Chapter 367 Pork and Cabbage
Of course, this month's money doesn't sound like much, but the house is all in charge of food, housing, and clothing, so this month's money is considered a net loss, so it's not a lot.

Generally, the servants of big families have monthly money, like the Qingzhu family, in the eyes of outsiders, they are from small families.

Qingzhu also said that this month's money is tentative. In the future, depending on everyone's performance, if you perform well, there will be rewards, and the monthly money will even increase.Of course, if you don't do well, you can only deduct the monthly payment, or reduce the monthly payment, or even resell it.

After assigning everyone's tasks and talking about the monthly payment, Qingzhu asked the steward lent to her by Princess Anle to come out to meet with everyone, and said that these days, she should learn the rules and ways of doing things from the people in the princess's mansion. .He also said that only those who study well can stay in the mansion. If they do not study well, they will find Mrs. Liu and return it to her.Everyone naturally agreed
Then, it is to arrange the residence of each person.

Zhang Shun and Niu Dali lived together in the inverted room in the front yard.There are three inverted rooms in the front yard, Zhao Dashan and Liu Zhiqi brought back by Qingshan live in one, and there is only one left, but it is more than enough for Zhang Shun and Niu Dali.

Others can only live in the back room in the backyard.

There are five back rooms, and the easternmost one is made of green bamboo as the 'house' for the two ugly donkeys that have grown slick.

In fact, Qingzhu planned to keep Ugly Donkey in Hongzhuang Camp because he was comfortable in Hongzhuang Camp, but Ugly Donkey refused and wanted to come back with Qingzhu, so he had no choice but to bring him back.First it was raised in the stables of Princess Anle's mansion, and now it moved here with her.

In the rest, there are four back rooms.

Mrs. Chen and Li lived in one room with Chen Qiuju, Mrs. Sun and sister Yu lived in one room, and Wang Zhong and his old mother lived in one room each.

In fact, Qingzhu was a little embarrassed, because letting them live with the ugly donkey would be a bit tasteful, but Wang Zhong said that they are all servants, and it would be nice to have such a place to live.

As for Sister Yu, she patted her chest and promised that she would clean the house where the ugly donkey lived every day, and it would definitely not smell bad.

But that Chen Qiuju, with a bit of reluctance on her face, immediately lowered her eyebrows after being pulled by Chen Lishi.

And the servants lent by Princess Anle to Qingzhu temporarily lived in the West Wing.Let Tian Xiaohua, Xue Hongmei, and Niu Lian'er squeeze together and live in one room, and the other two rooms are for the servants of Princess Anle's residence, which is just right.

After arranging the accommodation, Qingzhu took the money and asked Wang Zhong to take Zhang Shun to buy two sets of clothes for all the servants including Wang Zhong's blind old lady.

Previously, Qingzhu and the others bought enough cotton quilts and the like, but the clothes had to be bought now because everyone was tall, short, fat and thin.

There were seven people in total, each with two clothes, and Qing Zhu gave Wang Zhong a total of 200 taels of silver, which surprised Wang Zhong because it was more expensive than buying people.

However, winter clothes are also expensive. Even the most common jacket, which has a quilted lining and sewn pieces of leather on the chest and back, costs several taels of silver.

Qingzhu waved his hand and said: "It's okay, you can do it yourself. Well, besides the coat, let's buy a padded jacket or a jacket for each person. If it is too thin, it is not worth the trouble. When you come back, just return the rest of the money to me." That's right. By the way, if you don't have time to go back home to eat, you can just eat something outside and deduct it from the money I gave you, and the same goes for other expenses."

Wang Zhong bowed his head and said, "Yes, miss."

Just before that, several of the servants changed their names and stopped calling them Doctor Xia, but Miss.

When Wang Zhong went out, he hired a small carriage. It wasn't that he didn't care about spending his own money, but that he didn't want to buy things in Dongshi.Because things in the East Market are generally more expensive than those in the West Market, and many poor people's things are only available in the West Market.

But it is quite far from Renhefang to Xishi Road, and it takes more than an hour to walk in a carriage. If you walk, you have to walk for two or three hours on either side. In addition, you have to buy things. I am afraid that after going there, the curfew will not be able to return. Come.

It's better to spend a few tens of pennies back and forth, go early and return early, at least it's cheaper than buying in Dongshi.

Now that the main family has taken in their mother and son, Wang Zhong will start planning for the main family from now on.

Here Wang Zhong went out, Qing Zhu and Princess Anle went back to the house.As for the other servants, let them simply tidy up their houses, and then follow the people in Anle County Lord's Mansion to do things and learn the rules.

The lunch at noon was made by Mrs. Li (Chen Li) and Mrs. Sun together. Mrs. Li was in charge of the cooking. Firstly, Mrs. Qingzhu and Mrs. Anle cooked four dishes and one soup.Apart from the lack of oil, the taste is not bad, even Princess Anle is not picky. As for the green bamboo, she is not too greasy, so she is quite satisfied.

Of course, this is also because they are not picky people.

After cooking the meals for Qingzhu and Princess Anle, Mrs. Li began to cook what people wanted to eat.

The rice is steamed with the rice from the main house, white rice.Mrs. Li thought that this was good enough, as long as the soup boiled in the morning, with two big stick bones and some radish cubes in it, add some salt, and after it is boiled again, it can be eaten with rice, even if it is not Soak in soup and eat white rice directly, and no one thinks it's bad.

But when Mrs. Li saw a few Chinese cabbage and a large piece of fat and thin pork that the person in the kitchen had put on the chopping board, she was a little dumbfounded.

The meat in Shangjing is not cheap, more than 50 yuan a catty.Originally in the winter, the cabbage and radish were more expensive, and this year, there was war and disaster, so it was even less, so that it was more expensive than meat.Many families who are able to get by can't buy anything with money, and ordinary people's families can only eat pickled vegetables in previous winters.

At first, Mrs. Li thought that stewed radish and white rice would be good, but she didn't expect there to be cabbage and meat.

"Sister-in-law Li, can you cook big pot dishes?" Seeing that Mrs. Li was a little taken aback, the person in the kitchen who had come over from Princess Anle asked.

"Yes, yes." Mrs. Li nodded again and again, and couldn't help but confirm: "This cabbage and this meat are all for us servants to eat?"

This is much richer than her original master's house...

"Yes." The man in the kitchen nodded and said, "The princess's mansion is not short of these things, our princess is not short of these things, and Doctor Xia is naturally not short of them. You have followed a good master."

"So that's how it is..." Li Shi was stunned.

"Let's cook first. If you don't come, everyone will wait hungry." The person in the kitchen looked at Li Shi and said again.

"Hey, yes, I'll do it right away." Mrs. Li agreed, cutting vegetables and meat quickly with her hands and feet, and then frying them in the pan.

When eating, the people from Princess Anle's mansion sat together, and the newly bought servants from Qingzhu sat together. Of course, the fried pork with cabbage was evenly divided, one person and half a spatula.Other soups and rice are enough.

Sister Yu hugged a bowl of white rice with a layer of cabbage fried meat on the bottom, like holding some baby, tears rolled in her eyes.

"Hey, Sister Yu, this is so good, why do you look like you are going to cry?" Chen Qiuju ate a piece of meat first, then looked at Sister Yu and asked.

Hearing Chen Qiuju's question, Sister Yu murmured, "I haven't eaten meat since I was a child, and I can only eat half a bowl of white rice on New Year's Day, and at most I can have vegetable soup with oily water..."

"Cut." Seeing herself saying this, Chen Qiuju pursed her lips in disdain.

Sister Yu didn't care about Chen Qiuju's attitude, she just took her job and started to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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