it even more, she was about to become the result of Darui's sinners.

It's better to die here!

"Princess, retreat!"

"Back off, princess!"


Seeing Yang Le'er's performance, the guards tried their best to stop her, even if Yang Le'er chopped her off with the gun in his hand, they didn't dare to let her go. They only begged, while wrapping her horse around, and retreated quickly.

In order to buy time for Yang Le'er, more female soldiers from the Red Makeup Battalion who had avoided the sharp edge of the barbarian wolves rushed over again, standing between the barbarian and Yang Le'er.

Yang Leer's eyes were red, she gritted her teeth and shouted at the guards around her: "No, I won't retreat, I want to die with my sisters!"

"Princess! If you don't retreat, not only the sisters will die here, but all our family members will die too, princess!"

(End of this chapter)

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