Chapter 584
The root of the jelly grass has sprouted small greens, but Ji Wushuang didn't tell Liu Binggan about this, because with Liu Binggan's eyes, he might not be able to see those small greens.

And she only saw the small shoots at the root of the fairy grass through the blessing of perspective, otherwise, she would not have thought of sending the fairy grass to Liu Binggan's Chinese herbal medicine field for cultivation and planting.

After telling Liu Binggan about the fairy grass, Ji Wushuang chatted with Liu Binggan for a few more words in Liu Binggan's villa. It was not until half an hour later that Ji Wushuang left here.

During this period, Liu Bingqian invited her to stay here for lunch, but Ji Wushuang finally refused.

At noon, Ji Wushuang ate something casually outside alone, and then returned to MS company, quietly waiting for Zongtie's news.

Knowing that the matter of finding her mother was not in a hurry, she simply did not focus on the matter of her mother's disappearance. Instead, she began to check the series of items required for the opening of MS Company tomorrow and whether all preparations were in place.

Ji Wushuang and Hou Yang were busy in the MS company, but in the Shaw Group not far from the MS company, an unprecedented huge meeting was being held.

In the office on the top floor of the Shaw Group.

Shao Dongyu sat on the top of the front, which belonged to the chairman.

This is a huge conference room about [-] square meters. Under the position where Shao Dongyu is sitting, there are countless work desks and chairs, and each work desk and chair is full of seats.

Shao Dongyu clasped his hands and placed it on the large luxurious table in front of him. In front of him, there was a small microphone. This microphone was only used for important meetings.

In this huge and empty office, if he said a word, the people behind might not be able to hear him, but with this microphone, his voice would be heard in the entire conference room.

"I believe everyone knows that our Shaw Group was invaded last night. The security system broke down here. It cannot be denied that this has a lot to do with everyone's security capabilities. Since our Shaw Group was established until now, it is the first Once encountered such a bad incident, after all, this time the security system was destroyed, and our Shaw Group also lost a lot of money."

Because it was the company's general meeting, Shao Dongyu did not disclose the amount of money lost within the company.

Only he knew in his heart that this time the security system was hacked, what Shaw Group lost was not only money, but also the contact information with customers and the information of partners, etc.

Those are all the documents that the Shaw Group has been protecting for many years since its establishment.

But overnight, because someone invaded such a thing, the company suffered heavy losses.

Just because of the destruction of the security system of the Shao Group, after Shao Dongyu left the hotel last night, he hasn't even gone back until now.

He thought that bringing Ji Xue to Haicheng City would bring him a happy scene, but he didn't expect that something happened to his Shaw Group first.

There was a problem with the security system of the Shao Group, and the loss caused by the Shao Group also diluted all the joy that Shao Dongyu had before.

At this moment, Shao Dongyu, who was sitting in the upper seat and presided over the meeting for everyone, was already frowning. From last night to now, he has never been really relaxed.

Although the plan to deal with Ji Wushuang was being implemented, something happened to the Shaw Group made him even more annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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