Chapter 250 So Simple
Xiao Lanyue looked at Ling Yehuang who was so confused, she just felt very cute for a while, and she was not so nervous, she was afraid that he would get angry.

"Of course there is a difference. Well, let's put it this way, if you like someone, you may like a certain advantage, a special aspect of him, and then develop a good impression. If you love someone, maybe on this basis, you will be more like each other".

In fact, she didn't understand either. She didn't love anyone else, but this was also her own understanding, and she just told Ling Yehuang.

Ling Yehuang seemed to understand a little bit, "If you like each other more, why is it love?" He didn't understand, what is the relationship between the two.

But it seems that she knows what Xiao Lanyue wants to express. When she likes someone, she likes a certain advantage, a certain aspect.

What he thought in his heart was that in terms of advantages, he didn't expect for the time being that this girl's strength is not as strong as his, and her appearance is evenly matched, so there is no comparison, but she does have this special side.

He fell in love with this girl?Thinking about it in her heart, Ling Yehuang's heart couldn't help jumping up, and her breath became softer, but Xiao Lanyue didn't notice it.

Xiao Lanyue frowned, "I think I'm willing to do everything for the other party, I just want him (her) to be safe, knowing that there is danger, I will still go to the other party, pay for the other party, and change some of my principles."

As she spoke, Xiao Lanyue's heart skipped a beat, why did this feeling seem to work on Ling Yehuang's body.

This man was so domineering and ruthless when we met for the first time, but after getting along with him, he was so angry that he wanted to strangle her to death many times, but he still didn't do so.

Ling Yehuang's eyes flickered, "Are you talking about me, do you like me, or do you love me too?".

Xiao Lanyue was so shocked that she almost vomited blood, and explained with a blushing face, "I'm just analyzing with you, don't get involved with me, I'm not the kind of person who will fall in love with someone after meeting a few times."

"Then I might like you, um, it's possible that I like you very much as you said, and I'm getting closer to love." Ling Yehuang was serious and innocent, but Xiao Lanyue didn't believe this sentence.

Xiao Lanyue endured her pounding heart, "It's not that simple, you, maybe you are curious about me, and you don't often meet women, so it is very likely that you have a good impression of me, that is, you like me, but this is not like".

"How do you know that I don't like to meet women? When did you know me so clearly?" Narrowing his eyes, Ling Yehuang's smiling eyes swept Xiao Lanyue's face lightly.

When he thought that this woman cared about him, he felt comfortable all over. It was a wonderful feeling.

"Didn't I guess it? Forget it. It's hard for you to understand. In fact, I don't know very well myself."

Immediately, black lines appeared on Ling Yehuang's face, "If you don't even know what to say to me, then I have the final say. Be my woman and go back with me."

Xiao Lanyue couldn't help but want to roll her eyes, again, didn't she say it for nothing.

"Ling Yehuang, love is for a lifetime. Like and love are different. Like can be used between friends and relatives, but love, pure love is the relationship between men and women, and there is no relationship between us."

Ling Yehuang frowned, with anger in her eyes, "Why not, don't you like me? You have no feelings for me."

Xiao Lanyue hesitated for a moment, "I can't talk about it, we are not familiar with it." Saying that she didn't like it, she seemed to feel a little bit, maybe it was because of Ling Yehuang's appearance that she couldn't bear to say no.

(End of this chapter)

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